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Everything posted by baked

  1. Yeah, I think that a more general item pop-up rework could definitely be nice so people could choose what resources they care about, but actual round rewards should be displayed separately to these pickups. It happens in Kuva Disruption also. Even if it's just a queueing system so they can't overlap?
  2. The fact that Nourish was one of the worst subsumes pre-Grendel rework AND it was already a nerfed subsume, and then post-rework became BUFFED, astounds me. It's like DE forgot that it was Grendel's subsume? It pains me that Nourish is so widely used because it puts Grendel in the same camp as Sevagoth and Hildryn where players will just ignore the warframe it comes from because it's so much stronger on any other warframe. I'm glad to see it nerfed especially because it could have just one of the current effects (viral explosions, viral damage buff to weapons, energy gain multiplier) and it'd be a widely used subsume with benefits for most Warframes, and it currently has every buff it gives Grendel and it doesn't even need an enemy inside you to cast it as a subsume! Of course there are other subsumed abilities that could be better, but I don't think that's got anything to do with Nourish. No other abilities can do what Nourish does, so post-numbers-nerf it'll still do what it does, just a little worse. It'll be like Blood Rush going from 60% to 40%, or CO going from 120% to 80%. Everybody's still going to use it, their numbers will just be a little lower. I reckon DE should've never put buffed Nourish into Helminth and just axed 1-2 of its features from the get-go. Energy buff OR Viral buff OR the Viral explosions on enemies, 1-2 of those are plenty strong regardless of numbers.
  3. Adding to this. Received Akarius when I have both Akarius and Akarius Prime.
  4. No Thank You !! Angel is only needed for curses, and adds a lot of extra time onto a run especially when it decides to spawn a kilometre away from any relevant objectives
  5. I agree with this! Had a bounty for flying enemies, and somehow, across 120+ enemies and 4 players, there was only 1 killed by the end of the map. We had to wait 10 minutes for clusters of 2-3 enemies to spawn infrequently, and eventually get flying enemy kills. I think there are some flying enemies that don't count towards that bounty, though.
  6. Perhaps they joined Lone Story for materials only. Perhaps they forgot to turn off public MM. Perhaps they simply had something else to do.
  7. Her Balefire is really lame, but you can work around it, if you're below the level of enemy where they just one-shot your shield. If you're at that point, playing Hildryn becomes a chore and you can't actually do anything with her abilities except non-stop casting of Pillage. With that said, you can work towards Balefire's strengths by building for range and putting a grouping ability on Hildryn, such as Ensnare, or possibly Airburst with its secondary-buffing augment. You can also put Arcane Avenger (and Combat Discipline if needed) to ensure that the weapon can actually crit. You can then buff your now huge range Balefire further with Primed Fulmination. You may want to equip the augment for Balefire too, to keep your shields up easier. Using conditional strength buffs can be tedious on Hildryn, because you can run out of shields to a surprise attack and then all your active abilities are cancelled, so I wouldn't recommend Energy Conversion or Power Drain or Pax Bolt. Growing Power is essentially always-active though, so it's usable, if you're not already needing Combat Discipline. You want an awful lot of fire rate on the weapon too. TL;DR: it's not worth using, but if you want to use it you can build for its strengths and have a bit of fun with it.
  8. Optimistic - more and more touching up of older mechanics to better fit modern game. maybe they go back and keep working on new player experience so that a pay to skip option isn't even needed Pessimistic - more and more mobile game mechanics, slowly turning up monetisation and appealing to a new audience that is more receptive to opening their wallets rather than quality Realist - probably a bit of both Inshallah
  9. Yep, with that in mind no galvanised makes a lot of sense, as far as I'm aware NPCs using your weapons are not able to proc or benefit from conditional mod effects.
  10. I'm with you on this one, but on the other hand if nobody bought the built forma and instead bought the other items, then your plan would be less effective. I can't be bothered waiting a long time and trading very specific items, so I will bravely sacrifice my own efficiency to bring yours up. Salute to playing the market smartly
  11. Which is precisely why I'd like asymmetric armours to be mirrorable, because I play over the left shoulder.
  12. Hate to be that person, but erm akshually, it does - you mouse over the relic and it'll say exactly what it is, including refinement level. I'm not sure how it works on console, but I assume it's the same, simply hover over the relic with the cursor.
