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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. I don't blame players for playing the game mode optimally. The game mode incentivises farming dailies and standing. This is not actually douchebaggery, just people who seem to want to get rewarded, and by playing like that the game does just that.

    No matter what, when people meet competition and are after a screen they'll act toxically and start venting bad attitudes on others.

    It's actually a problem in people mind when an instrument is used in a bad way, not the instrument itself.

    Humans will always rather their Ego and their satisfation by abusing others than acting in an honorable way.

    This is also because the community in a game is mostly made by adulescents which can't udnerstand these points.

  2. explain ''usefull seasoning''

    You don't strictly need it, but when you have it, it's still useful.

    Your having it or not, doesn't make an impactful difference for the gameplay requirements.

    You can still play the game as you used to without it, you won't be left behind by elitists because of it.

    This is good design. And that's the reason they can't do it for normal skills and augments.

    What is required to play is easily accessible, what is not necessary but still good isn't easy to obtain.

    It's simple logic.

    The problem in this community, over being mostly made of spoiled kids, is that they've been educated to farm, so they can't see the game otherwise than a system which needs to be farmed.

  3. I just say that both Syndacate and Focus are systems that shouldn't be farmed, but used together with the normal playing of everyday, it's like a useful seasoning.

    The problem is in players' heads, which want everything now and they forcefully farm it.

    That's the wrong way of playing.

    PS: Get ready for useful comments like "don't tell me how I have to play" and similar...

  4. Toying with Charge attack I noticed that Lacero/Mios can charge attack even when not in Melee Only.

    Also it has 2 different charge attacks, always triggered with the same command, the only difference is each one is executed on the basis of which foot you have forward.

    With right foot forward it execute a deep stab, With the left foot forward it execute a stylish multihit cut.

    In melee only it works at the same manner, it makes different hook attacks on the basis of which foot is forward.

  5. Shadow Stalker is easier than the old Stalker.

    Without Dread and Absorb the Shadow Stalker isn't anything special.
    The annoying thing is the Sentient Resistance matter which results in really long and boring fights.

    Its mobility is scarce, it's pretty easy kiting it.
    Its Sword Attacks and Grenade are slow and easy to dodge. Not a matter of telegraphing, that's fine, it's a matter of quickness of the action after the telegraphed animation ends.

    Imho it would need some kind of Shadowstepping Skill.
    And maybe getting quicker on actions when its Vitality goes down to a threshold.

  6. But it is a PVP that most active players enjoy. 

    Most active players? Numbers? 20 forum users following the PVP section?

    Most active players are a minority of the total community.

    There are people which, in spite of being used to play PVP on other games, totally avoid Warframe's because of its imbalance (cause it's on development of course) or because it's too much harsh.

    Also consider that a game mode which results more accessible and "easy"(in its learning curve) for most of the player base is going to lure more people, instead than rejecting and discouraging them (exactly what's happening recently).


  7. I want PVP to be fun, and for this PVP, the fun lies in fast movement and decent aiming. I do not care about ego, proving myself as a god or whatnot; I want PVP to be fun and also relevant to the skills from PVE, with respect to movement and aiming. 


    You know what? I think I would just wait for private Conclave matches and see if they allow for good customisation. If so, I will leave public Conclave be, unless there is something gamebreaking. 

    That's your idea of PVP, let's see what DE thinks.

  8. Agree.

    1) Melee Combo Counter needs work, it resets too much quickly and its damage scaling isn't still enough.

    2) Parry is really bad and we need some active defense to reflect projectiles while attacking or performing combos.

    3) There is no sustain or energy gain. Thus we are forced to depend on Rage and Life Strike.

    4) We need decent rewards for executing complete melee combos. Not just damage (which anyway is not enough and should be managed through Melee Combo Counter).
    Example: on Combo completed there procs an effect similar to Syndacate powers, eventually replenishing energy or health, so to fix also the point #3.

    5) Most combos are clunky and unresponsive. Over those with E spam, Fury and Berserk shouldn't impact other combos the way they are doing.

    updating soon.

    EDIT: Details on my opinion here:

  9. 4 cuts down your rez timer to zero or 1 second no matter what.


    You can respawn immediately if you die.


    1. Doesn't seem to Knockdown everything. Only staggered a Rhino in Iron Skin.

    So essentially if you don't die it's wasted energy. Ok.

    What about Terrify? Just some armor reduction?

    Thanks for the info.

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