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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 12 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    It was also extremely grating.  This is a grindy, grindy game, where repetition is expected and required.  A "cool atmospheric sound" can grow tiresome quickly, and wear out its welcome.  I'm glad the sound effects are gone.  If you needed them to check whether the ability is up or not, I'm sorry.  You can check the bottom right corner of the screen.  It's not a perfect solution, but it's there.


    I just wish Citrine could get a similar update.  We don't need the constant chiming from her 2.

    They could just lower the sound effects of these abilities instead of FLAT OUT removing them.

    Now I hate how hollow and empty this ability feels.

    Also sometimes hearing is the key, there are many nullification factors and I can't constantly check bottom right corner in middle of fight to see if I have it active or not.

    If Grave Spirit sound effect ( or any ability sound effect ) is that tiresome for you, I am sorry. You can lower your sound effects slider or listen to music while playing. They are not perfect solutions but they are there.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Dystopia said:

    I just noticed that after this hotfix attacking with Voruna while in Ulfrun's Descent takes her out of her shroud but doesn't make her re-shroud after the attack finishes like it was before. Possible bug?

    *Quick Edit* Ulfrun's Descent also seems to not be tracking the damage multiplier from kills. Last couple missions I didn't see any x# after killing something.

    Can confirm this. Voruna's 4th is bugged since hotfix. It breaks the invisibility and doesn't gain damage multiplier from kills.

  3. 3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
    • Removed the breathing sounds that play when Dagath’s Grave Spirit is active. The ASMR tingles were too much to handle. 

    Dagath lost her eerie feeling now. It wasn't just a cool atmospheric sound but also an indicator of ability being active. Please revert this change.

    • Like 6
  4. 11 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

    But you could imagine the turret still have 6 base ammo, shooting at 3/s, but lasting longer than its most efficient firerate ; get it ? Meaning it would most likely (more than now) shoot all its bullet and disapear, or else, stay a big longer and have more time to find targets.

    1 hour ago, Aeon94 said:

    You can't keep 6 ammo and 3 ammo/sec firerate and expect it to last for 3 sec. It doesn't make sense, unless DE also changed ammo and duration behaviour with this change.

    Read carefully please. As long as duration is directly tied to ammo, what you have said can't be achieved. They have to seperate those stats first then buff the duration.

    Their statement is so vague and doesn't explain how they will handle it. It's safe to assume that they will keep ammo and duration behaviour  ( that's how they want it to work ) and buff base ammo or nerf firerate to match the new base duration which is 3 sec.


  5. 3 minutes ago, SmokinDice said:

    again, what?

    thats not how it works, since right now it fire those 6 shots it has in exactly this 2 second time frame.. so Aeon94 is absolutly right in their assumptions.


    the way I undersatnd it now it just doesn't show ammo anymore, but instead a measily duration of 3 seconds.. I Ithink it this 3 seconds it will be able to fire, at most, 9 shots. so otherwise it would be a nerf as well. and I THINK DE might be smarter then this. ^^

    Exactly! It will be either base ammo buff or firerate nerf.

    I will hold my jugdement until we get changes. 🙂

  6. 8 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

    Or base ammo is kept at 6, fire rate is kept at 3/s, and duration is improved by one second.

    I think it's pretty clear.

    12 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

    Turret duration is directly tied to the time required to fire all plasma ammo ( unmodded, 6 ammo at 3 shots per second equates to 2 seconds )

    You can't keep 6 ammo and 3 ammo/sec firerate and expect it to last for 3 sec. It doesn't make sense, unless DE also changed ammo and duration behaviour with this change.


  7. 1 hour ago, SmokinDice said:

    Okay, I missed the comment where they said they change it to duration only. (good, or okay, one of the two possible solutions)

    1 hour ago, dwqrf said:

    I don't think that will be the case, just a buff to duration and a display change from ammo to duration, but while keeping ammo based turrets.

    It's why I said " they have to be more clear about stats " in my reply and the person I have replied was also confused about it. The way they have worded the change sounded like ammo is being removed and its getting +1 sec duration buff to current unmodded lifespan ( 2 sec ).

