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Posts posted by Wiergate

  1. Noticed this a couple of times recently, just now on Tharsis, Mobile Defense on Mars.
    Solo play. 

    There's only one path to progress between objectives and with that path in mind the bars are facing the wrong way while still being active. As such they trigger once the player hits them on their way through a door with no visual indication that said door was trapped.
    May have happened on Galleon tiles as well, can't recall exactly but I'm morally certain it's only happened on Grineer tiles.    

  2. I was able to get the basic controls in Railjack to work after a fair amount of trial and a lot of error but they reverted to broken as soon as I left the ship or opened a menu like the foundry.

    Side turrets are somewhat tolerable but the main gun frequently loses the ability to scope in, jitters like crazy no matter what my sensitivity setting, and within 15 seconds or so simply locks me in place with no functioning option to dismount. Gear, abilities etc. - not happening. 

    Reverting to default settings is universal, coincidentally, so setting the RJ menu back to the original in an attempt to get anything to work affects my personalized settings for vanilla, AW etc. as well. Can't remember if that was always the case but with the number of menus we have now it would be great to have them retain specific settings.



  3. 4 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    I say we keep it. You can already 1shot parts with snipers, more comfortably so if you use a riven. Being able to use a Redeemer Prime sounds like we could use additional weapons compared to the same tired meta.

    This. Even when you get the hang of it, doing what Aweblade is doing in that vid is (IMO) trickier than stacking VS and sniping. It's a creative approach but the effects are neither new nor gamebreaking, plus it arguably looks pretty badass.   

    • Like 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, tychondus said:

    Looks like somebody watched Omni Voice video and has decided to go on a crusade for him. bloody influencers....

    (My italics). 

    People have complained about this for years and Omni finally lost his cool a couple of days ago. Why would you assume the OP is crusading for anyone and hasn't formed their own opinion during the long, long period that this design idea has been frustrating people?

    The lore of the Tenno's relation to Helminth is unlikely to be resolved for quite some time (if ever) and we aren't likely to forget given that the bugger is effectively squatting our ship.
    For new players who want a Charger I can think of five other designs without even trying, and I'm not creative enough to be a game dev. The benefit of a live game is that ideas that don't stand the test of time can be altered, tweaked or simply removed.
    Unlike other recent changes I feel pretty confident that DE can get rid of this mechanic with minimal outcry from the community, with the possible exception of those who want to complain about said community.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

    HA! I knew this topic would happen...

    the first time i experienced a Haste mote i thought to myself, 

    "AWESOME! Speed buff... ooh there are going to be whine topics about this on the forums for sure"


    Well you all did not disappoint.

    I am not going to say "play solo" or "just backflip" instead im going to point out that the motes are Stationary and easy to avoid generally.

    so... you know.. if you don't want it don't get it. Literally you have the option not to opt in already so use it.


    It's a shallow victory that makes you look the fool.
    In a majority of tilesets where it would come naturally to use reservoirs as circumstances dictate, other players will not have that option. 
    Fluid gameplay that fully uses Wisp's kit and keeps her from being a stationary turret frame is going to have those motes spread throughout the tileset, most of them unavoidable - just how unavoidable depending on range and duration apart from the player's judgement . 
    In order not to interfere with squadmates said Wisp player is frequently going to have to spam reservoirs until they reach the capacity of 6 in some out-of-the-way closet. 
    Do you see that happening? 
    And that's assuming the Wisp player has the basic sense to (for instance) not put down a Shock Mote on a defense objective, stunlocking every nearby enemy and making the mission take twice as long.

    Thanks for a reply I knew was coming, though. You did not disappoint. 

  6. Similar thread here: 


    We start them about once a week, we've been doing it for years, and if DE have any thoughts on the matter it might be something they're planning to try out with Wisp somewhere down the line. As in, making her reservoirs something with an interaction mechanic or similar. That's the most positive interpretation I can think of. 

    Speaking as someone who loves Wisp and hates Volt's unwanted Speed buff with a passion, I've learned to adapt my playstyle to the mission at hand and not force buffs on people but it's frequently frustrating since it makes her weaker than she has to be in several mission types.  
    (Adding to this, Wisp herself has no way that I'm aware of to cancel Speed at all given that she can't do backflips.)   


    1 hour ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:


    'just play solo', 'use recruitment to avoid Wisp players', etc

    Nailed it. 
    Some people think that all the buffs they can bestow are universally loved and can't grasp that others don't agree. Other people honestly think that adapting to and showing basic courtesy to squadmates in a co-op game constitutes an unjust imposition on their own personal freedom. A sickness of the age, I guess. 

