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Posts posted by K4RN4

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Loki1211 said:

    It doesn't really hurt anybody and keeps the status quo.

    Some people already stated that it destroyed their favorite spot, so it does hurt people and it doesn't keep the status quo, as it increases the number of founder shrines.

  2. 5 hours ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    but lets start at what you think a "low MR player" is, and then explain why they can't get platinum without buying it.

    A low MR player in this case is MR2-MR5 and given the statement I originally quoted:

    On 2018-09-03 at 4:16 PM, (PS4)Mrseany247 said:

    Currently the mr required to trade is 2. By increasing the mr required to trade maybe to like 5 or 6 it forces people to actually play the game and understand it (in turn meaning they will know what are rarer items and even have decent stuff to trade)

    They would be unable to trade at all until they hit MR 5 or 6.

    5 hours ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    i traded as soon as my mastery level permitted it (which was ca. after 2 days playing the game)

    And that's the thing OPs proposal would change. I don't really understand what you are trying to say here and I hope there was just some sort of miscommunication, but should the minimum trading MR be raised to MR6, players of MR2-5 would be unable to trade. That's a fact under the given hypothesis.

  3. 19 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    do you really have anything worth trading and/or the platinum to buy something below the MR-restriction for trading?

    It's easy to acquire prime junk, even at MR2 and with that players can earn the plat they need for slots.

    20 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    usually one long past the MR-level before trading comes to mind.

    New players are the ones who need plat most, as they often lack slots and I have seen a fair share of people with MR3 or 4 who traded successfully for a bit of plat to get some slots.

    37 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    btw, ofc i read your post, otherwise why should i bother reply to it, hmm? but just because i don't agree with it and say yes&amen to it, doesn't mean i didn't

    I said that increasing the MR limit for the Process of Trading (not using trade chat or anything, but the trade itself) would make acquiring  plat for low MR players, who really need plat for slots, impossible (without using money)  that's a fact, there is no opinion involved. If people can't trade they can't get plat to buy things.

  4. 48 minutes ago, fr4gb4ll said:

    well, it would not really be "unavailable" in any case, since external trading site are for everyone to use too, and are the only real way to do so if you don't want to waste time in the awfull chat or the (indeed rather useless) bazar.

    Yeah, making people below MR6 unable to trade at all certainly wouldn't make trading unavailable./s

    Did you even read what I quoted in my original post?

  5. 1 hour ago, Hixlysss said:

    Note, the original description of the solar landmark was "Have your name visible on a node on the solar map". So by all accounts DE has taken that from every grandmaster

    The statement is vague enough to interpret it in a way that makes representation of the name on the relays a legitimate option. As a relay is a node on the solar map and the names are on the relay, so they are visible in a node in the solar map

  6. 8 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    How about I take away from you, one of the only remaining items in the game that proves you've been here since month one of the invite only beta?
    Let's take away everything special from those of us who've been in the game the longest, who've contributed to the game's development for nearly 6 damn years, even if they couldn't afford at the time to get the title of Founder.
    There is NOTHING that can compensate that.

    To me playing for a long time doesn't warrant an exclusive reward. Our opinions on that topic differ and I don't think we can do a lot about that.

    9 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    Trading doesn't count because that Plat can come from anywhere, it's not money going directly from the player to DE.
    Yes someone somewhere paid for that plat at some point, but it's not the same as an era where you COULDN'T trade, and therefore all plat went straight into the game.

    My point was more about players getting angry after trading for a mod only to have it removed a few days later and less about DE making a profit. Whether I buy it from the market or another player doesn't really matter to me, I lose the plat and get nothing. To me personally it's the same thing, but once again differing opinions.

    Sidenote: There was a time window where acquiring arcane helmets as well as trading them was possible (from Update 11 to Update 13.2.3), but still they were available in the market and a lot of players bought them before that with plat they paid for, so your point is still perfectly valid.

    18 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    Oh my, players spent resources acquiring something they weren't supposed to be able to get?

    A player transmutes stuff and instead of getting a regular mod (possibly Condition Overload or some other good mod) he gets a mod that is later removed, which means he spent mods and credits to get nothing.

    21 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    I'm guessing people who hacked Primed Streamline and Excalibur Umbra Prime onto their accounts should be compensated too since DE took those away.

    Totally different scenario, as 1) they used illegal means to acquire them and 2) they didn't really spend ingame resources to get them.

    22 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    A mod is comparable to a Legendary Core because it's the same investment, levels of a mod and credits, it's pure time investment.

    They refund the investment, but not the power you gained from it. Removing Affinity Amp for example gave the players owning it a legendary core, but cost them 12% additional affinity, which is in my opinion far more valuable. As I see it, removing a mod (that is functional and not a placeholder) is more about taking away power from the players and less about taking away the resources invested into levelling it up. Therefore a legendary core is not a comparable compensation to me.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    Mods are different.
    You can't buy a mod for platinum or direct money. (trading doesn't count and neither do mod packs which likely will be removed in the future)

    Why doesn't trading count? Players still lose plat in the interaction if they buy a mod and it is removed after.

    7 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    And why would DE not removed the Two Handed Nikana stance mod?

    Because players spent resources to acquire it. Just taking it away without compensation is still unfair, even if it's useless.