    Turret duration is directly tied to the time required to fire all plasma ammo ( unmodded, 6 ammo at 3 shots per second equates to 2 seconds ). I don't know if +1 sec buff translates to firerate or ammo. It can mean 2 things ;

    • Base ammo is increased from 6 to 9, so it can shoot 3 ammo per sec for 3 sec. 
    • Base ammo is kept at 6 but firerate is reduced from 3 to 2 ammo per sec, so turret still shoots for 3 sec.

    It made more sense to think that ammo is removed ( one of simplest changes, other is being duration limit removal ) and turrets became fully duration based since ammo stat is being removed and replaced by duration stat.


    • Like 1
  8. I have been playing with Garuda Hinsa skin and noticed that she is missing Dread Mirror skin. Not only colouring is hard with different textures and materials of Deluxe Skin and base Dread Mirror, she also feels incomplete without matching Dread Mirror. Hope it gets added into the game.

    ArtStation - Garuda, deluxe skin. Warframe., Arsen Asyrankulov

    • Like 10
  9. 49 minutes ago, SmokinDice said:

    its funny that you now say 1 second increase, but ingame you communicate the duration through ammo, but then really its just duration again.. so DE you yourself aren't even consitent with your wording here and not knowing how it actually should function it seems. ^^

    Blazing Artillery has 6 plasma ammo and 3 ammo/sec firerate, so without duration mods, turrets last for 2 sec. Now that ammo limit is removed with upcoming changes and base duration is increased by 1 sec, turrets will last for 3 sec.

    Wish they were more clear about stats in OP.

  10. On 2020-06-16 at 3:24 AM, Aeon94 said:

    I have played with Protea a lot and wanted to post my feedback and suggestions for her.

    Passive - is fine as is.

    [1] Grenade Fan - Base duration of Shrapnel Vortex and Shield Satellite are increased to 15 sec.

    Base number of grenades is 3 and Protea throws an additional grenade for every 100% Ability Strength she has ( Synergy with Passive ). 

    Shrapnel Vortex - is fine as is.

    Shield Satellite - Protea gets a Shield Satellite automatically on cast. Grabbing another Shield Satellite refreshes buff duration. Shield Satellite with better effectiveness overrides the weaker one.

    // I like the jump animation on cast, it can stay but one handed cast would be nice. //

    [2] Blazing Artillery - Duration limit is removed and each Turret has 12 plasma ammo ( unaffected by ability mods ). Turrets disappear when they use all of their ammo.

    Each turret shot deals 200 / 250 / 300 Heat Damage with 100% status chance. Plasma shots can pierce through all enemies in their path. Blaze Artillery's overall damage increases by 20% for each successful hit against all enemies caught in a plasma shots, stacking for subsequent plasma charges.

    • Number of remaining shots and damage multiplers are shown on the rear of turrets.
    • Turret firing arc is increased to 150 degree cone.
    • Damage scales with enemy level ;
      Reveal hidden contents

    Total Heat Damage = Heat Damage × (1 + Ability Strength) × Enemy Level Multiplier

    Enemy Level Multiplier = ceil(Enemy Level ÷ 10). The multiplier only increases after 1 level past the per-10-levels mark (e.g. levels 11, 21, 31, 41, etc).

    // Blazing Artillery needs to be one handed cast because of its spammable nature and it has to have some sort of scaling to shine. //

    [3] Dispensary - Base duration is increased to 30 sec.

    // I wholeheartedly wish this ability was changed to something else entirely, Yes, its cool to create energy / health / ammo and have synergies with some of the mods ( Synth Fiber, Equilibrium etc. ) but it feels like a wasted ability slot. Since this ability is not gonna get scrapped anytime soon , all I can ask is a bit more duration. //

    [4] Temporal Anchor - Protea gains 20% cast speed and 20% movement speed for the duration and creates " Checkpoints " throughout 10 sec to save her state.

    Checkpoints are created at every quarter of the duration, the first being created immediately on cast ( Anchor Point ). The final checkpoint is created when three-quarters of the duration has elapsed. Whenever a new checkpoint is created, the older one is removed ( Anchor Point is exempt from this ). Checkpoint is shown with different visual effect than afterimages.

