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Posts posted by K4RN4

  1. 50 minutes ago, spider_enigma said:

    Can you not? Thanks.

    Its meant to be hard by forcing you out of your comfort zone.

    Random isn't hard. There is a chance that I get my dream loadout every time and it isn't hard at all or it could give me a bunch of equipment that isn't meant for the task at hand.

    It's like you have to build ikea furniture and sometimes you get welding equipment and an angle grinder as tools. 

    Warframe did a great job of creating game modes with different priorities and creating frames that differ in their comptibility with these modes, giving most frames niches to live in. I don't get why random loadouts should be good here.

    • Like 11
  2. 43 minutes ago, HonorGuard2074 said:

    would also enjoy modes that don't incentive Killing outright but more stuff akin to interception (Prevent enemies from capturing in any way you can) vs a mode like the netracell (You need to get enemies in this circle to than kill, where slowing CC harms you as a example) 

    There are Mob Def, Interception and Mirror Defense, which would be plenty, if there was any replayability in them. But the rewards just aren't there. If you habe a fissure on these, then it's back to needing to kill and otherwise there is no need to do any of these modes.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    There were no changes. It was merely fixing unintended mechanics.

    Fixing is a change too.


    22 minutes ago, Yousho said:

    Not to sound like a tinfoil enjoyer, but with the recent CC changes to overguard - whether you want to call them an (E X T R E M E L Y) late fix or not, it seems they're really doubling down on making CC useless after it's already in a terrible spot. In fact, overguard as a whole disproportionately affected CC.

    Do they intentionally not want CC to be a part of their game? Have they ever said anything about this?

    I think they are pretty open about how they want the warframe experience to look like and  standing around and casting your CC without touching the opponent isn't what they want you to do. I love that kinda gameplay though, so I also don't like overguard

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, PrinzeEugen said:

    Yo do U know what kill varieties even more in warframe ? Big AoE weapons, Big AoE frame, and The environment that only care about killing stuff. Imagine what bother those unique thing you can do when the entire game just don't care and said to you "do you kill stuff faster that way ?" 

    Big AoE frames are a problem of stacking range, because of/ with corrupted mods. If one couldn't stack Overextended with the other range mods, the problem would be less noticable. And since area covered scales quadratically to range, the problem is even greater.

    And the environment that only cares about killing is created by overguard enemies that are CC immune. The easiest way to complete an interception would be CC, but since that doesn't work on Eximi, damage becomes king. But that's off topic here.

    Big AoE Weapons are an issue DE tries to address, we'll have to wait and see om that one.

    • Like 1
  5. Riven mods were originally introduced to breath new life into old unpopular weapons. And it didn't do that. Sure, some weapons greatly benefited from Rivens, but most didn't. The stug is still the stug. DE totally missed the mark.

    Then they introduced Incarnon Adapters. To make old weapons relevant again. And that actually worked. And I don't think that's because of the incarnon forms.

    So what's the difference: Additive Bonuses to Base Values. A weapon with low stats will be bad even with a riven because multiplying low numbers will still not yield big numbers. A weapon with 5%CC and 5%SC will never be good. That's why the only way to bring old weapons back to relevancy is changing the Base Values.

    Therefore my proposition would be to change most riven stats to be additive base stat changes. Riven disposition would need to be adjusted in what multiplier it gives, but could remain mostly the same. A really popular weapon could get like 5% CC or SC, while a really unpopular one could maybe get up to 25% or maybe 20% would be enough. Same for Damage stats on rivens, even elemental ones, making them work like base damage would probably bring a lot of diversity.

    Giving a status weapon a combined element as additional base damage might be a bit powerful, but it would enable new builds and give new attractive stat combos for rivens. If tuned right more stat combos on rivens could be viable.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Kherae said:

    With regard to weapons: Eclipse is a final multiplier. Roar is a faction modifier, additive with other faction modifiers. 30% eclipse is still stronger than 30% roar.

    Didn't they say on the Devstream that they'll change Eclipse from Final Multiplier to being like a damage mod? I think most people are complaining based on that.

  7. 5 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:
    • Adjusted Riven type drop rates in Sorties, Archon Hunts, Steel Path Circuit, Nihil’s Oubliette and Acrithis’ and Pallidino’s Veiled Riven Offerings to be more proportional to weapon ratios.
      • In all Riven sources other than Sorties and Archon Hunts, each Riven type has had an equal chance of being rewarded, meaning you are as likely to get a Kitgun Riven as you are a Melee Riven, despite Kitgun Rivens having 6 possible weapons and Melee having well over 100. Now, Kitguns and Zaws are the least likely to be rolled, followed by (in ascending order) Shotguns, Rifle, Pistol, and Melee. This order is applied to both guaranteed and drop table Rivens: 
      • Drop rates for guaranteed Rivens (Acrithis, Pallidino, and Nihil’s Oubliette): 
        • Kitgun 3.5%
        • Zaw 3.5% 
        • Shotgun 8%
        • Rifle 25% 
        • Pistol 25% 
        • Melee 35% 
      • Drop rates for each type have been adjusted in places where Rivens are only a portion of the drop tables (Sorties, Archon Hunt, Duviri Steel Path Circuit). The total chance for a Riven remains the same (ex: Sorties still have a total 28% chance of rewarding a Riven). For full details, visit the public drop tables. 

    Finally no more flood of Zaw and Kitgun rivens.

    • Like 14
  8. The current model of boosters is meant to make you play even when you don't want to because you have a fear of missing out. This increases play time, so it's good for DE. 
    Your model would give people decision paralysis, as they don't want to waste their boosters, so one might even play less, as to not waste the booster timer.

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