    Whatever the case, I hope DE are thinking about this since it's an increasing point of contention and with Wisp they've just added to it. 

  7. The cue is frequently entirely useless in that it doesn't actually appear at all, doesn't precede a cast or is out of sync with the 2-second window once the cast occurs. I can imagine it being lost in the din occasionally but during today's sortie I heard it repeatedly when I was already in the animation of being teleported. 
    In theory the sheer numbers of them (five in one room and adjacent corridor at one point) may have caused some overlap during crowded spawns but the cue failed several times when the numbers had been thinned. 

    I was solo so it was hardly a lag issue. I'd have included video but Shadowplay was being tiresome, it should be easy enough to check under the same conditions. 

    (Rather than look into this, can you please just remove them? Warframe has become too good a game to still have units like this in it.)

  8. On 2019-04-23 at 6:57 AM, Arc5in said:

    (...)  Warframe, as a free to play loot oriented game, has always been psychologically manipulative, but up until now DE have always done a laudable job of tempering that, and maintaining a difficult balance between paid for luxury/convenience and a complete gaming experience that does not actually require spending any real money.

    Warframe is the only F2P game many of us know of that does not have any content locked behind paywalls, and allows accessible means of acquiring premium in-game currency within the game via player trade. So even the developers' bread-and-butter items, like inventory slots, can be unlocked without spending real money. This is quite remarkable, and it is highly appreciated by many of us, even those of us who have spent real money on the game and didn't mind doing so. We still love that we didn't feel we had to, and it was our choice, one we were happy to make because we were happy to support such a great developer. (...)

    Thank you for taking the time to articulate what I've wanted to say but couldn't be bothered to. 

    I've made myself part of the problem by finishing the current season, partly because the 'fear of missing out' worked on me and partly because I wanted to be able to provide feedback as someone who has been part of it. 

    Seeing this week's bucket list it seems clear DE are staying true to form by pushing the envelope and including several of the least liked chores in order to get completion metrics to inform their decisions for Nighwave going forward. That's OK as far as it goes from a design standpoint.  

    DE are frequently praised as the studio that came up with 'Micro-transactions done right' (to quote a popular video) and who have kept me vested in their game without making the balance between grind and enjoyment feel too overbearing. In interviews they've been clear about this being a conscious, ongoing effort and integral to the game's soul. I believe they're sincere about this both as a company and as developers, and I firmly believe Warframe has flourished because of it. It deserves to. 

    However: Not even during Hemagate, the grindfest that was the original Plains or the first iteration of Riven mods did I feel that FOMO was being pushed so heavily, nor get the sense that loyalty was being enforced to the same degree it is now. The time-gated reward tables, the hard season reset and the all-or-nothing nature of the chores we're given has me feeling less interested in the game than I believe I ever have. 

    Nora misses her mark almost entirely. I'm not a dreamer acting true to my truest self, nor is the reptile tickle of a reward in my backbrain (sic) particularly engaging. I've been landed with a second job I neither want nor need and I'm not even bored, not even very annoyed. Just caring less, playing less, putting more of my free time into other games.
    It probably says something that I felt this way three days into Nightwave but couldn't be bothered to provide feedback until now.  

    A rework of the alert system was worth a shot but as mechanics go Nightwave is much too intrusive and much too overbearing. If narrative cohesion requires a seasonal format, then let the seasonal reset be confined specifically to the narrative - not the materials and unique rewards.  

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, moodster said:

    I'm sorry, but it is utterly ridiculous and laughable for someone to claim that volt speed is as "invasive" as the original Limbo Cataclysm. If you can't figure out how to do a backflip, or Volt is spamming 2 and you are too afraid to ask him to stop, and you can't figure out how to simply NOT SPRINT...

    OK, ignore what I said about 'thoughtful approach' above. Clearly it didn't last. 
    It's not about about not being able to handle it, nor basic controls 3000 hours in or what's 'needed' for trivial missions in a trivially easy game.
    It's about one's enjoyment of a co-op game being curtailed because an immensely - yes - invasive ability is in the hands of players who are so poor at listening that they believe explaining universally known sprint mechanics in a condescending tone will solve the problem. 
    Just give us the frigging opt-out already.  

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, moodster said:

    Adding menu options to disable specific ally ability affects on you doesn't make sense to me. I just can't seem to articulate why it feels so wrong. 

