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Everything posted by Northern_Psycho

  1. Imo, I really like Qorvex's looks. Yeah he won't win any beauty contests, but he sure has a cool theme going with the concrete and radiation. On top of being built like a brick house, he just looks like a heavy hitter, no nonsense, pure functionality over form. Given how Albrecht himself designed him for use within the absolute horror of his own labs, and I wouldnt imagine old Entrati being the greatest designer in terms of looks (dude uses old PCs and Nokias lol) I think Qorvex's design is a good fit! As for my own picks for the ugliest frames... Sorry Lavos. While he too can be excused the same way as Qorvex, Lavos' boots, gloves and helmets are all just so ugly. They look misformed and weirdly proportioned. Color combinations dont do him much justice either given how the materials on his body looks under different lights. Hildryn has a fun theme going, and I do like the hyper buff body type for a change of pace, but all her bumps and extra details plastered on make her hard to love. Then there's Khora... I don't think I've ever seen her in a good light. Popular loot and dps frame, but no skin, no color combination, not even her prime can save her. Just feels like no matter what she will always look horribly "off" to me.
  2. Wh-what?? You abandoned your 10 year old account over a cheap Dark souls imitation boss!? Just go kill the Archons. They're not even hard. Just dodge their attacks and land your perfect shots. Save the Owl for last and its ez game. Or just watch youtube guides.
  3. Forgive me for being a boring stick in the mud with no idea what fun is then... But I just dont see how sitting nearly immobilized as a literal puddle of water on the floor, who's only real ability is to remove you from the fight (thus stealth and survivability) and tickling enemies until they die of boredom, is fun? While fun is subjective, dont be dishonest and imply that people who like killing enemies with their weapons and abilities are all just boring cronies who can't sit down and just have fun. Most players have fun when they play the game. Not sit inside a little puddle. Because Puddle is just "Sit still, and shimmy around a little with your other ability". While Meatball was "Be mobile and play the game." Pablo's concerns sounds pretty convincing to me tbh. Puddle either locks you down to do barely anything (since you're bound to the ground unlike Grendel's more mobile Meatball form). Puddle is also just an enemy denial tool that's slightly worse than Limbo i'd argue. Also the viability, SDGDen raised. Survivability - K, jump out of the puddle and see how long you last. It's Hydroids only source of survivability. He needed something that wasnt a state of permanent* i-frames. Heals you - Tidal wave will heal him now. Changes your hitbox - for what goal? Survivability?? Stealth - Ok? Can i crack open vaults with it? No? I just go Wukong or Loki if i want some stealth. Why does Hydroid need a stealth ability? I dont need stealth on Styanax, or Baruuk. Should they get a weird stealth ability stapled onto them then?
  4. This is why I dont like people's consensus on Puddle's removal. It's always an appeal to how "unique" it is. Never how useful, interactive, or fun for other players in your squad it would be. If you're concerned about Hydroid losing something special, dont worry. His other 3 abilities are still there, but actually good now. Would I be opposed to Puddle being woven into his Tidal surge, or even a special roll interaction? Absolutely not, that sounds awesome. But don't try to appeal to personal feelings when the ability was just bad at everything outside of meme value.
  5. Let's not be dishonest here... Puddle was just flat out bad. It incentivized afk playing and like DE mentioned, enemy denial. Yes, you could shoot the puddle. But nobody ever does and just shooting the enemy without puddling them would go faster and easier. There is no value to the puddle outside of "haha funny water puddle lmaooo ecks dee" It's a joke that went on for far too long. And if by "nuance" you mean sit still while enemies are CC'd, unable to do anything, and very slowly getting tickled every 2 seconds until death, then I'll gladly take Plunder any day of the week. (Besides, he still gets to keep his Tempest barrage, Tidal wave, and Kraken. How is the puddle his iconic ability!?)
  6. I do not care for the puddle. It was joke that once it got old, you're just left with a bad ability. Terrible damage, afk playstyle, stuck in one place* and the only value was the immortality. That's not a good thing. I can imagine the nightmare trying to balance this thing properly. If its too strong, you're only incentivizing sitting in the puddle. (thus "afk" strat). If its too weak, what's even the point of using it? As far as I understood it, Pablo mentioned it will spawn a new tentacle under and enemy that walks into the radius? Also, it now has a blue ring showing its full radius. So thats a good addition Giving him a unique roll animation so he goes puddle mode while on the ground, then resurface after the roll is over would be kinda cool ngl. And if it gets some added utility/survivability tool I'd be interested for sure. As long as it stays as a brief moment and not like you're actually just going puddle mode and sit twiddling your thumbs while waiting for your HP to regen. At that point I'd just take diet Cloud walker in the form of his Tidal surge to heal.
  7. Hm. I see. So no actual DR on its own. But given how easy it is to build up and maintain for most warframes does make it a good survivability imo. I'll use Styanax as my example because I'm trying to make him not die from a mid level grinner sneeze. Given how slow shields are to build up sometimes it's nice using his 4th ability and its augment to give him that extra layer of defenses. (And yes i know shield gating abuse does work for him, but i'd rather avoid relying on that strat) Thanks for your replies!
  8. Overguard is the Eximus units' extra healthbar with no major elemental/physical weaknesses outside of Void damage. According to the wiki, it is independed of enemy HP and shield scaling and is equal to all eximus units' levels. But with some frames and abilities, we get to apply overguard to ourselves and sometimes teammates. Frames like Kullervo, Rhino, Frost (with augment) and Styanax (with augment) can give Overguard. So how does it scale for us in terms of damage reduction and defenses? It seems much better than the normal shields and feels crucial for some of these frame's survivability.
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