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Posts posted by ZarTham

  1. 1 minute ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    Turning into?  It's already there.

    Then let us not make things even easier, shall we? And having that kind of annoyances is what makes friends and clan mates important. Went public? Oops, expect a sh!tstorm. I always try to see importance on how small things lead to big changes.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    I feel like you're carrying over anger from another conversation... or you escalate very quickly.  I'm not coming from the point of 'it's hard, make it easy' but rather it's just a little annoying seeing your supposed AI clone shoot something that no sane person would kill.  It's QoL more than anything.  When I'm actively going after a target then of course I select solo and either don't summon the clone or just use another frame but that doesn't stop the fact it's annoying to join a pub mission underway and end up killing the target because of AI.  I'm not one of those people who say a change "needs" to happen but I would support the change if it was proposed.

    Sorry, that's not QoL, that's making things easy, you should expect things to go wrong every once in a while, I know this is a game, but I wouldn't want WF turning into a mindless thing where you have no concerns whatsoever.

    No worries, I'll just spawn the clone, let it CC other mobs while I take care of the target without having to worry about it being killed.... That's stupid...

  3. I only agree with the 1st point and his passive buffs, his clone is really stupid, doesn't take into consideration range and has visibility issues (even tries to shoot through walls ^^), as for the passive, I really don't give too much importance to its buffs.... double drop? meh... x4 orbs... meh.... Primal Forces, Heavenly Cloak and Cosmic Armor are useful but it relies on RNG, which for me is the main reason to just ignore the buffs and not count on them during missions.

    Cloud does not need to be slower, that was one of the main complains, if the cloud is too fast, go on foot...

    New defy is very very good, the only thing I think it should do is share the armor buff with the squad, currently Wukong still doesn't have much synergy with it.

    And like @Hopper_Orouk said, while you may consider it a nerf, your problem seems to be that now you are required to be more active.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    Except that unless you're running around with the scanner out you usually don't know a synth target is nearby until Simaris yells at you for your clone killing it.  If you join a mission that has already started where a synth target is present, you don't even know that you need to be careful.

    Regardless, it's a target like any other, stop trying to make things too easy, if the clone killed the target, restart the mission and don't summon him, if your team mates kill the target, restart the mission on solo or a with a clan mate or with a friend, why is it that DE must now make every single ****ing thing easy just cuz someone is too lazy to adapt? How hard is it to just not summon the clone? Or to go solo for a while? How hard is it? Oh wait, how about DE makes the mob only visible to the person that's after it? This way, others couldn't kill the target ^^^^ great ****ing idea huh?

    Stop.... It's not that hard to scan a symaris target, it's not that hard to go solo, it's not that hard to NOT summon Wukong's clone.

  5. 1 minute ago, Ascarith said:

    Just pointing out this doesn't work if Wukong is running Celestial Stomp.

    True, had forgotten about that. Still, it's a target like any other, I don't think it should be treated differently....

  6. Agree, Wukong right now is quite fun to play with, his exalted has become really good, specially with channeling, the only downside I see is that he still doesn't have much synergy with the squad, besides the Enveloping Cloud's and ability to move around quickly to ress, move from 1 objective to the other (kuva catalysts and MB datamass), I'd love if Defy also buffed allies armor, that would be quite useful.

    Another thing that's really bothering me, is the slamming on his combos..... so unnecessary... and weak.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    What do we even get in Rathuum aside from points to kill Kela with?

    Cant be Endo. Not since Arbitrations.

    I dont think any of Kela's mods drop there.

    Endo.... 50s~1m runs, average of 700 endo per run, Arbitrations got boring as hell with the changes DE made, at least Arena keeps me awake and aware all the time.

    Making it endless would be a nice addition.

  8. Well.... I really don't care about graphics on a game.... but damn that sky view from the orbiter, as someone who spends a lot of time on it just killing time (as many players do), I want that, the lightning looked really good, want that too, a lot, good lightning really enhances the quality without having to re works everything else.

  9. b1GVs7J.jpg

    Click on a Relic link while on navigation and shows some nodes.


    Edit: Also...


    Why do I have to hover that in order to show some useful additional info? The relic image doesn't need to be so big, I love ferrero rocher but not that much, make more use of that useless space.

  10. most likely someone already said what i'm about to say....

    Pre-made squad...

    Stop trying to dictate wtf I should and should not do in a public run.

    And yes, I do pub ESO to lvlup stuff, although I try to bring along something useful, and guess what, most of the time I get a S#&$ty squad, that's what I get for going ESO on public, life's a *@##$, deal with it.

    That's what pre-made squads are for, to have a good setup for the mission, that's what clans are for, so you have ppl to rely on when you need, unless you have a S#&$ty clan ofc.

    • Like 2
  11. Found this issue the hard way some time ago, started researching for a color only to find out I had to wait 36 hours until I could farm the other pigments.................... for now a workaround that was suggested was, start research, collect the pigments, deliver the pigments (don't deliver the credits yet) pause the research and start another (collect, deliver, repeat), once you have a bunch of pigments ready to go just unpause and donate the credits.


    But yeh, a change on this would be most welcome.

  12. yep, this nerf was unnecessary, me and 3 more folks did an interception, 2 hours and 18 minutes or so, my brain was already dead at that point and had to leave, it was so boring........... I stopped caring about dying because... revives.... stopped paying attention to my surroundings because....revives, both revives and enemy scaling nerf killed arbitrations for me.


    I'd welcome very much an elite arbitration, no revives and with the enemy scaling as it was.

  13. Sup @Kekasi glad to know you're keeping this updated :), as for my previous question (ultra wide support 2560x1080) I'll be sending you through PM a screenshot, let me know if you need anything else.

    With v7.2.0 on Fullscreen mode (in-game) and Full Scale (100%) the overlay wont show up, but if I set to Custom scale (60%) it shows but not aligned, and some results show 0 on plat/ducat values, still gonna check Legacy scale, I have tried the Little window thing (since I use dual monitor setup) but it shows items that are not even on the reward window, not sure why.

    I've also tried unplugging my secondary monitor as it may have been causing these issues but they would still appear.

  14. The more Warframe grows, the more of this stuff happens, and god I wish WF hadn't had this much exposure.... I do remember having this issue way before PoE 1.0 (sometimes) but now it has gotten much worse, pub missions (whichever they are) are getting more and more annoying with players not sticking to the general rule, stick to pre-made.

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