    It would be interesting to hear though. You're taking a thoughtful approach to the matter and that's always appreciated. 
    I've played a lot of Volt and nearly 1K days in I'd like to think I'm pretty decent with the parkour, Speed or no. I used to like him a lot, but these days I only play him solo or in Eidolon caps specifically because I know I bug people by playing the frame as intended.  

    Apart from some (possibly) unnecessarily snide remarks about spammy Volt players above, I think I made the point that for me and many others, bursts of unwanted Speed (where we can only gradually infer how that player has built their Volt) feels immensely disruptive to how we pace our movement and actions. We can adapt to varying degrees according to our experience with the game but on the whole the effect is too great and too immediate for it not to ruin my pacing with other frames and playstyles.
    Agreed, an opt-out feature for ability effects could potentially be troublesome and could set a strange precedent in a game where adapting to one another is part of the experience. In my opinion, however, the effects of Speed have such a large impact on general play that it doesn't lend itself to subtle solutions and that's why I'm in favor of opting out - especially given that some players are never going to be very considerate of others. 

    I can be swayed by good arguments though, and there could certainly be issues I've overlooked with such a feature.    

  11. On 2019-04-09 at 9:01 PM, Voltage said:

    If players want to not be under the influence of Volt, they can simply alt tab for a second or 2 and be out of range of Volt's Speed cast radius. The solution to this "problem" is staying away from the frame you dislike, not ruining it for other people.

    This suggests that Volt players have the sense to only spam Speed in linear missions where they want to get from A to B as quickly as possible. I can assure you that is not the case.
    Even if it were, 'friendship doors' are a thing and most Volt players are spamming their Speed so hard while standing at one that you frequently have to remind them to hit 'interact' as well so we can actually progress. With a fresh dose of unwanted Speed, of course.  

    Speaking for myself, I'm frequently annoyed by DE's attempts to hinder out movement not just with enemy CC but with obstacles like arch traps, laser doors and decorative pillars rising from the floor for reasons even the ancient Orokin would be hard pressed to explain. 

    Thing is, I know where arch traps and laser doors are likely to be and I can shoot or roll through them, respectively. With a Volt in the squad I only know that a massive hindrance to fluid movement and accurate melee combos  - not to mention aesthetically satisfying animations - is on the way, not when. 

    We need a way to be exempt from a mechanic which is almost as invasive as pre-rework Limbo other than doing backflips half the mission or staying out of the Volt player's way, and (contrary to what has been suggested above) the topic is neither new nor rare. Just do a forum search.
    Threads usually land in an option to opt out from the effect altogether from your settings tab or the mission tab and an open question to DE about if this is doable. AFAIK we have yet to hear back from them.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    This is something that has been a part of the Life Strike mod for a long time.  I didn't notice it when I first got it as I didn't have much experience with not using it when I first started as an Ivara main 3+ years ago.  But as soon as I switched from Life Strike to Healing Return, I noticed the difference in energy drain while channeling in Prowl very quickly.  It is THAT noticeable.  

    If you use Chromatic Blade augment for Excal, I highly recommend that you switch to Healing Return and Condition Overload anyway.  That combo would serve you much better overall.  

    Yeah, CO was a given anyway, but I've switched over to HR to play it safe. However: this time in the Sim, Life Strike didn't prompt such an insane energy drain. Same enemies (Heavy Gunners for the ROF) and my Excal blocked like yesterday but the drain was quite manageable. A single channeled blow was obviously enough for a full heal with an unranked LS just as before, but now I had energy to spare. This is getting confusing.

    As it happens it's a moot point because rebinding channeling didn't work for me. I didn't manage it using AW up/down although I was able to fool the game for a while by moving channeling to a randomly assigned key on the D-pad for context action. That didn't last, alas, since the rest of my setup requires me to fool the game into thinking secondary fire is unassigned. (I actually have it on Touch Pad left click by way of InputMapper, but until we can get a null value to assign in order to 'make room' for our own solutions - you listening, DE? - I have to trick the game by using two incompatibles and letting one assume precedence.)

    Looks like I'll have to do without. I've managed without Life Strike the last couple of years and DE seem undecided about keeping channeling at all, so eh. 


  13. 5 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    The heavy energy drain is a result of having Life Strike equipped on your weapon.  That mod effects channeling energy drain in a very bad way.  It's one of if not the main reason I don't use it and went with Healing Return instead.

