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Posts posted by Fluffysbeans

  1. RFgGhvT.png

    This is with a resource doubler. I dunno what _XXIX_ above me did to get 1k in 13m, but there's definitely something up with both the drop chances and the amount needed. 
    For clarity, this was 1h during the day with a high range/eff/dur equinox that was definitely killing condrocs before I could see them. It wasn't an issue of missing the drops, I had vac on my sentinel, it was solely an issue of the birds not spawning (and that the 100% spawn condrocs in the sky don't count, that's also a problem). I gave up and left because the sun was setting. 

  2. Tried what you suggested, optimized download cache, verified, tried setting to low, tried changing v-synch, basically ran through the whole shebang, and my game is still fluctuating between flat 30 or 60. Each time it jumps between the two, it has a visible pause.

    My guess would still be that it's related to the windows 1803 update since DE hasn't done any patches and that would be the only thing that changed. It's odd though that other 3D games are running at perfect 60, I would figure that a windows update borking one game so severely would hit at least a few others.

  3. 8 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Are you using Windows 10's latest update (Spring Creators)? That should allow you to change Warframe's performance mode so it uses the high end GPU, because it sounds it's using the integrated/low end GPU instead.

    Where would we go about doing that? That sounds like a logical reason since that update just dropped, but I'm not sure where that choice would be hiding.

  4. Intrigued yet concerned.
    I'm curious to see how the viral/corrosive swap is going to work, and if Saryn spores will still hold up in shield augment sorties. At a first glance, it looks like she'll be stuck as a 4 masher in those missions.
    As a Saryn user (built two primes so I could use more tennogen) I think these look like all around good changes, and I'm curious to see if she still will fit the same roles as she did pre-change.

  5. Are you just building the same tip over and over?
    I have 0 problems with zaw mastery, as soon as the Sanctuary update popped I built all three new zaws and got the 9k points I needed to advance to MR 25.

  6. In a recent patch we were told we could leave Onslaught by simply waiting out the timer once the conduit appears. It works great in multiplayer, as soon as someone steps through, I get my rotation reward (assuming it was an even number zone of course), and then I can just wait out the timer until the game extracts me.

    In the interest of saving time on getting Khora's neurops, I've been running to zone 6 and then leaving. Problem is, if you leave before touching the portal after the even numbered zone when solo, you get nothing from that rotation. If you enter and then let stability decay to 0, you get your drop, but it takes way longer.
    This is a screenshot after extracting by waiting out the timer in front of the gate between zone 6 and 7, and I only have a drop from the two A rotations prior to the B that should drop on zone 6.

  7. Saryn is fine.

    She's hard enough to farm that if you managed to get her, you should have a nice reward.
    Her best builds require both competent modding and a bunch of corrupted mods, so a maxed spore build isn't something any old idiot will be able to throw together. 

    I rarely even see people use spores correctly or at all, and out of the 2600 hours I've played, I've only seen maybe 4 or 5 saryns that had a proper spore spread build. The thing that makes her less used as a mass wave-clear over Ember and Banshee is that her spores don't add any stagger, so it's easy to get swamped once enemies take more than 2 seconds to die to spores.

    I'll admit that I'm the first to get annoyed at Embers and Res-quake Banshees, but that's only because they're boring to play with and then are complete dead weight unless they use other skills. Saryn is less obtrusive in general, and also has a decent amount of survival so that she isn't a hindrance after enemies hit level 50. I'm not saying any should get nerfed, just pointing out that they can all be irritating to play with to an extent. 

  8. This was all tested in the plains and the Simulacrum.

    A friend noticed his 305% crit zaw (after blood rush and a riven) wasn't always red-critting, while it definitely should. We did some science, and figured out that only the host has their full zaw stats, while everyone else has only the stats of the zaw's strike. 

    Ooltha + Plague Akwin + Vargeet II Ruhang 
    Hosting v



    Joined v



    Balla + Kroostra + Ekwana II Ruhang
    Host v



    Joined v




  9. You're not really getting the point then. The thing is, the score isn't for competition, it's just for tracking collective clan mission play. It wouldn't even have to be public, it could just be something visible on the orbiter like when there's a Fomorian or whatever.

    Score and competition aside, why make the trophies one time use?

