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Posts posted by Kaadu

  1. Yeah it seems like this wasn't tested. The dialogue doesn't even have time to play if you want to complete the quiz in time.

    If there has to be a timer, it should only appear after that sections dialogue is done.

    Also when the timer runs out, only the middle platform should evaporate. Cause I'm pretty sure I was on the last question and the answer platform disappeared as I was jumping over to it. Really frustrating.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2020-03-10 at 5:24 PM, PublikDomain said:

    PublikDomain's good post

    Like what PublikDomain said, if the players damage potential is a huge range, there isn't any standard you can actually calibrate enemy durability to.

    Player damage needs to be more predictable somehow. Maybe a super basic way could be to reduce total +damage over a specific amount, so stacking +damage becomes less effective.

    Basically a soft cap for +damage and possibly other stats.

  3. It's good when everything is working. Very bare bones on content though. Just repeat exterminates. And interchangeable brief away team missions.
    Looking forwards to when crew are added, so you can work more efficiently with some players missing.
    And more types of objectives in space.

    Really like the railjack tactical support option being based on the warframes in the group.
    To expand on this, archwings could drop one ability (though all of ameshas are good...), then inheriting one ability from the warframe piloting it.
    Also Liches inheriting one power from their progenitor warframe, to add more variety.

    Recall being on the Omni is smart, one less item to clutter the wheel. And the omni is always top slot - 1 makes it in the same spot every game.

    Railjack Appearance Customisation:
    Railjack name text colour should be a separate colour channel. It started white then changes to tertiary at random? (probably when I selected the tertiary colour then reentered the railjack customisation)

    The railjack name does not appear in missions.

    Need multiple appearance slots for the railjack. If this exists already I can't see it.

    It's too late this year, but next year the railjack could use some internal and external Christmas lights.

    Can you please add effects when using the tactical avionics like fire suppressors. I kind of expected sprinkler effects near the fire instead of the fire just disappearing. But at least it works I guess?

    Specific battle avionics going in specific slots is unintuitive. Please show all the battle avionics you have when clicking on a battle slot. But grey out the ones that don't go in the slot and give them a tooltip saying which slot they go in.

    Railjack Controls:
    F was my default button to try and push to exit a pilot / gunnery seat. Because it's also my go to button for dropping the mobile defence thing or excavation batteries.
    I see you can rebind though, so that's great.
    The auto roll level when driving the Railjack works well.

    Railjack mechanics:
    I'm glad the railjack doesn't die instantly. Cause that would be ass.
    Though I wonder, how long can you stretch out the railjack at critical condition starting with a full repair gun and having 200/200 resources banked?
    I mean, probably like 20 minutes right?

    But in theory: your hp is limited by repairing, which is limited by revolite, which is limited by people making it from resources, which is limited by picking up enemy drops. So it's kind of like survival where you collect life support drops, except with 2 more steps.

    Shields are still bad. But when the railjack has 1000+ armour what can you expect?
    My only ideas are converting railjack armour to be some sort of external status resist stat (so minor breaches happen less often).
    Without armour, shields and health would be more equal.
    And you would need to reduce enemy damage to the railjack so the sudden loss of effective hp doesn't make the railjack unable to sustain a single hit.

    Is there any difference between lavan and researched weapons? Besides the crafting cost? Not sure what the lavan weapons are really for?

    Railjack recall returns you to the same spot you left from, which is good. Except for when you leave via the slingshot exit. You should return to the slingshot door if you leave by it.
    If you manually reenter the railjack after exiting via the slingshot, you should come in via the bridge. Since the slingshot seems to be exit only.

    Energy economy in railjack:
    Energy economy of warframes and archwings is pretty restrictive without zenuric. Since there are less enemies to drop energy pickups for warframes and archwings.
    Archwings are usually only used for a few seconds before entering a ship, so they don't get time to recharge energy by themselves. If Archwings recharged when you were not using it that would be nice.
    Also, if your warframe recharged over time while on your railjack that would be nice.
    In addition, the rapid switching when chain boarding crew ships is hell on warframes that need use buffs. Since they have to recast them every time they change between archwing and warframe. Can buffs persist in the background when not being used. Pausing buff timers would be even better, and you might not need to add the passive energy regen above.

    I haven't been able to test the railjack energy economy. Cause I haven't found any battle avionics.
    The tactical support powers are cheap, but are rarely used.
    They are not really good to support the away team because there is a warframe right there, they probably have the situation handled.
    I think the most useful thing currently would be giving your self Gara's shield when Gara is on the ship.
    Maybe if there were defence away objectives, some extra cc could be useful? Or a tactical support enemy radar?

