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Posts posted by K4RN4

  1. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    Enemies who enter rift freeze will freeze with limbos 2nd ability up. I think its called stasis, anyway you wont take damage

    If you didn't notice you can't properly quote quotes easily, so what was displayed was:

    Me: "Khora can't prevent enemies outside to shoot at you."

    You: "Someone already said it, that its not really a big deal as enemies would simply have to come to you. You can use abilities to speed up the process."

    Me: "that is a big deal because they shoot you and you take damage"

  2. 27 minutes ago, ljmadruga said:

    ^There is zero point to this argument because there is no need to shoot enemies outside of Limbo's cataclysm because as soon as they enter, if stasis is up, they are immediately frozen until the bubble shrinks over them.

    If you want to minimize mission time, waiting for enemies is far from ideal


    7 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    that its not really a big deal as enemies would simply have to come to you.

    that is a big deal because they shoot you and you take damage

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    A good khora could

    Khora can't prevent enemies outside to shoot at you.


    18 minutes ago, Oru5732 said:

    Limbo also prevents you from SHOOTING enemies outside, while you are protected inside, which frost does not.

    2 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    This is not true,Abilities can still damage enemies outside the rift



  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    Well there frames like limbo who can keep the defense objective from being touched, EVER!! Only reason why i dont think frost being able to heal his globe by a percentage will be a big deal.

    Limbo also prevents you from shooting enemies outside, while you are protected inside, which frost does not. That's why I think the change would be quite strong. Also why do you say  "frames like limbo"? Name 2 other frames, who can keep the objective completely protected.


    5 minutes ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

    This im not understanding. I dont believe too many people build for cold damage. Even if they did, the status chance id imagine would be low. And even if it was high the chance of procing cold would be a bit low too as id imagine theyd have a combined elemental mod dealing a lot more damage, increasing the chance for that combined element to proc. Meh, ill remove and come up with something better if i can

    If you prepare according to a tactic, you can change your build accordingly, by taking the Glaxion, which always procs cold, or Artax on your sentinel, or just a high status chance weapon which you can mod for lots of cold.

  5. 25 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -increase the size of corpus tilesets. Not as in # of rooms, but in the size of entryways, hallways, etc. You can see normal doorways (from non-archwing tilesets) on the corpus sabotage tilesets that imply that either the warframes grew or the corpus ship is full of tiny people. Increasing the amount of space in which to maneuver would also help with the flow of gameplay in corpus archwing, especially in the timed mission where you have to catch up the the ships before they leave (without bumping into every single keyhole-sized doorway on the way)

    that seems to be a classic case of git gud.


    25 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -drop some archwing mods outside of archwing missions, as well as some unique non-archwing mods in the archwing missions. As it stands, the only reason to do archwing missions (aside from node progression) is for the sake of archwing. You actually have to play archwing missions in order to make your archwing setup good for archwing missions. While I agree that archwing missions should drop mostly archwing related items, a bit of cross-requirement might do archwing some good: farm an archwing mission to get a rare warframe mod, find a damage mod for archguns as a rotation reward in a mars defense mission, etc.

    This will be punishment for players who don't like Archwing, as you get mod you don't want outside of archwing and are forced to play archwing if you want to be effective in stuff you like.


    27 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -more than 1 node per planet, and a few new mission types to go with it. If variety is the spice of life, then archwing is a plain baked potato. In addition to a more numerous presence in the system, it could use some differentiation. Perhaps an archwing defense where you're defending a kavor defector ship as it leaves. The ship has a laser turret to fend off attackers, but it won't be enough. Occasionally, the ship will have to stop to use its turret to cut a hole in some sort of roadblock, perhaps. Bringing back corpus defense might be good, although the two-room thing didn't sit well with me personally. 

    that would spread the already small archwing community even thinner across more nodes and inventing new game modes is easier said than done, also we already have at least two archwing exclusive game modes.


    29 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -archwing movement seems clumsy compared to normal ground transportation. What if, for instance, blocking with archmelee equipped caused you to kick off of walls and soar off at an angle related to your angle of collision instead of bouncing off like an ungraceful walnut? While I agree that ramming a wall full speed in space would still probably hurt, the fact is that these are space ninja warriors. They could probably invent archwing parkour with relative ease.

    That would actually be cool.


    29 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -increase the effect of dashing in submersible archwing. Its fine to float around slowly when you want to, but if archwing itself wasn't the best thing since sliced bread, then archwing through molasses probably isn't much better.

    Yes please


    30 minutes ago, majorchord96 said:

    -perhaps add a feature to the "5" key, since transference in space is unlikely at best. Perhaps have it jettison the frame forward, sending it spiralling forward. In this mode, the frame's own health and shields are drained akin to when a window is broken on corpus ship tilesets. You can use bullet jumping and wall grabbing in this form, but any other kind of movement in 0G is impossible. Pressing 5 or jumping into an enemy reunites the frame and archwing. If the frame hits an enemy, it will pull off a zero gravity archwing style finisher and then reunite with the archwing.

    that seems like a cool and unnecessary feature.

  6. 1. He does not need a buff or a tweek. He is one of the better frames

    2. These buffs seem pretty big. Healing Snowglobe by a percentage is a big deal, if you stack snowglobes for max health. And a x10 damage multiplier for ice wave for using 100 energy seems really excessive. Fully freezing with snowglobe with something as reliable as a cold proc seems really strong too.

  7. 7 hours ago, Makemap said:

    1) Possible changes - Reduced nodes from 4 to 3 because we all know you can't solo with 4 nodes in the way, this will also allow players to go collect drops/loots one at a time.

    I can solo 4 nodes without issue and I guess many others can too. It's not that hard.


    7 hours ago, Makemap said:

    3) Add more reward options for capturing and defending more nodes. So if you have all 4 nodes, you have a higher chance to get 4 end rewards instead of just 1. Right now defending 4 nodes is a pain and very boring than Defense in which you defend 1 pod. All you get is 1 reward for such a long time.

    The reward for defending all four nodes is getting your reward faster, so you already get more rewards per time. Also comparing it to defense is just wrong as they are entirely diffrent modes, as defense progression is bound to kills and intercept is just running on a timer + defense pods have a health you have to protect, intercept towers don't.


    7 hours ago, Makemap said:

    4) Add Cryotic in the drop table and remove all the junk mods such as common to uncommon ones(heck remove all common and uncommon mods from all mission drop list and replace them with rares or not dropped from mobs, the highest should be rares). Now we have two choices to farm cryotic to craft Sibear(30k cryotic).

    Please gib better loot, because I want it. No other reasons stated

    7 hours ago, Makemap said:

    We are using 4 radio towers to intercept one message, what's wrong with that? 

  8. I dont think it will be used a lot, because the handicap seems harsh, but i understand the necessity of the restriction.

    Other than the exact numbers used, I think the idea is pretty cool, because I really always wanted to use corrosive without blast and stuff like that.

  9. Please cluster it. And most points are not really feedback, as you don't even try to find solutions or even describe what your problem is e.g.:

    19 minutes ago, Hecking_Birb said:

    Cold procs hurt me in my soul.

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