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Everything posted by morisa00

  1. Yea no i'm aware this is a total long shot and would only ever be picked up if someone thinks its particularly neat and easy to do ^^ Still thought i'd voice my concerns and make a feature request to have it documented somewhere. Didn't find the other post must have searched just a lil bit off, tho i did only go through like 5 or so Reddit posts as i was was mainly looking here. Thanks for sharing your thought on this though :D
  2. I don't know if this is fixable on Warframes side but if you run 2 monitors and you go from the login screen with the password box selected to a second monitor it doesn't deselect the password box and looks like you are still ready to type in there. I have personally almost leaked my password at at least 2 occasions and it is a rather common occurrence on twitch and other streaming chats. To my UI request then: Would it be possible to add some kind of better indication that you are not in the proper window? Ofc that doesn't reduce the responsibility on us players to check properly but i feel like it is a small enough change that could save some ppl their passwords
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