    All the archwings except for Amesha need a balance pass. Or archwings in general reworked with modular archwing.

    Please add inertia when moving at high speeds. So using blink doesn't interrupt your speed and using crouch doesn't immediately halt your speed.
    Pressing backwards should still kill your inertia quickly like it does now.

    Using aim down sights at high speed should enter a aim glide equivalent, it lets you move forwards while aiming in any direction.
    if you are just hovering around and use right mouse, it's like standing still as a warframe and aiming.

    Also, big problem, no archwing mods drop in railjack. So you have to be an existing player that has pre-farmed all the mods.
    I guess having archwing mods drops in Railjack would make the old archwing missions obsolete. But would that really be a bad thing?
      - Cut up the old archwing missions and re-implement them into railjack as points of interest. (Interception, Capture the fast Grinner crew ship)
      - and when Corpus are added, raid the corpus space structure without your archwings (mobile defense / rush / sabotage) and deploy support abilities from the railjack / shoot into open areas in the corpus tileset with the railjack through the shields.
      - Maybe have like one archwing node on each railjack planet. So people that just want to grind archwing can. But remove the missions from the normal starmap.

    wishlist: able to mark targets with g through the ship windows. If I can see them, I should be able to mark them. Even though there is trickery involved in getting the ship windows to work.
    wishlist: able to scan targets with the synthesis scanner through the ship windows. Even though there is trickery involved in getting the ship windows to work.
    wishlist: railjack arsenal works between missions. Without needing to dock. (Then I guess add open world arsenals between bounties on the plains)
    wishlist: mission around a destroyed relay (if there is one around the planet)

    Railjack Instruction Manual:
    Where is it. There is hardly any in game information about:
    The new damage types.
    Where is the repair tool?
    Where do you get battle avionics?
    Where do resources drop?
    Scanned fighters don't appear in the codex.

    The new UI seems to be very minimalist. It would help if the railjack ui exposed more information.
    Also, reminder: Item labels should be enabled by default.

    Resources and the UI:
    The rare resource popup is now way too overused. Previously it was used just for the one or two rare resources in a mission.
    Now EVERY SINGLE RAILJACK RESOURCE USES IT. Creating a huge backlog of resource popups when people are collecting things.
    The rare resource popup also blocks your vision of the secondary railjack weapon, so you can't see how many shots you have left.

    Please demote the majority of railjack resources to normal pickups.

    However, It's sort of important to track the influx of craftable resources for the fire extinguisher / ammo etc.
    When you pick up crafting resources that go in the forge, there needs to be a new minimal UI that shows how how much the forge is holding and how much was just picked up.
    Like a small grid (example if you picked up cubic diodes):
    [Cubic Diodes icon] 25 + 25
    [Pustrels icon]     15
    [Copernics icon]    70
    [Carbides icon]     45
    So you can see what you just picked up, and what the current total is (cubics went from 0 to 25). So you can tell you can craft repair juice now.

    When you cash out the forge resources, they pop up as normal resource collection (centre of the screen) and show the forge grid UI emptying out.

    Railjack UI:

    Show railjack status effects as debuff icons in the top right when you are in the railjack seats. Like 2x fire, 1x breach 1x borders etc.
    This would be helpful in knowing if people are actually handing the issues rather than waiting for Cy to update you.
    And if you should use your tactical avionics to cure the ship.

    Also maybe add the ship status effects to the warframe UI railjack monitor as well.

    Knowledge of where people are in the railjack should be more obvious without having to type or reach for the very far away L button which prevents you from doing anything while it's up.
    - As a pilot I would REALLY like to know if a person is in the slingshot or the forward cannon. So I know to point at the crew ships.
    - As a pilot I sort of like to know like to know if people are in the left or right turrets, so I know how much firepower I can expect to be emitted from the railjack when deciding how to maneuver.
    - As a non pilot, I want to be able to know if there is a pilot on the railjack. Maybe put their name next to the health bar.

    Show the name of the turret you are using in the bottom left near the picture, similar to how the name of your equipped warframe weapon is displayed in the bottom right. The pictures mean nothing. When joining a railjack I have to guess what type of weapon it is based on the projectile and by how much damage it's doing.
    - Actually, why is the position of your in use weapon different between the railjack interface and the normal interface? Shouldn't they both be on the right to be consistent? Or update the old interface to put the weapon on the left like the railjack?

