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Posts posted by K4RN4

  1. 45 minutes ago, VortexInfinity said:

    By the end of 7 ticks it should deal about 275% damage as finishing damage.

    The last tick deals more damage than all ticks of the current slash proc combined. That is just too mich.

  2. 9 hours ago, BlitzPrince said:

    If you play through the game long enough to complete the War Within, you will acquire Riven mods. Riven mods are RNG mods to explain them the best, and when you get them, they usually come in a state called "Veiled". If a riven is veiled, you will have to unveil it, usually in the process of attaching it onto your weapon, and following the task required to unveil the riven said in it's description. When a riven successfully unveils, a die will roll determining what happens with the riven.  It will determine what polarity the riven is, what stats the riven will have (2 positive, 3 positive, 3 positive 1 negative), what weapon the riven is for (the real determining factor in it's price), and how high the stats will go. The gambling part comes in the fact that some rivens for certain weapons will go for up to thousands of platinum, while others will go for only 5 or 10. However, buying up a ton of veiled rivens will usually yield one or two really good ones that will sell for a high price. Shotgun rivens are an excellent choice in purchasing, while expensive (at 75 plat minimum a riven), they will choose between one of 12 Shotguns in the game, 9 of which are really good in terms of usability.

    Shotgun riven seem to be hard to come by as I tried buying some a few times for 80-100 plat (even tried not writing a price next in my WTB ) and didn't get any pms.

    Melee rivens on the other hand seem to work great for me, as they are relatively cheap (30 plat), easy to get and profitable to sell (20 plat for the worst weapons, 50 plat for mediocre one and a lot for popular weapons)

  3. Solo Capturing could be difficult with Chroma, as you have no way to heal the lures, but if you go for a kill  it should be pretty easy. If you have a weapon that hits hard enough you could try capturing with Trinity or Oberon.

    Back to the question. I prefer running zenurik for the energy regeneration, as Chroma setups are very likely to run maxed blind rage. 

  4. 1 minute ago, -CM-Machete said:

    Your comment is 110% nonsense, the Simulacrum is meant for players to test stuff for their own sake, for min-maxing and mess around, a public  test server is for testing new features and give feedback before they release on the main client. Therefore try to understand things instead of just going against whatever OP posts because reasons.

    What could the Simulacrum do, that the proposed PTR couldn't? He proposed a simulacrum, just without the restrictions of mods/ frames/ weapons/ scanned enemies you own. It's main purpose would be to test changes before they go live, but why would anyone not use it for min-maxing?

  5. If you have Ivara, you can cheese Mithra, Void. At the beginning of each round you capture D, turn invisible and spam noise arrow at a point outside of the interception spot. Noise arrow breaks the enemy AI and makes them just stand around doing nothing (not capturing the spots). As soon as 10 or so enemies spawned you can stop spamming noise arrows and start capturing the other towers. The enemies standing at D won't do anything as long as they don't see you  and there is a maximum number of enemies living at the same time, so there won't be any new ones spawning. As soon you are done capturing the other towers, you can simply wait for the end of the round and the kill the remaining enemies by using sleep arrow and covert lethality. A good Ivara build would have max range and max efficiency.

    Mithra has a 80% chance of Neo Relics on Rotation A (rounds 1,2,5,6,9,10,...) and a 100% chance of Axi Relics on Rotaion B(rounds 3,7,11,...) and Rotation C(rounds 4,8,12,...).


  6. 9 minutes ago, Kayvaan said:

    How should this be addressed? should there be a new reward table offering new weapons or blueprints that rotates regularly? Should there be semi-regular events with exclusive rewards that can be used outside of conclave? Should conclave drop some current PvE mods? Should it have endo rewards that scale with your conclave performance?

    Although I agree with you, that conclave should have some non-conclave rewards. Some people just don't want to play conclave (like me, I dislike pvp shooters overall), therefore it would not be great to have conclave events with exclusive rewards, that can be used in pve. 

  7. There already is an afk timer, but it doesn't kick people. It will just prevent someone from getting a reward after 5 waves in defense.

    It's not very well implemented though, as it is triggered by someone who isn't moving, even if the player is casting abilities or shooting enemies.

  8. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

    Still, there is nothing stopping anyone from doing 8 hour void survivals. Hell, if a Fissure happens on Mot, there is nothing stopping anyone from "re living the past" with the added benefit of Corrupted Buffs every five minutes.

    People used to do long survival runs to get the best reward/investment ratio. Getting 50 reward with just one Key. Now you have to spend a relic every five minutes, that means staying longer only rewards you with the Corrupted buffs, which is pretty useless (except the upgraded relics).

  9. You can use mods increasing your ammo maximum, but that's not really necessary. Killed enemies drop ammo, but there are diffrent types of ammo (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and Bow/Sniper Ammo). If you run out of Bow Ammo, just use your melee or secondary to kill things until you get more ammo for your primary.

  10. 2 hours ago, Forcereborn said:

    If that's the only problem, personally I would settle with an auction house where the things you are selling only appear when you are online. It would still remove the hassle of using trade chat.

    Then you could just AFK instead of being offline, still selling your stuff.

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