  10. I finally got down to figuring out where I can get the trophy for the current operation, and now I'm really unhappy with how this seems to be handled. Now correct me if I' wrong, but it looks as though once my clan gathers the necessary materials for one gold-tier trophy, that's all we get. Just the one. Prior events (or at least ambulas and pacifism, we're kinda newish) gave the clan the permanent ability to build the tier of trophy they unlocked. The way this is being handled, we can build only one unless we gather the necessary Cystoliths again for a second trophy.


    Why can't there just be a place like the pigment station so that we can drop resources in and not have to use event-only drops? Why use drops anyway, when the other events went off of score?

  11. Other than having the absolute worst time trying to read your post, I agree.

    I understand that adding even a D color slot for all colorable items would be a hassle for DE, and this would fix a lot of issues I'm currently having with fashionframe. With how fast Tennogen content is being created and a large amount of frames having deluxes, I'm not able to even fully use my purchases. I've considered building duplicates of the frames that I want extra color schemes on, but I'm not exactly excited to have to 2 and 3 forma multiple frames (and farm their prime parts again). 

    The only other option that would still store things server-side is to allow us to buy color slots with plat. Not everyone playing would have a need for the slots, so only the most intense fashioners would go for it, meaning less load (maybe? I dunno the full extent of how slots impact load). Kinda like the holster positions, where most aren't going to opt in for them, but the extra customization is nice if you're willing to pay to have it.

  12. Anyone who uses Vazarin has probably scooted through the forums and noticed other Vazarin feedback pages, and also noticed that they seem to all be lacking in responses and definitely don't stay on page 1 of the feedback forums for very long. Maybe this one will catch on and get noticed?


    Vazarin was my main focus before the 2.0 changes. I knew it wasn't a meta focus like Zenurik and Naramon, but I enjoyed it. Everyone I ran with used Zenurik, but they all loved when I had New Moon charges once things got crazy. We mainly ran Hieracon (Pluto), and if excavator health started to dip, I usually had my focus saved so that I could heal it and help us keep it alive for those few extra seconds we needed. When focus 2.0 was on the way and we got text previews, we were all glad to see I'd be keeping New Moon and the ability to heal.


    I'm gonna break down each skill and talk about what's and what's not.
    Mending Unity: 25m Affinity range
    - I like it. It works with Harrow and Trinity, and they're both supporty. Not sure it should be the base passive, but whatever, in the grand scheme, it's no big deal.

    Enduring Tides: 150% Hp increase and
    Rejuvinating Tides: 4/s Hp regen
    - Cool. I just die less, that's neat.

    Guardian Shell: Hold Void Blast to make energy shield
    - I forget I have it, it's too situational and finicky. Making it be more like Volt's wall would be nice so that I don't feel like I just am holding a paper plate against enemies.

    Guardian Blast: Each ally hit with Void Blast in 8m gets 100 shield
    - Why is the range so tiny? Why is it only 100 shield? 

    Protective Dash: Void-dashed allies get 2s invincibility and 75% Hp regen
    - This is the most important skill, and the one I have the most complaints toward. Vazarin was listed as the cleric class, so I'd assume it was designed to basically be the party healer and defense buffer. 75% Hp regen sounds neat and all, but it requires that you dash through the thing you want to heal. Everyone has talked at length about how bad the operator move speed is, and unless the frame just stops moving entirely, I have zero chance of catching up. 
    Two seconds of invincibility is a joke for a maxed ability. Pre-2.0 Vazarin granted a full-immunity bubble that lasted for something in the realm of 4 seconds, and was decently useful even though the pre-2.0 cooldown was horrid. Why is it that maxing the current version doesn't net me any more than a 1 second increase with over 600k focus spent? It's not like I can catch my allies to apply the buff anyway, and when I do, the invuln duration is so low that it's like I never caught them in the first place. If I use it on myself, I don't even get to see the invuln before my frame's health bar swaps in.
    On top of all this, I used to be able to heal defense pods, excavators, kubrows, kavats, sentinels, operatives, and any other odd-ball ally with a health bar. Now all I can heal is frames. If I can catch them. Woo.
    Shorter explanation - Too hard to use on allies, bad duration, can't use on companions, but the heal% is good. Adding a Zaenurik-like bubble would fix everything, just make the invuln-period work once per bubble or something.