    When in a pilot or turret seat, you can't tell if enemies are shooting your physical body. All the UI feedback for that disappears. And if you have rank 2 gunner, you can't even see the enemies on the turret.

    Cy's voice callouts:
    If the status ailments of the ship are on the screen in the UI, Allow CY to cut off status updates if a more important thing happens.
    If Cy can't interrupt himself, he starts to lag behind what's happening when a lot of different events start happening.

    Command callouts:
    Also, since Cy talks constantly, its easy to tune him out. This makes the voice commands less useful.
    I've never seen people use the voice callouts.
    It takes too long to press L (pause a second while it loads), figure out which player you want to send the order to, click on the tiny command button then find the order on the wheel.
    Maybe hold L should bring up a order wheel that sends to the crew instead of just one person.
    I think the top callouts would be:
      - Deal with the crew ships
      - Need more munitions / dome shield
      - Start away team
      - Away team waiting on railjack.
    I kind of want the callouts to be the sending warframe face, with a new unique version of stalker whispers.
    The whispers would help the order stand out against Cy's constant talking, But you would have to look over to the message to see what the order was which would be a big downside. Maybe put the order message in the middle of the screen?

    Railjack customisation UI:
    The avionics icon designs need to make it clear what is a battle avionic, what is a tactical avionic and what is a integrated avionic. Different border colours maybe?
    Also, the manufacturers being represented by circles, lines or arrows is pretty subtle.

    In the railjack armaments. Need to be able to sort by name of weapon. Ignoring the manufacturer. So it's easier to compare weapons of the same type.
    Actually, there was no need to compare two items before, since all the weapons were functionally different or one was strictly better. Now since you have weapons that are identical except for their numbers you need a way to see both stats on the same screen side by side.

    Make the 'restoring salvage' use a more normal ui for building. Instead of the clan contribution UI. Since only one person can contribute, there is no point to contributing partial amounts.
    There is no indication about when you are going to hit the limit of scrapped components. In games like dynasty warriors or with warframe rivens you needed to choose what to scrap or keep after a mission if you ran out of space.

    Allow drag and drop avionics to move them around the slots (since different slots may have different upgrade levels, it matters). So it works like modding a warframe. Why would you make it work differently?
    Improve how to tell how upgraded mod slot and the slotted mod are in the railjack customisation interface. The [1] on the end of the mod is inconsistent with the dots the mod displays when upgrading the mod.
    Maybe have the mod slots dots on the top of the slot (when upgrading and when slotting) and the mod dots on the bottom, so it looks like normal mods having dots on the bottom.
    Or have both on the bottom in one line, with a different colour for mod slot upgrades and mod upgrades.

    When in the dry dock, you can't see your group like you would in your orbiter. Please allow you to see your group in the dojo. Currently it looks like everyone leaves as soon as you touch down.

    Forge UI:
    Remove the hold to click when building stuff at the forge. It just wastes time.
    Make turn the bottom part of the ui red after you create something and the forge in on cooldown.

    To show the cooldown of each forge at a glance while walking into the room:
    A forge on cooldown has a series of lights running up the sides of the rails the boxes travel. The lights turn off (or change colour) as the time you can use it again gets closer.
    So you can see the state of the forge hopefully from anywhere in the room.

    • Like 1
  4. Missions:
    Having only one type of mission that plays the exact same each time and gets longer and longer isn't very fun over long play sessions. 10+ minutes to kill 90 fighters isn't very fun. Endless missions let you bail after ~5 minutes if it sucks.
    5 minutes should really be the target mission time. Which can be extended though post mission looting and post mission points of interest.

    All the additional mission objectives are functionally identical, barring the kill the commander objective on the last node in the system.
    It goes like this: Deploy a person to a small set of rooms with a few enemies: They hack something, someone on the outside breaks something, repeat this back and forth until done.

    The different types of installation I think in theory are meant to be different for the railjack team. But they just seem to break down this way:
    - Missile platform. Stay out of sight. You can't shoot the missiles down or destroy the turrets so just hide I guess.
    - Ship killer platform. Stay out of sight (just go under the rock).
    - Pulse generator. It doesn't do anything as far as I can see.
    - Hanger. It doesn't do anything. The boarding party gets a crew ship if it doesn't glitch out.
    - All. Shoot down ram sled. The Ram sleds don't stop after the objective is completed either, they seem bugged.

