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Posts posted by K4RN4

  1. 17 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    And just because other frames cant fight besides you or use Umbral mods doesn’t make them useless against sentients. Normal excal can still shred them pretty quickly 

    I think calling them useless is an exaggeration, but beging able to use umbal mods and gaining tau resistance seems like a definitive upside. Which means that if all base warframes are on roughly the same powerlevel (which they are not, but using this assumption makes discussing the topic easier) umbra version will always be superior to regular frames, because they can use stronger mods and therefore have higher modded stats.

  2. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Wrangler52312 said:

    It happens on almost every game i try to play, I asked another player in game and he told me to roll and after that I was able to pick up loot in that game

    Then it's probably a limbo. If he puts you into rift, you can't interact with enemies outside the rift as well as consoles. You geht out oft the rift by rolling so, that was probably it. However lags and doors not opening schould not happen.

  3. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)Wrangler52312 said:

    I have good connection

    Your connection to the Internet is probably not the Problem, but your connection to the host could be. If someone with a Bad connection hosts, everyone begins to lag

  4. 12 minutes ago, MokutoBunshi said:

    Banshees ult, excals blind (with lower range but finishers), hydroids puddle (that does scaling damage with lower range but less ranged cc) saryn (jk death is best cc) max ranged rhino stomp. ranged ivara maybe nidus equinox in general

    They don't have a protection from enemies outside of their range, except hydroid, who is a puddle, but has a rather low range

  5. 37 minutes ago, Darkvramp said:

    and how is that any different than any other hard cc? limbo's stasis cc is not unique in its ability to lock down large areas for your team to go town on. are they nerfing any other hard cc ability? no just limbo, because a lot of people are gonna buy him or use him in the coming months with his prime.

    Other hard CC abilities don't offer full damage protection at all ranges. If the enemy is inside catacysm he is immobilized and if he's outside he can't shoot you, cause you are on a  different plain. With other ability provides protection to this degree?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Meri_ said:

    My point is, the way you use a compass doesn't change where the north and the south is, the north & south positions are only determined by their actual positions, not by magnetic fields. That's why there is a differenciation between North & magnetic North

    A compas is only influenced by magnetic fields, that's how he works. And you use a compas to determine where North is

  7. 4 hours ago, Kimimoto said:

    Any conclave event would be nice

    Doesn't even have to have unique rewards, just a reason to play and get players into conclave.

    We already had 2 Conclave events with "exclusive" rewards and that did nothing to increase the conclave playerbase.

  8. The feedback forum is probably the right place for suggestions. So basically here.

    @DeMonkey is an expert for deciding what is feedback and what isn't, so he will probably help you should you post it in the wrong place.

  9. Endgame is grinding and needs replayability, so Cosmetics and weapons (which you only need 1 of) are not really a good option. Things like rivens and Kuva, are more suited for that purpose, as they would create a high replayability.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

    Pause events on important days, 'solstice ceasefire' on thanksgiving, christmas, hanukhah, etc.

    Diffrent cultures around the world have diffrent important day, considerng all of them would create problems. For me at least it would suck to not be able to play an event because americans celebrate thanksgiving or something like that. This day means nothing to me, why would I not be pissed, when DE just (from my point of view) randomly pauses an event I'm hyped for?

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