    Sonic Dash: 14m wide stun blast with 8m range
    - Does this skill even work? I don't even see it when I void dash. The enemies sure don't feel it with how dang short the range is.

    Void Regen: 25hp/s while in Void Mode
    - Neat, more tankiness so that I can survive a little longer, no complaints here.

    Void Aegis: Expanding 12m shield 
    - Also pretty neat, especially as a really cheap Frost globe.

    MENDING SOUL Get 4 insta-revive charges for both your frame and operator, non-renewable
    Remember New Moon? Rename this skill to Waning Moon, since it's just a piddly shadow of its former self. In New Moon, I got 4 insta-revive charges every time I used transference. Now I get 8. Total. As in for the entire mission, no do-overs, no screw-ups. Oh, and only 4 of those work toward people reviving me, the 4 on my operator don't do a thing to help with that. I get that there would need to be some sort of limiter to how many charges we can get quickly, since as transference stands, we can just spam it. Adding a cooldown like Oberon's Phoenix Renewal would help with that, in fact, 90 seconds may be the perfect time frame. Insta-revives aren't that good anyway, it's just a nice little cushion that helped more difficult missions go smoother. Out of all the things to get hard-nerfed, this really wasn't the one that deserved it.

    If I wasn't already clear, I used to absolutely love Vazarin. Now I look at it as the definite worst focus in the game, all for reasons that could easily be fixed. Applying the changes I suggested wouldn't make the focus overpowered by any means, if anything, it would pull it up to the same degree of usefulness as the other 4 schools. As it stands currently, it's so far in the hole that adding a few tweaks wouldn't have any risk of super juicing the school. Without a fix, I'm basically stuck here holding a giant stack of greater Vazarin lenses with zero reason to continue using them. While everyone else is still running around with Zenurik energy spheres, I'm stuck here dashing at thin air, hoping that maybe I'll semi-heal something, but I'll probably just miss again.


  13. I've been mashing my face into the Plains since release (when my job allows me, anyway). That means I'm getting to see everything great, and everything that's not so great. I'm gonna dump a big text wall about those things.

    Pre-note: I haven't had enough of a chance to farm Teralysts yet, so I'm leaving out most of my feedback on those since I have way too little experience to speak fully on it.

    The Good
    1) Cetus is lively and fun as a hub world. It's finally the true MMO main city that always existed in every other RPG. I'm concerned that it'll lose that hub feel once other planets get plains-type nodes, similar to how having multiple relays splits the player count and isolates some groups from others. Other than that, it's so well designed. It's just large enough to feel sprawling, but not so large and confusing that you get lost easily. The main-street corridor really helps with this, and I hope following planets keep with a similar orientation.

    2) Sound design in all of the added content is top notch. The new grineer noises are so gutteral and angry, the ships sound large and imposing, and (although repetetive) the ambient noises in Cetus make it feel like a living community.

    3) ARCHWING. BOY. The new flight is like that perfect blend between experimental and non-experimental we always needed.Using left and right movement while sprinting to tilt makes everything seem so fluid, and I'm hoping that gets added to normal archwing. Check down in The Bad for the rest of my archwing feedback, because the flight method is about the only good thing right now.

    4) Fishing is amazingly fun as everyone has already shown by spamming every Warframe group I'm in with fish pictures 24/7. It shouldn't be this fun, but for some reason it is. More fish feedback below as well.

    5) There aren't too many new drops from enemies. Grokdrul scared the bejeezus out of me at first since I thought it would be used in everything (it kinda is), and then be impossible to find. Long story short, it's not hard to find at all, and is the only new resource that drops from enemies. Iradite is easy to pick up acidentally, as is every plant drop. The grind is crazy huge as it stands currently, but not having to continuously farm grineer for drops is a very welcome feature.

    6) Using my operator is now super fluid, and I feel so much more like a souped up space kid than a decrepit emo-lord with broken knees. If we could just remove the whole fall damage thing, going into operator mode would be entirely finished and refined.

    7) As they currently stand (ehehehe), standing prices are quite reasonable. The things that cost a bunch are multi-use, and the things you need to buy repeatedly are fairly cheap.

    The Bad
    This list is longer, but the points are less important. I just want Warframe to be the best it can be, yknow?
    1) Remember how I said Cetus ambient voices and noises were good up there? They're great and at a reasonable volume, but why in the world does the cook only have one line? 