    So I assumed, but that in itself needs attention. Since melee block while in Exalted Blade isn't something I can opt out of the energy drain needs to be addressed since it seems to be calculated per bullet deflected - and I can't even reliably tell if I'm channeling right then besides EB obviously being a channeled ability.

    I'm honestly not sure if the difference in efficiency (from 5 to 7) can account for 500 energy disappearing in one second flat but I haven't got any better ideas. As things stand I need to be absolutely clear on whether I'm dual-channeling (guess that's a word now) or not while in EB, or a couple of heavy gunners will instantly wipe out my energy pool. 
    (All things being equal, that is - obviously I'm not gonna stand there and let it happen outside the Sim but it shouldn't really be happening to begin with. Or so I hope? Like I said, haven't played Excal in ages.)
    A standard Savage Banshee build does depend on channeling being an instantly available and very reliable function though, she doesn't have time for me to try and determine whether I'm currently channeling or not. And since her energy pool and QT are her effective health I shudder to think of unwanted blocking and energy drain. 

    Actually a bit refreshing to return to years-old builds and see if they survive DE's controller and melee rework shenanigans.

    If the solution suggested by @Hypernaut1  above pans out with my controller setup it might not be an issue, I'd have to go in-game to see where the Hek AW up/down is. Apropos of things I never use...

  14. 4 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    It's a toggle now.  You just toggle it on by pressing analog once, then just attack as if you were holding the button originally.  It's made me enjoy Dispatch Overdrive even more than I use to. 

    Gotcha, thanks. My problem here is that I've rebound my power 1 to R3 press since trying to aim abilities otherwise is agony - for some reason that's where melee channel lives as well and the game won't let me move it. Thus, channeling is always gonna involve casting my 1, I can imagine it gets toggled on and off a fair amount without me realizing. The visual cue on my melee weapon isn't terribly clear with most energy colors. 

    Fact is that a month or so ago when many controller users had problems even firing our weapons for reasons I've never been entirely clear on, I heard the sound of melee channeling rather than the gunfire I was expecting when pulling the trigger.

    I tried Life Strike Excal and Savage Banshee in the Sim, and the results weren't exactly promising. Arguably both of those builds are outdated, but Banshee especially is gonna have a problem surviving just with Healing Return and spamming Operator heals by way of Elevate gets old. 
    I haven't played Excal in ages and might simply need to update my build for Melee 2.997, but I'm still not clear on why moving channeling is out of the question TBH. 

    On a side note, Excal's Exalted Melee Block (which I can't prevent) sometimes ran amok, presumably because I was 'dual channeling' without being aware of it. I've never seen energy get drained so fast since the disastrous 'friendly fire' debacle poor Nyx suffered a while back. 
    Some things are still amiss. 

  15. 15 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:
    15 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    The only issue I'm having is that channeling is a major league PITA now.

    I'm loving the hell out of it more so now than I use to before.  😄  

    Wait, you can get it to work? For me it's bound to an analog press or something dumb, which makes it entirely unusable. The game wouldn't let me move it, pretty much the only thing I haven't been able to solve.
    I hardly ever channel to begin with, but on the rare occasion I use Life Strike or channeling damage builds I do need it to work.  

  16. I've been talking to clanmates as we hunted them in separate instances and compared notes, and the despawn rate has been very high for all of us. Several times it seemed to me like it was caused by the collision, as if ridges or boulders caused them to become confused about where they should be after they'd done their various leaps and lunges. 
    Bodies of water haven't been an issue as far as I recall, can't remember being very near one in fact. 

    I never got more than 100 meters away from them and they didn't lose the 'enemy' waypoint I'd put on them so dropped aggro wasn't the issue. 

  17. There have been several issues with the rework and I can't say which one you're suffering from currently, but one solution that turned up out of the blue was that you had to confirm your settings changes with your controller (I mean, you really had to) or they wouldn't stick. 
    The game struggles a bit with determining precedence if you use both mouse/KB and controller which most controller users do since menus, chat and so forth simply don't work well otherwise. That may have been causing your rebinding problems, at least it did for me. 

    For the aim sensitivity I'm afraid I can't think of anything. I seem to remember it happening once when I forgot to engage InputMapper (which I use to put a couple of functions on the DS4's touch pad). That may have led to the Steam controller support API assuming control and throwing everything out of whack since Valve is helpful like that...

    I can only suggest you search the forums a bit and/or try the bug report section and the Players Helping Players ditto. Getting a comfortable controller setup involves a fair amount of hassle, but FWIW I've been able to rebind most things to my satisfaction. As far as I'm aware there are only 2 or 3 hardcoded control dependencies, with the rest (like separating sprint/roll and crouch, which I consider crucial) having workarounds. 