  13. Pay for skip already exists in that players can just purchase platinum and then trade for items they do not wish to farm, and there are some explicit pay-to-skips with Railjack and Mechs as gates for The New War. As for paying to skip quests, I believe that rather than admitting defeat and effectively saying "yep, the new player experience sucks. you can purchase a ticket to bypass the earlygame though", DE has many options available to them to streamline and further improve the new player experience. They have made great steps already, such as removing flawed mods (an unnecessary addition that served only to confuse new players and waste their limited early resources) and tweaking junction requirements. I think that DE would be better served by making a very explicit early game quest chain and making it absolutely clear which quests are necessary to complete early on and which are optional or can be freely left til later. Archwing Launcher appearing in your foundry with no explanation for what an Archwing is, that you need one to actually use the launcher, how to get the segment; Orb Vallis and Plains of Eidolon trapping newbies who don't know any better; making newbies with no loot radar mods have to hunt down a Cephalon Fragment they've never seen before. Many of these things have to be repeated over and over again in QnA. Some people have said that other games have a pay-to-skip-to-endgame option, but all or most of those games, to my knowledge (such as WoW and FFXIV and Destiny 2) encourage you to make multiple characters with which you repeat quests. However, in Warframe, you experience the story once for your whole account, so I don't see as much of a need for such a skip. The main point I can see reason in is new players wanting access to new content ASAP. Makes sense, especially if they see ads for it (which DE have ramped up in the 2020s). I don't have a problem with this, really, but I think there are still other options, especially ones that don't make new players spend a currency they're not familiar with the value of to access content in a game they don't know anything about. I think perhaps a "temporary skip" could be made without a platinum cost, giving new players loaner gear. Remember Orphix Venom's free mechs? Think Kullervo's Hold alert but minus the Pathos Clamp tax (which was added with the explicit intent to gatekeep players who couldn't kill an Orowyrm from joining). EDIT - I also want to add my appreciation to Rebecca for being very open and honest about this, especially knowing how the players can be about these things.
  14. That would be because it's a skin for the Nikana family of weapons, not for all Nikanas. Nikana and Nikana Prime are "the" Nikanas. The skin won't work for any other Nikanas.
  15. I don't like his look. I don't like his abilities.
  16. That's the clan message of the day. You're in clan chat (green) and the MOTD is in whitetext.
  17. Personally I've encountered this bug solo while killing all enemies I see. The game just can't keep up sometimes. It's not like I'm Titania Thermal Sunder deleting entire rooms the instant I enter, either; I'm just meleeing them and not dawdling.
  18. Excavation itself could use un-screwing. Apparently it used to spawn drills near each other, not complete opposite ends of the map... what an amazing time that must have been. A lot of problems with excavation come from when DE tried to make it a worse gamemode because it was too rewarding.
  19. By this logic, DE should've kept Harrow parts in Defection and Kuva Spy since adding them to Kuvival disincentivises players from playing those modes now. My answer to that? Nah. If people wanna fight the Orowyrm for 50 billion times, let them. But I'm over it. More choice isn't bad.
  20. Could DE take steps to make content more engaging and meaningful? Sure, old or easily obsoloted content could be reworked or updated. Can DE somehow add infinitely repeatable interesting content? No. At least, not as fast as players can clear it. You can either get (very) repeatable content, or interesting content. You can't really have both. Even disruptions get boring after a while. If you want infinitely repeatable content, become a riven trader. Rivens are infinite content because no RNG protection on rolls. Therefore must be fun! 😁
  21. They're priming Zylok, so they have no issue priming items that have an incarnon genesis. Of course Furis is stronger than Zylok, but that isn't really relevant; the Incarnon form will probably end up being just as broken and who cares if you're getting 19 million vs. 20 million?
  22. Adding my voice to the cacophony. I've got no problem with paid supporter packs, I've bought a handful and skipped many of them. I do have a slight problem with exclusive cosmetics that are tied into bundles, such as what they started with the Baruuk Mandala pack and Deluxe Bundles - but the ones that are purchasable with Platinum I can generally overlook since Platinum is more accessible. I do have a problem with inflating the value of the packs by stuffing them with "useless" Regal Aya. I would absolutely love to deck out my Mag and Frost with these amazing cosmetics, but I just can't justify spending the money on them, and I don't want to support what I consider a rather predatory business practice. I would greatly appreciate the Mag and Frost skins being available in a bundle with no useless filler where they are closer to what they're actually worth. Unlike other exclusive skins I've made to choice to skip, these are Warframe skins and an exclusive new type of cosmetic (the crowns), which stings a bit more. But also, I would like to say that I do not hate DE, I do not condone any hatred or uncivil behaviour towards them, I am simply disappointed in this decision of theirs, but have hope that they can amend the situation to be more equitable, like they have a good track record of doing in the past.
  23. Yeah I can manage solo interceptions but only with CC spamming loadouts and if I can easily tap the Eximus
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