    2. Archwing is currently still too expensive. Why do we have to craft the deployable multiple times (the stack is a good size at least)? Why does an enemy breathing at me pull me out of it? Why do we lose the ability to melee entirely? I get that making melee stances work in archwing would be much harder than it would be worth, but, yknow, archwings have their own melees that are already fully functional? On top of that, why does meleeing pull me out of archwing? If it's not going to be included in the archwing moveset, don't make it pull me out and waste a limited deployable. 

    3) Whisps are 0 fun to farm, and we need 30 just for babby's first amp. What? something like 2 or 3 would be more reasonable.

    4) Amps remind me: Why are the weapon part blueprints not reusable? Having to repeatedly buy weapon blueprints that take an hour to craft isn't enjoyable, especially considering mixing parts is supposed to be encouraged. Maybe adding either part blueprints or built parts to incursion/bounty reward tables in place of the credit caches would be a welcome change.


    6) Standing caps for both Ostron and the Quills is a really irritating feature. Caps made sense for syndicates since they gave full weapons and mods that are worth a hefty amount of plat, and you also earn syndicate standing by just existing in missions with their pretty pictures on your chest. We have to actively farm PoE standing, why cap it? There isn't a daily credit or resource limit, why have one here?

    7) Grineer ships are just a little too tanky. I can still shoot down the ships in bounty 5, but it takes so long (even with corrosive procs) that it's not worth it, and is quite dangerous. Is there some reason why they can't be targeted by abilities? I'm a frequent Mag user, and I was pretty sad when I saw her 2 couldn't target the ships. I know the Corpus Condors aren't able to be targeted either, but why make it that way at all?

    8) Mining resources takes just long enough for too small of a reward. On top of that, crafting is a 1:1 ratio right now, 1 ore equals 1 alloy. If I need just 1 alloy, I have to farm 20 raw to end up with 19 extra. I know the ores aren't that hard to get, but with all the other things I have to do, I don't really want to spend all my time drawing on rocks for an ore that is needed for nearly everything I try to craft. 

    The Focus
    Splitting this one out because there's too much.
    1) As I said up there, going into operator mode = smooth. Thumbs up.

    2) Too many skills require the operator to hit a warframe directly with void dash. Unless my squadmates are standing still and sniping, I typically can't catch up to dash into them.

    3) Don't even get me started on the skills that need void blast to hit a friendly frame.

    4) Passives are implemented well for the most part. It's nice not having to wait for the circle to fill up before I can get an affinity range boost.

    5) Other than my issues with the way void blast and dash need to be used, Zenurik, Unairu, Madurai, and Naramon actually seem pretty well balanced now. They all let people choose a playstyle they want, and give some pretty neat skills.

    6) Vazarin got shafted. Healing requires void dash or blast, meaning it's now both single target and unreliable. It doesn't heal companions, unless I just can't hit my kavat because I suck at aiming. The insta-revives are basically useless, since there are 0 ways to get them back once they're used. The only thing it has going for it currently is the void mode protective bubble, and even then, the bubble is so short-lived and slow to expand that it's barely worth it. Zenurik's energy restore is instant, why not allow Vazarin to have the same thing for its heal/shield? Heck, why even separate the two skills? I know there are plenty of other Vazarins complaining, so that's all I'm going to add here.

    The Plains are still superbly handled, and this game really shouldn't be free. I'm glad it still is, so I'll keep buying things so the super neato devs can get the payment they deserve.
    Also this forum is great, my pc crashed on me a tad while I was finishing my 6th point on focus, so I had a mini-heart attack, but my wall of text survived. Pretty cool.

  14. Mine are all going to be a tad colorful, but the base is still ink. Some might end up more inked than others, but it's all permanent. Once I lay a stroke down, it's stuck. Still keeps with the theme if we squint a little. They're probably also all going to be on the same chipboard material, and I'll post approximate sizes so everyone can get an idea of each one's scale.

