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Posts posted by ZarTham

  1. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

    First of all, yes, the Staff sucks now and I hate it. I wish it was good. 

    But no reason to play him? When I want to solo Kuvival fissures for 60+ minutes Wukong is the only Frame I go to, so far have made it to 100 minutes and I'm sure I could've gone further

    No it won't carry your teammates, but it'll be powerful enough to overshine them most of the time

    No reason to play with him when Defy was god-like (before rework), that's what I was referring to. And tbh, with this last change on Wukong's staff I am actually losing any will to play WF, almost 5 months without playing because I'm working outside of my country but this nerfs are just putting me off WF completely, when the staff is his thing it doesn't make a #*!%ing sense to nerf it the way DE did.

  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)SrebX said:

    It affects Celestial Stomp, his #1 Augment

    In a nutshell, the gameplay is- Use a powerful melee of choice (Reaper Prime/Paracesis/Kronen Prime/Nikana Prime/Kuva Shildeg/Fragor Prime/Whatever the hell you want), Use a good AI weapon for WuClone (Kuva Bramma for AoE dmg/Secura Penta for AoE dmg/Pox for Armor strip/Zakti for condition priming/Kohm for shredding/Whatever The hell you want)

    Then all you have to do is get go on a mission and you'll find out that you're faster and tankier than everybody, while being Able to CC the entire room+the room next to you WHILE you're running around with your overpowered Melee chopping enemies to bits WHILE your WuClone destroys everything with AoE weapon/Strips Armor/Whatever function you gave him

    Wukong's Staff isn't for fashion purposes, that's his signature weapon, it is supposed to be good and it's currently S#&$, right when we finally had a reason to play Wukong (and it was fun has hell compared to Oldkong) DE decides to nerf his staff, Celestial Stomp isn't as good as you claim, since slam attacks are terrible, and as someone who runs 2 hours kuva survivals while carrying and defending extractors trust me when I say Wukong isn't as tankier as you think.

  3. 9 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    So what, it goes from bottom of the barrel to... 6 feet underneath the barrel? :tongue:

    :sadcry: no really, it sucks to see Wukong's Iron Staff the way it is currently, I mean what else does he has...? That stick is his special thing!

    I could care less about other Warframes, but when DE touches my monkey and my monkey doesn't like the way he's being touched, I start to get mad :crylaugh:

  4. Haven't been online for over a month so I haven't been up to date regarding the changes on melee, but I just did a quick test on the sim against lv155 with my usual build, I do notice a significant nerf on Wukong's 4, although it isn't overkill but it's a drastic change, but it was just a quick test, haven't looked at the damage in detail, staff range or combos.

    All being said, I hope DE won't nerf it even more, it wasn't an overkill nerf but it hurts to see my monkey getting pounded like this. If it's a bug or something I hope DE takes a look into it.

  5. I don't think you understand how loot frames work, nekros desecrates a body, which means, once a mob dies, the mob drops loot, besides that loot, nekros can extract an extra drop from it, other frames work differently, in case of hydroid/khora, mobs have to get caught (or touched) by their 4s (Strangledome and the kraken) so the mob can give an extra loot.

    They don't double the chance for something to drop (10% drop rate doesn't turn into 20% drop rate), they have a chance of making the mob drop an extra loot piece, I think what you're trying to say is that instead of frames making mobs dropping an extra loot piece, they should increase the drop rate of the loot pool.

    What you're referring to rarity is nothing but tiers, so you're suggesting adding tiers? Like relics (common, uncommon, rare) but for each drop? Would be pointless, rather go with just increase percentages, no?

  6. 5 minutes ago, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    if youre on steam try disabling "allow download during gameplay"

    i had this after preloading destiny 2 because for some reason it checks download every few minute making the 2 second freeze.

    Non related, this happens with certain actions such as picking up specific mods, summoning specters as mentioned, it has nothing to do with Steam.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    No. I dont want to spends too long to get enemies to a high enough level. I literally CANT. I feel like throwing up if I stay sitting for too long. I have to either stand up or walk around.

    Currently this is my main issue, having to wait 120 minutes in a survival to get some "challenge" is boring and tedious, and I'm not even talking about meta squads, I do 120 minute kuva survivals while carrying the squad with a Wukong, on public -_-.

    For me this is a waste of time, having to wait 2 hours to actually be able to enjoy the build I've worked on for years.

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  8. There have been some requests to make doors client-sided, same for weapons, I really don't understand why they are server-sided o_O? It's even more noticeable with weapons when ur not the host on a profit taker run and you try to take out your arch-gun, it simply won't.

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