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Posts posted by Nalbina

  1. Tis the season everyone. Happy tennobaum!

    IGN: Nalbina

    Platform: PC


    On my wishlist:

    Weapon/Frame/Stasis Slots Thank you @Visidian for the frame slots!

    Kavat Genetic Codes

    Argyl Gene Masking Kit

    Drop/Affinity Boosters

    The Fetch Mod

    Mesa Presidio Skin

    Saryn Orphid Skin

    Any Orbiter Decor


    Thanks for any gifts! I'll mark them off and give credit to the tenno who gifted if any are received. Happy holidays, everyone ❤️

  2. I hadn't thought to screenshot the zones for metadata, sorry in advance for that.

    I've probably done roughly 15 runs to zone 8 of onslaught since the update which gave tiles a chance to have a status proc. Up until my mission just now, I had yet to see the cold/ice proc in any of my runs. I just completed a run, however, where 6 of the 8 maps were cold proc'd, something I figured was a bug and not RNG-hell. Of those 6 maps/tiles, 1 did not have an actual status effect on players - the ice was visible and the mesh was physical, but we did not receive any cold proc. This effected the entire squad.

    In addition to the ice-hell, the efficiency timer did not pause while the conduit was opening and was instead behaving as it had when the gamemode was first release, as just a constant drain of efficiency.

  3. EDIT// Solved

    I tend to be pretty decent at finding the little hidden nooks and crannies shoved into the void tile sets, but I, for the life of me, have no idea how to get this small area in particular. It's been bugging me for some time now. I'm finding storage crates on the upper floor of the circular room with a large tree/vine growing out of the center. If anyone has a link to a video or can just explain what in the hell I need to do to get to these, I'd appreciate it.

    Picture of tile || Area of tile with crates

  4. So, I see most people complaining about the UI here - 4k players aside. And like, the obvious reasons such as offscreen elements and tearing and legitimate visual issues, I really love the larger UI for accessibility reasons. From what I can tell, there really are no extra accessibility options for players that need them. I'm not even talking about "large" task accessibility, though it would be nice to see. There is no mode to counter for any type of colorblindness. There's no way to truly resize the UI, or to reorient any segments of it. There's no way to change to basic symbols - for instance, when the frame head icons replaced blue dots on the mini map, it got a lot more difficult for me to manage. There's no way to alter the way audio is being relayed through speakers unless you use your own external device. Subtitles are kind of all Warframe has going for it in terms of accessibility at the moment.

    That is all relevant to this. It's important to understand that while for some people, the UI looks "gross" or "annoying" or is, in general, not aesthetically pleasing (glitches/bugs aside), for some people it's a huge advantage that they never had before and greatly needed. Personally, I have a general sight impairment and I have a visual processing impairment; my eyes are kinda S#&$ty, and when I can read stuff, my brain sometimes has issues understanding and processing what I'm reading. Kind of like when you're "reading" a textbook but it goes in one ear and out the other. This larger UI has made it a lot easier for me to process more of what's going on at once, and it's pretty awesome, let me tell you.

    And this isn't something that should remain this way, not having an option to customize things to be more accessible. Like I said, I totally agree that the UI is waaay too big/glitchy for some people, but there should be a way to truly scale up your UI throughout your game! Don't bring up the GUI scale. Not the same thing, doesn't work the same way, otherwise I wouldn't be complaining about this, trust me. Accessibility is important, and for those of you with able bodies and minds, more relevant than you may think! 8% of males are colorblind, up to 7% of people have auditory processing disorders, 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired in some way - and those are just some auditory/visual examples, cognitive and motor disabilities also need ways to be countered.

    So. Fix what needs fixing with this new UI, but let players have the option to have things stay like this. Implementing new ideas and concepts is one way to take care of a community, but this community is in dire need of some support for its disabled players. Everyone deserves to have the same quality of gameplay.

    TL;DR - Bugs are bad, glitches need to be fixed, but a large UI is super super helpful for people with disabilities and this UI should be worked out in a way that allow players who like it to keep it that way.

  5. Following the deployment of the 20.0.2 hotfix, I was finishing up round 4 of an Axi interception. When the hotfix went live, we were about 3/4th of the way through the round. While Red Text confirms in chat that the update went live, I - and the others in my squad - are stuck with the alert "Hotfix Deploying. Please stay in your mission." Didn't think much of it, until we finished our round and got to the relic selection screen.

    No choices are present. We'll receive a network not responding alert - though no loss in connection/communication will be present - for approx. 15 -30 seconds, after which the relic selection timer will count down. After reaching 0, the process repeats. Been sitting here for about 10 minutes now with no intent on disconnecting unless told to do so, as I don't want to forfeit my choice (meh) or the rest of the rewards earned during this.

    Screenshot visuals: [x] [x]

    Hey uhhhhhhh I'll get a - Relic machine broke.

    EDIT// As of 4:06pm (I don't know, it's been like 20minutes?) the cycle has been broken by giving us what our relic evidently contained and leaving us with the option to distract. Pretty sure this renders this post obsolete now but... I don't know, maybe it'll be helpful.