    10 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    The times when DE has removed mods, they've compensated the playerbase by giving each player Legendary Cores to make up for the investment.

    Not every time!

    13 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    the only reason anyone would have to want them removed is jealousy.

    Or a heavy drive towards min-maxing or completionism.

    15 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

    There is also no possible way that DE can compensate us if they do take away Arcane Helmets unlike when they do mods.

    Why are legendary cores adequate compensation for a lost mod, but not for an Arcane Helmet? You lose power and get a legendary core, that can't give you the same effect.


  8. Just now, Seele said:

    While they're at it they could delete Primed Chamber and Excalibur Prime.

    I know you are being sarcastic, but I'm gonna respond anyway. These two are diffenent, as Exalibur Prime provides no gameplay advantage and is an exclusive item for founders, they can't remove it. Primed Chamber on the other hand is not confirmed to never be available again, so there is still hope.


    1 minute ago, Klavinmour said:

    A lot of us old hats PAID for our Arcane Helmets in the early days for fashion and because it was a way to get more power before mods existed.

    Deleting them would be a kick in the underside DE has promised again and again to never do.

    Which DE did again and again they removed mods from inventorys quite a few times, even if people paid plat for them, the most recent example being the first appearence of the long Katana stance, which was removed from inventories in the patch after it was made available

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Mrseany247 said:

    Currently the mr required to trade is 2. By increasing the mr required to trade maybe to like 5 or 6 it forces people to actually play the game and understand it (in turn meaning they will know what are rarer items and even have decent stuff to trade)

    I hope you are trolling. New players need to get slots, so they really need plat. Making trading unavailable to them seems super bad for the new player experience.

  10. 26 minutes ago, GDIPec said:

    The frustration of having to farm those relics, getting the traces and hoping to dear lord RNJesus to not throw you in the trash bin is pretty damn annoying. 

    So you found a problem. How would you imagine it being solved? Just upping the chances, reduces the time required to get stuff and lets players burn through content faster, making them bored earlier.

  11. 1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    2. When equipped with melee weapon, showing circle with warframe are the center to indicate melee range and range number.

    Range numbers are not possible, as all diffrent attacks within a stance differ in range.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:

    3. Different Simulacrum map tiles for Archwing.

    100% yes + diffrent tiles at all. The generic tile is not suited for all the stuff people want to test.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:

    4. Can summon bosses as spawner cost 8 slot but can only summon one persona at a time: Vor, Vay Hek, Vay Hek Terra Frame, Sergeant, Lt. Krill, Alad V, Raptor (pick one type), Sargas Ruk, Tyl Regor, Hyena Pack (pick two type), Ambulas, Jordas Golem (Archwing), Mutalist Alad V, Lephantis, Corrupted Vor, Kela De Thaym.

    Would probably cause lots of bugs + some bosses work with their environment or have mechanics outside of just their own entity that can not be replicated (Jordas/Ambulas)

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    1. Have exclusive mod slot for Augment and Riven like with Aura and Exilus.

    Some mod configs already barely fit into my weapons/warframes, so adding more slots is not really an option.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    1. More Archwings and Arch-Gun/Melee prime variant.

    A huge part of the community dislikes Archwing, therefore "wasting" a prime access with something like that would bring massive rage.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    2. Kavat/Kubrow have mod to pick resources (like Sentinel with its Vacuum mod)

    like Retrieve, but for all pets? Seems ok.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:

    4. Have fighting stance for your pets.

    Unneccesary. Waste of development time.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    4. Orokin Hack Console in Lua, Void, Derelict required to solve puzzle like in the Sacrifice with simpler puzzle pattern so you can speed-hack it.

    The hacking in the sacrifice required looking at the surrounding walls. No, please no. I prefer the current version.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:

    5. Show special item symbol like Ayatan Sculpture, Syndicate Medallion, Cetus Wisp, Rare/Hidden Cache (except Kuria) when caught within your range (15m).

    I think they are supposed to be hard to find. Also Rare Containers/Caches play music as indicator.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    1. The Sergeant (?Sgt. Nef Anyo?), Phobos boss was the weakest boss imo, didn’t threatening at all maybe with the Nullifier Field that can only be damaged by melee or having Opticor as main weapon, can summon modified Osprey, etc.

    The problem with the Sergeant is his tiny healthbar and no time-/skillgates. Even with your proposed changes you can just walk up to him, hit him in the face once and he drops dead.

    1 hour ago, Blackbox24 said:


    1. Can encounter (and scan it) Ney Anyo directly on Index: High Risk that will enter the arena to fight you and when beaten he back into his throne and will comeback with different buff/debuff whenever he enters the arena.

    Nef would never fight he isn't strong or anything. His power is being rich and letting others fight. (Also there already is a special boss, the glorious JOHN PRODMAN)

    Everything I didn't comment on seems really good.

  12. 22 minutes ago, _xci_ said:

    Not the same with weapons since they are designed and manufactured by Corpus.

    Why couldn't Glaxion or some other weapons be reverse engineered Orokin designs too? I'm not really into lore, so if there is a confirmation, that all corpus weapons are 100% corpus design, please tell me.

  13. DE does not want this and this would be bad for the economy. Please stop requesting it, there have already been hundreds of threads like this.

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