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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Since we're fresh from "One Thousand  E  Cuts" Tactical Alert...

    Think about what you felt lacking in the past Alert and check out the Concept.

    This TA stressed out what are the weak points of melee:
    > Dependance on Life Strike+Rage and a tanky Warframe;
    > Not every weapon is avialable for melee combat;
    > Necessity of relying on Status and Crowd Control spam;
    > No active defense. Also the reason because there were no ranged enemies;

  2. 1 hour ago, -----LegioN----- said:

    Agreed, and nerfing flight speed mods (last fix) isn't enough, it also hurts weapons that truly need some skill to be used like bows

    The point is... They must do Projectile Speed Mods avialable exclusively for specific weapons, Bows in this case. Not rifles.
    Or eventually preventing Projectile Speed Mods being equippable on all the automatic rifles exclusion made for Launchers or Non-Hitscan Burst guns which would need it.

    +1 to the OP.
    Always claimed Dera Vandal was totally out of control.

  3. Feedback:

    Sabotage 2.0 feels a step in the right direction. Offers the player to choose how to conclude the missions through specific mechanics.

    But at the same time there's plenty of features which can be emproved.

    The objective isn't as different as Deception Missions: take the 'Datamass' from X to Y, eventually shoot the reactor then extract.
    Then maybe some twist like go to Z, hack the console to deactivate Blast Doors, get to extraction. 
    Not exactly funny, nothing new, it adds no stress to the escape.

    Little Puzzles inside Cell Pickup Rooms are easy and sometime don't work as intended (Laser barriers effectively not stopping Tennos from hacking consoles, etc.).

    Unlike Spy2.0 and Rescue the stealth factor is non-existent, nor relevant, nor rewarded. Secondary routes aren't useful since Reactor Area isn't filled with big enemies (check Rescue) and more elaborated areas to pass through.

    Caches seems to be there just to add some more depth to a mission which isn't deep enough. You can compare with Spy 2.0, Rescue, Hive Missions.

    Also can't really understand the Defense Phase. It should be more like Interception, with enemy technicians trying desperately to hack or revert the core reaction, instead than.... trying destroying the reactor?
    The defense objectives self-heal themselves, I even tryied leaving them on their own and in some missions the enemy output won't even represent any danger.

    I really appreciate the structure of the map, with a central area (the Reactor) and different branches of the installation requiring to do something in every one of them. Like Spy 2.0. (It really resembles one of my concepts on my profile)
    The only thing which imo ruins it is the use of classic tileset corridors and rooms, which are nice for the atmosphere, but don't involve any strategy to cross them.
    (And that's the critique which I'd make to most tilesets, they're there for a narrative and aesthetic factor, not involving strategy and ability in the transition, which is fundamental in Video Games).

    I also appreciate the fact that failing (even if it's almost impossible to do) will result in harsh consequences and less options for the player.
    Failing to get a Coolant Cell means that in the end you'll have just the Fuel Cell resulting in the Meltdown, the longer and dangerous escape challenge.

    To spot on this point. The escape isn't thrilling or hard. Couldn't manage to find the Magnetic Hazard, but the Freezing Hazard is easy after all and the Meltdown Hazard results just in another objective before extraction while sustaining costant fire damage.


    As I wrote on a concept of mine, I'd have expected something ala Moon Spy, with crumbling areas forcing a Parkour escape through it, or maybe an Archwing escape route through wreckage of the burning ship. 
    Since the new Time Travel mechanic, why can't there be a "switch to crumbling base section" after the sabotage?

    Or what about barriersfrozen or wreckage walls obstructing whole doorways? Taking time to get destroyed thus forcing Tennos to break through before the core detonation? Or Forcing Tennos to pass through another way... Adding more tension to the escape.

    Low Gravity, Vaacum sucking out Tennos and Enemies making hard passing through some corridors...

    Why Power Cells are so easy to be carried around? What about adding some debuff to the holder? Ala Dragon Key for example.
    "Handling the Cell drains your energy/strenght". "Its heavy mass forces to proceed slowly". "Freezes the carrier draining empty the shields".
    Sure, some of these listed may be frustrating or slowing the mission, but done in a correct manner, I think it can add more emphasis to the game.

  4. My computer spec meets the minimum requirements for Warframe.
    I went around testing the lowest graphical setting and noticed in Void that the direct vision of watery areas produces heavy FPS loss, from 40 to <10.
    Inside rooms containing water areas FPS dropped; outside of them, with door closed and no vision of it the FPS would restore to its usual quantity.

    I'm going to try disabling 64-bit mode and update.

  5. Really nice ideas.
    I think the change to Hallowed Ground and Renewal wouldn't still be enough.
    The "marking mechanic" of your Reckoning feels interesting, but I would instead make it work the following way.

    Make HG an offensive/protective aura and Renewal a defensive/healing aura.
    Enemies inside your auras are always "marked" as long as they're inside it.
    Smite and Reckoning acts as a punishment on enemies marked, comboing with the active aura and triggering a different effect.
    The main difference is Smite would be for single targets and Reckoning mostly for AOE or damage, over the actual use (need to make some consideration about the outcomes, since the triggered effect with Reckoning would scale with the number of enemies hit).

