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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. Everyone's been left with a ton of questions after the new quest. Typical of lore- answer some big questions and spawn a million smaller ones. Well played, DE.


    Fangirling about the cinematics and music aside, the main question I've got is-


    How "human" are the Tenno?


    Do they have basic needs like eating, drinking, going to the bathroom? At first it seems unlikely but the Grineer (clones) and Corpus ("proto-humans") never seem to do any of this either even though it seems pretty darn likely that they do. Video game logic- unless you're playing The Sims, basic needs tend to take a background role. But I'd still like to know if they have those needs at all. It'd be easier to relate to them than if they just sat in that seat for an eternity, never doing anything else.


    Also, do they age now that they're no longer dreaming? If they do, it's probably safe to say that their lifespans are longer than today's humans, much like the Corpus. If they don't age, why not?


    They seemed considerably frail in the cinematic. Was that because they were confused and disoriented, or are they physically disabled?


    Perhaps the most important question- is DE going to address any of this, or leave it to imagination? :P

    Never heard of this? 


  2. The way the original charge attacks worked, I think, was better than what we have now.  Back then, you could hold the charge for as long as you wanted and strike at desired moments.  There was also a moving gauge to show if and when you were fully charged.

    I clearly remember that you couldn't discharge whenever you wanted, it was just an Ichor's feature/issue.

  3. EDITED:


    #1 Soul Punch: assured knockdown, damages. Really Strong.
    (Stagger on Rhino Ironskin)

    #2 Terror: seems to apply a debuff (outgoing damage reduced by 50%) to enemy targets.

    #3 Desacrate: affects friendly and enemy dead bodies assuring a large Energy Orb (refunding its cost) and a Life Orb. Really nice for healing and team support. Opponents can grab those Orbs.

    #4 Shadow of the Dead: is now a team utility buff, allowing the Nekros and his teammates to istantly respawn after death.

  4. I think they could add some feature to:
    1) Make it scale greatly more with Melee Combo Counter or...
    2) ...consume it all to proc an effect (ala Sindacate Aoe, some Health Orb or Energy generation abilities, ...)
    3) Popping out a shell blocking every projectile when Charging.

    It's plenty of nice ideas to fit in.

  5. Noticed different things.

    1) First of all on some weapons to start correctly a Charged Attack you should be in Melee Only, and the command sequence (Hold E) doesn't work properly.
    For some weapon to start a Charge Attack is necessary starting a base melee first (so E, Hold E).
    This doesn't apply to Glaive Weapons since the Throw Attack and Animation have been replaced. You can Charge Attack even if not in Melee Only.

    2) You can actuallly Parry (Holding RightMouseButton) and Slide while Charging. That's clever.

    3) Some weapon didn't receive its own Charge Attack, like Ninkondi.

    4) Exalted Blade has not a proper Charge Attack. Can't say for Hysteria. Just to note it.

    5) An important question is: Why can't we control how and when to Discharge a Charged Attack? (Similar to how Ichor's old Charge Attack was working)
    At the moment the Charge lasts some second and then it Discharges automatically. The fact we can't control it, makes things harder to manage and often will result in a miss or a bad landed hit.

    5b) Also Dischargin a Charge Attack before its charge time results in no action, neither a normal melee attack or a Charge attack with any multiplyer.

    6) Toying with Charge attack I noticed that Lacero/Mios can charge attack even when not in Melee Only.

    Also every weapon has 2 different charge attacks, always triggered with the same command, the only difference is each one is executed on the basis of which foot you have forward.
    With right foot forward it execute a deep stab, With the left foot forward it execute a stylish multihit cut.
    In melee only it works at the same manner, it makes different hook attacks on the basis of which foot is forward.


    I think they could add some feature to:

    1) Make it scale greatly more with Melee Combo Counter or...
    2) ...consume it all to proc an effect (ala Sindacate Aoe, some Health Orb or Energy generation abilities, ...)
    3) Popping out a shell blocking every projectile when Charging.
    4) What about Charged Attacks also when in mid-air?
  6. Tennos are referred to Lens in different occasions, maybe things get different with each Warframe. Different lens project light into peculiar manner, the same as Warframe Powers.
    Eyes are lens, Photo Cameras have lens, Prisms are another example.

    We can interpret it multiple way, as if every Warframe has a biological/psychological setup which answers differently to imputs and outputs, or in alternative it's just a matter of peculiar Affinity and experience.