    Day 1, Oct 1st: Swift
    Ratel - 1.5 in x 2 in



    Day 2, Oct 2nd: Divided
    Inaros -3 in x 5 in



    Day 3, Oct 3rd: Poison
    Toxic Ancient - 4.25 in x 2.5 in 



    Day 4, Oct 4th: Underwater
    Darek Draga - 4.25 in x 2.5 in



    Day 5, Oct 5th: Long
    Atterax and Nekros Prime - 3 in x 5 in



    Day 6, Oct 6th: Sword
    Excalibur (wow original) - 2.5 in x 4.25 in



    Day 7, Oct 7th: Shy
    Loki - 1.5 in x 2 in



    Day 8, Oct 8th: Crooked
    Proto-glaive - .75 in x 1 in (it's almost too small to take a picture of)



    Day 9, Oct 9th: Screech
    Oculyst - 2.5 in x 4.25 in



    Day 10, Oct 10th: Gigantic
    Kela De Thaym - 3 in x 5 in



    The weekend hit me hard so I got backed up a bit (blame me overextending on the gigantic prompt and alcohol).

    Day 11, October 11th: Run
    Nidus' Maggot - 1 in x .75 in



    Day 12, October 14th: Fierce
    Feral Kavat - 1.5 in x 2 in



    Day 13, October 15th: Mysterious
    Kuria - .75 in x 1 in



    Day 14, October 16th: Fat
    Kuva Guardian - 1.5 in x 2 in



    Day 15, October 17th: Graceful
    Lotus - 3 in x 5 in



    Day 16, October 18th: Filthy
    Azurite - .75 in x 1 in



    Between work and PoE releasing, I was destined to not make it through the whole thing. I underestimated how much more time-consuming Warframe stuff is to draw (and color, I get why most people go b/w on this), but I still had fun doing the ones I did. Maybe next year I'll get smart and not color everything.

  15. I'm gonna just shove my opinion in here and join the fray.

    In general, the original post was correct. The mission is a drag, the only people capable of participating are long-time players, and those same players have nearly 0 incentive to blow their limited time on this one irritating mission (though we do seem to have time to waste reading 5 pages of a thread). The only people who this event effects are those who can't even work to save the thing they need, and heck, most of those people haven't even heard of or started the game yet.

    The archwing portion? People need to get over that. That's not the issue. The droprates? Yes, an issue. The distance you have to go in the starchart to reach the missions? Also bad. But the missions themselves? No big deal. 

    But why would any of us want to blow our time in the game (and limited time for anyone with a job/kids/obligations) for some resource required to go on a mission where most of the time you get a reward list that stops after the second item? There definitely needs to be a better reward table for mission completion, with the puncture/dual stat mods being there as icing. Maybe a decent endo cache? Maybe having the mission itself having an abnormally high ayatan sculpture chance? Just better credits in general? And that's really bare-minimum as suggestions go for fixing this event.

    There's plenty of ways:
    Reduce/remove the polymer cost (mentioned repeatedly, sure it's down from 3500, but yeah? Now instead of being charged $5 mil, it's only 3 mil? Wowzers)
    Make it take longer to appear. Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
    Don't have the total health jump up by 5x? Sure, it was too short last time, but why such a drastic leap? 1.5x would have been plenty.

    More drastic measure would be entirely changing the mission to either make it not require ciphers (best case scenario for the devs in terms of work involved)
    Make Razorbacks behave like Ambulas. Have them drop in on missions with squadrons of Bursas in Condors replacing the four side rooms. People could still ignore them and run past, but it would be more in-your-face so that there'd be no reason not to, assuming it dropped something of value unlike current Condors.

    My last point couldn't really apply to Fomorians, but every other point easily could, minus the polymer cost. Fomorian disruptors are way easier to craft, but still, why make us craft anything? It's just another obstacle in front of a piddly reward. For both, we need better rewards, a longer wait between appearances, less total HP so that it can be completed with every player running it no more than a few times, and a higher accessibility for everyone so that the entire playerbase can participate if they want.

    But yeah, Larunda is screwed.

  16. For people whining about the whole "and keep the total number of Relics as low as possible" thing, it's really quite simple to understand if you think for half a minute. 

    All three parts are found within relics that are currently vaulting because they held one of the parts from either Trinity, Kamas, or Kavasa. Hydroid prime and his weapons are clearly going to have some rare parts, meaning they'll take up the one rare slot on their relic. If the three items whose ducat values are changing had remained rare, DE would have had to add not one relic to account for the parts, but at minimum 2. Changing the value of a few rares to uncommon means that those parts can be found inside one of the new relics along with the rare part of one of the new sets.

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