    About HG I'd retain its knockdown immunity effect (it's too necessary).
    About Renewal I'd retain its healing overtime effect.
    (We've to riallocate the debuff dispel effect.)

    Essentially by hitting marked enemies would trigger an effect which I still am not sure about what should be:

    • Istant healing for teammates by Punishing enemies inside Renewal (and something relative for HG) [get rid of spawning Health Orbs];
    • Creating static Aoe areas exactly as Reckoning Augment do:
      > Triggered with HG produces the actual damage-pulsing aoes;
      > Triggered with Renewal produces heal-pulsing aoes.
    • Eventually, if the static AOE effect is too much uncomfortable (IE: requiring Tennos to get out of cover to benefit it), we can recycle Renewal and Smite projectiles effect to get released in the surroundings and looking for an elegible target.
    • What about upkeeping or stacking both auras to geth both effects? Energy of course would draw faster.

    There's eventually to think about how these effects would interact with auras basic effect. The idea is just raw.

    Make Hallowed Ground and Renewal as "Auras" and make Smite and Reckoning comboing different effects with them.

    All this to put Oberon in line with the Paladin's theme... Ala Diablo 2 "Redemption Aura". Punishing and Redempting, being the Judge of Balance.

  6. The Saryn 2.0 is pretty nice.
    She just needs some QoL.

    > More survivability through stats (can't say if Primed version solved it);
    Energy gain and management (but that's imho is a problem bound to the Energy System overall), it's not uncommon ending up all energy despite Flow;
     It's interesting that mechanic of energy refunding through Toxic Leash and Spores, I feel it should be baseline.
    > Molt thoughness and utility in high level missions.

    Just ignore haters.

  7. > Crowd Control Prevalence

    Diminish return must happen. But balance means lowering something and enhancing something else.

    > Mandatory Mods: Warframes

    Rage is a problem, involved with Energy generation overall.

    About energy generation...

    .. it's not only a Mod related problem; the actual systems involved are:

    • Rage, mostly reliable with Vitality and a tanky frame, also requires to get damage, being in dangerous situations.
    • Energy Siphon, unreliable. However it should be made baseline.
    • Equilibrium, works only for specific builds and it's used only on some frames.
    • Consumable spam. Mostly broken.
    • Warframe skills.
      Energy Vampire, mostly  broken.
      Despoil it's RNG related but actually feels legit.
    • Random dropping Orbs. (whatever Energy Orbs shouldn't drop from enemies killed by abilities.)
    • Syndacate AOE procs (Entropy, Blight). Legit, but not so reliable.

    I feel the new Focus Convergence mechanic adds flow to the gameplay and something similar could be done for Energy, allowing windows of opportunity in which you could use your full powers or even spam them, and others in which it would be better ration and keep your energy for the best chance.

    What about some Style Kill Momentum? Something involving an active role from the player, unrelated to RNG or cheap abusable actions.
    It comes to my mind Conclave missions (Kill airborne opponents, headshot kills, Style kill, kill enemies with primary and secondary, etc.).

    I think there's also space for a subtle battle management with enemy drain mechanics (Parasitic Eximuses, Magnetic procs, etc.), like also adding some "drain reduction" mechanic to Focus and Primed Focus mods, to allow the player countering the waste of its own effort into collecting more energy.

  8. This Tactical Alert is challenging in the right ways, you don't get punished hard until you fail multiple times.

    The alarm system is perfect and should have always be like this.

    A Camera spots you, starts a lockdown of the sector, deploying istantly countermeasures (Bursas in this case), rifle turres, moas and drones.
    The old laser doors were a ridicle failure compared to this also because they could be trepassed with no harm.

    Bursas are perfect minibosses which requires a smart positioning and dodging harmful attacks. Just the infinite knockdown is a bit lame, I understand it's made to combo with the grapple attack, but sometimes it's overkill, forcing you to bring Handspring.

    Hyena Packs are perfect heavy-units-to-minibosses. They're the best designed units in game. They jump around and deploy special attacks. This requires costant fedback from the player. Compared to other Heavy Units like Corpustech and Nullifiers they are more dynamic and entertaining (I usually appreciate Nullifiers, I don't have any rancor toward them).

    All these units together may be a little too hard to manage, but it's the first time in Warframe i feel the correct challenge dosage.
    Not just a 'WalkingN'ShootingMindlessMob' scaling on damage and resistances: something I found in other Tactical Alerts requiring "spamming CC and immortality or get oneshotted" can't be defined "a Challenge".

    The Boss is wonderful, finally something requiring to use both Thinking and Parkour Skills.

    A good step in the right direction. It all may require a bit of refining in level design and stages organization, but overall feels really good.

    Finally we have a really decent Bossfight.

    If you like mission theorycrafting check also this thread, both for idea sharing and general feedback.

  9. The new Tactical Alert features a more dynamic assassination mission, involving a lot of special units, eximuses and minibosses, plus a final encounter based on a "new" kind of Boss which needs a more active and smart gameplay to be beaten.
    A nice encounter in a dedicated arena, with more environmental interactions required while surviving under the continuous Boss' barrage.

    It really gave an interesting twist to the old Jakal's fight.

    Finally another step in the right direction after Tyl Regor.

    Looking for the upcoming Kela De Thaym rework.



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