    None of that will matter till you get the sensitivity sorted however, and there I'm afraid PC Bugs will be your best starting point. 

  18. 11 hours ago, SolidSnake8774 said:

    I too use controller.
    I can melee attack just fine. But I cant aim down my guns because of it also being on my channeling keybind.. No matter what fiddling with keybinds I do. I cant even move channeling to a key I dont use cause its requireing it to be bound to melee stuff.

    I can't even hip fire, my primary and secondary weapons do nothing at all. 
    The new melee system looks glorious and feels promising but sooner or later I'll probably want to shoot something as well, esp. since we're meant to move fluidly between the two.  

    I use InputMapper to bind alt-fire and my powers 1 and 5 to new controls but I've seen people going through the Steam API having problems as well. Reset to default didn't fix anything, nor re-engaging my personal settings. The hotfix notes say DE are aware and working on it, here's hoping.  


    Edit: I can ADS in the Sim which I wasn't able to do in mission, but I still can't fire my weapons. The sound of channeling toggling on and off is occasionally heard while in ADS, but it's not consistent. Camera sensitivity is in the 30 range both as standard and while aiming, right and left trigger sensitivity are roughly 80 and I've added a 10% deadzone to the triggers in InputMapper. (The latter might be outdated since I set it up to counter some strange behavior WRT trigger sensitivity after an update last year.)  

  19. (@Grimmstyler You can do much of this with a third-party app like InputMapper, frankly I'd try that rather than hold my breath waiting for DE to implement combined button press controls. 
    I'm mentioning it briefly since my errand is mainly to agree with the OP.)

    As everyone who uses a controller on the PC knows, the rework has decreased our options and ability to customize our layouts. I do know that DE have addressed certain problems with X/Y-axis sensitivity and a while back they've made allowances for different preferences in toggle states, where 'crouch' was one of the most important since it gets used so much both by frames and Operators. Props and applause are due. 

    However. With Melee 3.0 on the way, I really wish controller implementation could be developed properly in tandem with the coming changes and not fixed some way down the line. 
    Currently we can't even separate aim/fire and block/channel, respectively, which either forces a lot of players to re-learn half of their movement while wielding a melee weapon or forego dedicated melee - including stances - entirely. It's such an unnecessary problem to have, but it's been there since sometime last fall.

    I'm not sure why DE are so dead set against free keybinding but I assume there are technical reasons and/or a desire for cross-platform coherence. There might also be issues with input pacing, something I'm simply inferring because I frequently see it go wrong - the game buffers a previous input and uses it instead of the chosen one or tells me 'ability in use' when I've only pressed a button once. Buttons which haven't even got assigned functions according to the UI (the PS button on a DS4 controller for instance) will sometimes perform or try to perform a buffered action, no idea why. 
    What I get from this is that it's complicated under the hood and that DE are loath to change something that seems to work. 

    What I'd ask is that they review the potential benefits, accept the feedback from the many players who would say that it doesn't  work very well and assign the resources needed to get past this particular problem. 

    Warframe is a very easy game but also something one can always improve in with enough practice specifically because of the wonderfully fluid movement.
    It's the first thing I look for in other players, Youtube channels or the like. Playing it with style might even be the endgame. 
    As such, suffering a clumsy-looking heavy landing because of a buffered input or because my hands refuse to relearn the habits of several years feels kinda off.     

    Please, DE, let us know your thoughts on this and maybe consider making a new feedback thread since things have changed and new changes are due.  

  20. I don't know what the PS button on a DS4 controller is set to do since there is nothing in the settings to suggest it does anything at all. As such it's been a savior as it's a spare control not hard-bound to things like a map.

    For ages I've used InputMapper to have the PS button open my gear wheel, but now it automatically fires my weapon and sometimes randomly triggers gear wheel items other than the one I've selected as if those items were somehow 'remembered' in an input cache or similar. If so, is there a way I can empty this hypothetical cache to make it stop doing anything at all without my say-so? 

    This may or may not have been the result of me setting the deadzones and sensitivity for the DS4 triggers (R2/L2) to lower values: I did this since after the last few updates it's been near-impossible to use automatic weapons because ADS/Fire seemed to compete for attention which caused the weapon to simply stop doing anything.

    Short: the PS button fires weapons and fails to properly trigger the function to which I've assigned it.  

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