    // Works similar to Quicksave function. //

    • Tap - Full Rewind : Rewinds Protea back to anchor. She creates Explosions on both her last location and at anchor point.
    • Hold - Quick Rewind : Rewinds Protea back to checkpoint. Explosion occurs only on Protea's last location.

    Both rewind actions end Temporal Anchor prematurely.

    Explosion damage are equal to the 30% of damage done during Temporal Anchor. Explosion has 20 meters base range and damage type is changed to radiation.

    Protea keeps her present position and state when duration expires. Anchor and checkpoint are destroyed. ( Current " Hold to Cancel " mechanic becomes a  passive effect. )

    // If checkpoint and quick rewind ideas are hard to implement, then just remove forced rewind on ability expiration, add explosion to rewind and give her cast & movement speed buffs for ability duration. //

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Vimkhor said:

    well that sucks, So the new orbital lander will be the same then, just great. That's a massive downer.

    I don't see why they couldn't just let us decide what the sheen colour is with 2 colours like we have for the lights and it would still have the same feel and effect they want.

    disappointing after all the NW gathering.

    New Landing Craft is Nora's ship and has nothing to do with Cephalon stuff. It shouldn't have a non-tintable sheen colour on it.

    39 minutes ago, (XB1)ShonFr0st said:

    Saying that it is intentional is a bit of a stretch, more probably it is an unintended issue related to the materials used for that section of the model. Having unmodifiable colors is something DE should avoid and tends to avoid, the more people will speak about it, the faster DE will fix it. Especially considering that cosmetics are the biggest selling point of nightwave, and a good portion of the current selection of cosmetics has this problem.

    It's not really a stretch, literally all of Cephalon weapons ( syndicate and regular ), syandanas and Simaris's trap have non-tintable blue ( Suda stuff ) and purple ( regular , NW and Simaris stuff ) sheen. So it's intended for Cephalon stuff to have sheen unless admitted by DE that is an issue related to materials.

    Also people have brought it up many times for years but they stayed that way. Not sure if it will ever change.

  12. There is an issue with 4th ability VFX when Tethra's Quantum Badge equipped on Protea. Temporal Anchor creates bubbles of energy which blinds and causes performance issues , instead of just leaving " afterimages " behind. Hopefully it gets fixed.


  13. 12 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    rebbeca said this season will last for 2 months....i doubt...minimum is 6 months.

    We are in 4th week of Glassmaker and we still have Investigation #1. It's a possibility that this one will last for 6 months or so.

    30 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    I've been spending all of my Nightwave credits on the new (to PVE) augments released with Nightwave.  I'm now fresh out of credits, and won't be able to get more until the store and Nightwave challenges reset on Sunday (currently at rank 18).  Do we anticipate these augments returning and cycling through the Nightwave credit offerings, much like how some alternate helmets are available certain weeks, then disappear, only to return later?

    Cred Store always cycles and we will be able to buy anything from past rotations. I remember NW Ornaments , weapons skins and such being in store multiple times.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, O3leafclover said:

    Sol Gate - Beats. Me. I hardly ever use this one but I have good reason not to. Wisp is heavily revolved around mobility, and getting locked into a laser blast animation with minimal movement and ok-ish damage takes a big steamy dump on what wisp is all about. Personally I think it should be reworked, but if that rework comes in the form of an augment, here goes. Wisp herself should be imbued with the power that Sol Gate dishes out, that could mean a couple things. It could be as basic as she gets the damage and status buffs to go through her weapons, or it could be an all out buff to her other abilities while her 4th is active. Maybe both??? (jk way too strong) Here's what I know for certain, it's gotta look hot. I'm talking wisp is straight up on fire, illuminating the whole room with her light and sun-screeching. Of course the ability will stay as a toggled drain/s ability, since all of her other abilities drain per cast, it'd be nice to keep a toggled buff.


    Let me know what you think!

    Sol Gate needs increased number of damage instances per sec.

    Sol Gate augment : Wisp leaves a spectral image at her location to sustain Sol Beam towards aim reticule. She is free to move & attack while ult is active. 

  15. 13 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Which one did you do? I used the Liset unlock one and it counted fine. FWIW, I was solo, in case you were a client and that was the problem.

    I did it with Scimitar but a clannie used Liset and didn't get standing as well. Also I was playing solo.

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