    Each of the sub objectives (missile platform, hanger, etc) need to have multiple ways they are taken down. So it's not predictable as soon as you enter the mission.

    For assassinate, people rush to the boss to gets it's drop. Leaving the person maintaining the railjack SOL for getting any drops.
    I've never actually seen a commander boss, since players just rush them. And you can't play this mode solo.
    The galleons also apparently shoot missiles according to Cy. But they appear to be broken and don't fire.

    The post mission 'loot everything' phase:
    The really weird part is that the space area is arranged in a giant line of premade debris clouds. But you attack all required enemies at the first area, then maybe there is another objective at the second area. Then nothing for 5 more 'tiles'.
    So you complete the mission, then spend another 5+ minutes combing the level for loot with no enemies except for weak turrets.
    Maybe hide some optional bonus objectives in the area? Like points of interest you can investigate as mentioned on stream?
    I heard there are some in void proxima, but you need to add some earlier ones.

    If the post mission 'loot everything' is going to be a thing. Please add new stations to improve the experience. I mean, there probably should be some downtime to restock supplies and refine the forge anyway.
    Idea: Add a tractor beam to the engineering room that can scan for and suck up loot/rocks at a huge distance. And an AI crewman can be told to handle this task.
    Idea: Some sort of homeworld ui-like scanner to find loot and optional objectives after the mission.

    Enemy space ship behaviours:
    I like that the new space fleet isn't a group of floating space turrets. That was a big problem in archwing.

    Flak ships don't seem to have anything besides shooting you. The Elite versions do have a shield though to make them unique.
    Their show moving projectiles don't seem to do much to the railjack.

    Cutter ships seem to be the generic grinner fighter. Except they do >500% damage than the flak ship and are basically unavoidable. Their machine guns are super damaging for a mook fighter.
    Their role should be to swarm, keep shields down with constant machine gun fire and get killed by the player quickly.
    The elite versions have homing missiles(?) and a lot more health? so basically the same issue as the cutter except more.

    The Taktis ships that spin and create homing blue balls are cool. Since you can shoot the balls down.
    I think their damage is pretty low (compared to crew ships super long range homing missile and cutters) and should be raised, but there a few gameplay issues that prevent them doing more damage.
    - The railjack does not get any missile direction and range warnings so players won't know they are being shot at by slow moving homing missiles if they are off screen.
    - They can shoot at very close range, giving gunners no time to react.

    Outriders are probably the best enemy. They have weak points that make them reasonable to kill, but require you to get close to hit effectively in an archwing or railjack.
    Or you can use ordnance to maybe delete them in one shot or at least do good damage if they hit the weak points.
    They also have a fly past and drop mines attack pattern, so like the blue ball dudes you can shoot the mines down or dodge away.

    Crew ships can instantly delete non amesha archwings. Even though boarding the crew ship with archwings seems to be the crew ship counter.
    Crew ships can shoot the side explosives backwards, which doesn't match it's turret viewfinder if you use them (though technically the guns can swivel backwards). Flying behind one should be a safe zone. And disabling the engines lets you keep the safe zone in one place.

    Crew ships can very reliably instantly deplete the railjhacks hp as soon as they are in weapons range. I feel this is a little extreme.
    Really instead of their side turrets being no warning death launchers, they could use a mmo style or ace combat 7 style 'the enemy is lining up on you, move now to not die'

    Would need to test more, but the crew ship front homing missiles seems to have no counterplay. If they are looking at you, you get hit and die / critical rupture. Also space is typically wide open with no cover. Trying to poke around asteroids doesn't work since the crew ship will open up on you as soon as they are in los.
    The forward crew ship gun is really good when you hijack it though.
    I think the crew ship forward gun should be altered to be a burst fire gun with a longer reload, and the missiles move slower. They are still quick but can be shot down by the railjacks turrents. This would lower their effectiveness in player hands a little, but they would still be good to snipe fighters with homing rockets one at a time (since enemies can't shoot the missiles down)

    Crew ships seem to be able to survive anything except for the reactor being destroyed or death by forward artillery.
    I guess their self restore when on zero hp mimics the railjacks ability to never die. And to encourage solo away teams / slingshot use.
    But even if you kill everyone on the ship, or everyone bar the pilot, they still magically repair the ship some how.

    The problem is that the forward artillery fails to destroy the crew ship in one shot mid way though Saturn (with mods) and other forms of external damage do virtually nothing. I think having to dps the ship down then use the forward artillery to finish it with the main gun is reasonable at higher levels, but it's a currently a huge time sink to try to lower it's hp. The forward artillery is useless / resource inefficient past early Saturn.
    A gunnery intrinsic could be the ability to see if a target will die to the forward artillery while you are aiming the gun.