    This way you don't just enter a Warframe as you enter in a car to drive it. It's not just an instrument.

    It's plenty of good interpretations, it's not really a problem.

  7. Charge attacks may give something different to the melee action, but until melee2.0 won't be revisited and made fully viable, it won't change much.

    Let's say, Charge Attacks can become interesting if they're going to get some useful effects at the end of a combo, or if they're gonna get dedicated mods* which are going to change it; elseway it's going to become Charge Attack spam exactly like #4 skills did before.

    *Something like "spawn Health/Energy Orb on killing the target with a  Charged Attack"... Slightly what the kind of mods like Heavy Impact should do, enhancing a move to force a strategy into using it.

    Also I noticed 2 Charge Attacks are yet featured on the Mios weapon: with Quick Melee it performs an elaborated attack, when in Melee Only it performs the RipLine attack.
    Imho it has some nice animations, but it doesn't really add anything to the melee fight flow.

  8. I love ignorance and whims.

    Do you people realize that those features are made to be modular? One generic cached animation or Dynamic per cape.

    If capes would have to be fixed as you want they would need to check physics and animations for every single Warframe: number of every Cape multiplied for number of Warframes.
    Do you realize what enormous kind of work is?

  9. I just did a boss fight with Tyl Regor today, I hadn't fought him in ages. The new rework is amazing.

    Three phases in the fight, he tears something down and there's awesome water flowing down. His voice acting is so amazing, and humerous.

    Jordas Verdict, another amazing boss fight. The storyline is also great. The way your archwing flies to you and clips onto your back like you're a superhero.

    This game doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.

    The point of this post is to veer away from the negativity many people are inclined to. There is so much this game has got going for it.

    The versatility when modding frames, you can go from support to tank, to dps (most of the time) with just about any frame. Obviously some better suited for different roles.

    Thank you DE.

    I agree being positive toward Warframe and DE.

    I agree there's plenty of spoiled kids venting on forums for whatever issue.

    The problem is the game has positive sides as a lot of problems, which you're missing or deliberately ignoring. (Tyl Regor battle is nice, but still isn't the best Bossfight you can find in videogames history, plus it still isn't there; the Modding system is pretty lackluster and just gives you the illusion of customization).

    Also, politely, your analysis is pretty scarce and superficial.

    The point is, if you want to make a valid post to reach a goal, you should make it way stronger and motivated, elseway it wouldn't be different from those hundreds posts from haters.

  10. Digital Extreme should prolong the game by enhancing the gameplay not filling the game with things to be farmed.
    Farming would be ok only when the gameplay would make it fun.
    Without saying that Wukong both concept and skillset are terrible and tastes like recicled from other warframes' skills.

    I don't like being paired with spoiled people joking around the "year of quality" clichè, I often support Digital Extreme in their ideas.

    Take as example Parkour 2.0. It has been a hell of fun relearning mobility and achrobatics again, which was all brand new...
    Who even care farming to play a "new" Warframe which is a surrogate from other existing Warframes?
    (Without saying that Parkour 2.0 hasn't been completed since there are really no tileset and areas making a good use of it.)


  11. Also it´s saryn 2.0 all over again.


    Community has very clear and good feedback on what they think are the problems - De´s acting like they don´t even read the feedback and adding something totally weird.


    The problem here is in my opinion that it´s never communicated what DE thinks are the problems and why they´re adding X change. You can´t really grasp their thought process.

    To be honest Saryn 2.0 is wonderful and Community Feedback is 60% trash/kneejerk/biased, 30% obvious things, 10% genius.

  12. I often find myself approving DE's work, this time I don't.

    Zooms and relative buffs aren't needed.

    What Snipers really need are 1) mods like those in PVP for weapons which would dictate different playstyles, 2) maps and 3) encounters designed for sniping.
    Open spaces with a lot of covers, a lot of sniper enemies fighting back, maybe a Sniper Boss.

    We can yet find some nice open area like the outside rail station in Ceres tileset.
    Also Hijack Missions could suit the Sniper playstyle well.

    And for God's sake, remove Critical Strike Chance and Damage stats in favor of Weakspot/Headshot multiplyers. This isn't an RolePlayGame, we don't need that rng.

    PS: We also need Heat Visors or Night Goggle-like features to detect enemies when Aiming with these guns, swapping for the Scanner -Weapon - Weapon - Scanner is tedious.

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