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Everything posted by Fanzschnabs

  1. Duviri content forced upon us now ? Been fed up and disgusted with duviri after a few weeks with the constant bugs, the fact ONE guy can make the whole team lose hours of effort with ZERO reward saved, the fact it is even more intensive on the cpu/gpu than any other area of warframe, the fact the ressource gathering is incredibly bad and slow, and yet, I loved the story and the concept. But a lot of people will take it very badly to be forced to do duviri for those nightwaves... either we ignore them and lose points for rewards, or we do it and grow even more disgusted and burned out on that grindfest that take ages and is badly balanced and still buggy (buggy pony and buggy worm, and buggy warframe selection when you were a good customer and have multiples of the same one and can't select the one with umbra polarities...) The difference with the other things ? Well, you can do airglide kills anywhere, headshot kills anywhere, finishers anywhere, kill with X-Y-Z elements anywhere, kill X eximus anywhere, but those new ones definitely require to play DUVIRI, which is clunky and require too much of a preparation to enjoy... and now, people will get matched with people that are not actually there for DUVIRI, but just a shawzin solo or a komi game... and one afk teammate or more per game, they get fed up too, they leave, and have to possibly RESELECT another loadout, etc, only to risk getting another "just here for NW shawzin act" player in the next one... I'd definitely NOT recommand the nightwaves if Duviri is part of it...
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