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Everything posted by liquidhorses

  1. My favorite Warframe from the Weevil genus! My headcanon is that he would like cheese and chocolate swords.
  2. I won a Twitter giveaway about a week ago or more and haven't received the prize yet. I was supposed to receive the prize 3 days ago and tried reaching out to the creator but I haven't heard anything back yet. What are the recommended steps to take?
  3. Happy Tennobaum !!! 🎄 For my submission, I drew a card of my two favorite little helpers exchanging gifts (AKA the spearmint scythe and Festive Imperator Syandana they stole from their Tenno) Feat. Ordis our angel and Clem, as well as archon shard tree lights and little maggot ornaments :D Happy Tennobaum, everyone! Thanks, DE, for such a wonderful event!
  4. Happy T E N N O B A U M ~! I always love Tennobaum, it's been my favorite part of Warframe since forever! This year I just want actives on my friends list! :D Squad up with me sometime! PC - liquidhorses 🎄 @TTVBoj OMG!! thank you so much for the Dax Syandana, I love it so much! 🎄 @CrippledDoughnut Thank you so much for the Festive Floof Glyph!! I've made it my icon, it's adorable!
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