  6. 6 hours ago, Vol4ica_ said:

    I think so. Let's assume this is fully drawn with hands. Then author must be really good a drawing. But person good at drawing would never make an art  with two focal points. Look - kubrow' s head is big and has high sharpness. And its body and back legs are smaller and blurry. This means that head is very close and the other things are far. Oberon is standing close to back leg. Back leg is far. So Oberon is standing far. So he must be blurry but he has high sharpness too. A good drawing person making preparational sketch by himself would never make such mistake.
    If this is not enough for you - look at kubrow's back legs. Everything below their knees is "cut" by grass - I mean hidden. This means that grass is high. But if the grass was high then Oberon's legs would be hidden by grass too. They aren't. This happened because author couldn't take a screenshot with proper camera angle. Would never happen with pre-sketch too.

    And those leaves in front (left and right lower corners). They were blurred so sloppy that caught the grass behind..

    Also I recognise some filters. For example the one applied to the background looks very similar to "glass filter"

      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm not envious, this is only because you asked


    They included their process in their post. http://imgur.com/a/01aDT Pretty standard process of any artist. [Process was added in after your post]

    Obviously there's a lot of use of custom brushes and filters, but that doesn't make it what you say it is. All the things that you've called out regarding the artist is all just stylistic choice - it's not the artist making a mistake, it's them deciding what they wanted to convey and show in their piece.


    So.. yeah. Please don't pick apart artists. Just because you think you can deconstruct an image to disprove it doesn't mean that you can, and the way you went about doing it could be seen as extremely offensive to the artist.

  7. Oookay. List of issues made as I play through things.


    Star Chart:

    - Built for aesthetic value, not user friendliness

    - Lack of planet descriptions/quick overview. Useful for resource/extractors.

    - Lack of extractor friendliness (where extractors are deployed

    - Confusion over what missions are done and which aren't/where you're "supposed" to go

    - Extremely awkward neck motions from tenno layover

    - Planets "reworked" in terms of levels/missions to be more "accurate": results in a lot of scaling issues/screws over the dynamic of any player who went through more than 1 planet.

    - Backtracking through already completed areas is extremely tedious

    - Lack ability to choose between alert/fissure mission and regular mission


    Star Chart (Continued): You relied way too much on aesthetic value instead of actual user friendliness. It's not any easier to navigate, and in going for a layout that made more sense - where there was not a need for before, mind you - you've created an overdone, convoluted system. And, yes, it's something to get used to. I'm not saying "ah, it's new, it's bad". From a design (artistic) standpoint, it looks nice, though perhaps a bit overdone when semi-zoomed in, because this is totally more user-friendly, right? With the lack of tutorials, it's extremely hard to get used to, and extremely hard to understand. There was nothing confusing about the old system - tiers in planets was a much nicer way of doing things. It was easier visualize the difficulty of things and what was completed. On top of this, plant symbols (pertaining to alerts, extractors, and similar) have been lost. My main concern for this is with extractors, as you can no longer look at a planet and quickly see where your extractors are. It's much harder to get an overview of all planets at once, with that being said, with this new star chart. You've designed something more suited for a poster than for actual game functionality.


    Market: Not a bad overhaul of the market. The addition of explaining how blueprints for things can be acquired is nice, but actually finding where the blueprint tab is can be confusing for some, and will  be overlooked by many. For new players, you're just hiding the blueprints.


    Companions: Kavats seem tedious to obtain, though likely just as tedious as farming for a kubrow egg in its own way. I don't intend on getting one myself, as I have a kubrow that I'm caring for, but they do seem rather lovingly implemented. Let's see that love continue for both kubrows and kavats, now. Having them free-roam is also a nice feature. With that being said, companions (or at least kubrows) seem to get stuck in things fairly easily.



    - Getting force logged out upon completing Fissure missions, relics being lost

    - Missions in the void force countdown on you where "cancel mission" button won't work/must exit star chart to cancel mission

    - Nullifiers. There is no need for this many nullifiers.


    Void/Fissures (Continued): This whole redesign is getting tiring, not gonna lie. Fissures are much lackluster compared to how void missions used to be run in regards to obtaining prime parts. It's gone from "this is a place of lore and you can find things of lore here and only here" to "hey look, there's a hole in the world that'll spit out things for you." It doesn't have the same mystifying feel to it as it did before and has a much more random/out of place feel to it now. On top of that, it's extremely chaotic. And yes, while having a hole ripped in the world would be chaotic, it is overwhelmingly so. Nullifiers aside, the sheer number of things can just make things overly confusing - if things don't suddenly stop spawning on you. Placement of the void refinement segment is also very awkward, and the lack of any description signifying how to even get the segment is disconcerting. 


    Other Notes:

    - Not a fan of the new player icons for maps in missions. If this is not already a feature which can be toggled, please make it one. It's much harder to keep an eye on where teammates are.

    - At this point of writing this, I have not yet done anything related to archwing, conclave, or lunaro.

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