    Crew ships can have it's engines disabled. But for what purpose? It can still shoot it all directions.
    Also, the engines can seemingly absorb the forward artillery shot, making the ship take zero damage.

    I see the Grineer Ogma appears to be missing. It could be a light bomber and deadly melee attacker. In the same class as the outrider.

    Mission Difficulty:
    Fighters take too long to destroy. They feel like they are meant to be the basic grineer mook enemies but can typically survive a full barrage from a railjack turret and fly right past you. I guess if their hp was lowered, you would have to spawn more to make up for the fighters that die on the first approach of a group.

    Elite cutters take FOREVER to destroy. I think they should have the same hp as current normal fighters, but have a hp gate invincible barrel roll animation (they can still shoot you while doing this). Shooting them while they barrel roll extends the barrel roll for more invincibility. So they are tanky, and more tanky if you just mindlessly keep shooting them.

    About how hard these missions are. As long as people are not hitting the refine button over and over, you have enough repair juice and critical failure invincibility time to tough it out for like >10 minutes. All that's required is a spare player to be the repair monkey.
    The real difficulty is your willpower getting ground down by the tanky enemies everywhere, and the time investment to clearing out 90 fighters.

    To be honest, special mission guns like the ship killer platform should probably be able to execute you if it hits you when you have a critical failure (with a grace period if the ship killer itself puts you into critical failure state, so it needs two shots).
    I've also seen grineer borders deploy a bomb while I was solo and away from the railjack testing things. I assume this kills you instantly, but I've never seen it deployed in a live game.


    Space Grineer:
    The space Grineer troops seem to have 1000% more armour. Did you add an extra 0 by accident?
    Guns seems useless against them, the way to fight them is to ignore them with a tank frame, make it so they can't fight with cc or blow them up with the recently buffed melee weapons.
    Their damage seems improved as well, maybe due to them not instantly being killed. So squishy frames have a harder time.
    This just seems to take the current problem with armour scaling / player power and makes it worse. You really need to fix the scaling / player power relationship in a different way.
    - Maybe just soft cap / diminishing returns on +damage mod effects applied on enemies you want to be harder, so lower level players entering railjack aren't useless against the mega armour.
    - Player damage pretty much completely scales from +strength and +damage mods right (status damage is based on +damage as well I think?) so adding an enemy armour that does "past +300% damage +damage starts to get worse" could help?

    Archwing difficulty / use in Railjack missions:
    In general:
      - Non Amesha archwings get instantly destroyed by enemy fire. Crew ships insta-gib with no warning.
      - Archwings are pretty slow compared to enemy fighters, making it hard to dogfight.
      - Archwing guns need an innate predictive sight now, cause they are no longer hitscan and it's tough to judge at longer distances
      - Archwing melee is unusable. The vertiux seems to have homing slash but others do not.
      - Archwing damage does not appear to scale well in Saturn and above.
    Add a little invincibility when exiting a ship into your archwing. So you don't die in the cutscene / fade in. A similar mechanic to transference invincibility.

    Here is an alternative to buff archwing in railjack without using intrinsics (also was posted in intrinsics thread):
    Maaybe have an archwing aura component on the railjack that buffs damage (Fighter Command Link), the aura works like Wisps pickups, where it lasts for a duration after you leave the radius, and you come back to refresh it.
    It exists in the dojo research with multiple tiers starting with Saturn Tier (Teir 1) to bring archwing damage up to work at Saturn and the Veil. Since it exists in the dojo it's probably going to be guaranteed that a player upgrades it as they progress in the railjack star chart. The crafting requirement being that you can access the correct tiered resource to build it, rather than the cost.
    Remove the avionic archwing damage buff, since an archwing is player specific, and avionics are controlled by one player. if you join a random game and wanted to use archwing but the host didn't have that slotted, GG.
    But a tactical avionic that boosts the range of the fighter command link (and debuffs enemy fighters?) might be nice. You could even give this Avionic as a first clear of earth reward, to encourage players to build the tier 1 fighter command link to use the avionic with.

    • Like 2
  5. General:
    I'm using the Oceania region, so I'm living in a preview when the US players lose interest in railjack. No idea what will happen to Oceania when we lose interest.
    Having all the railjack maps being the same thing but at different levels makes it hard to find a game since players spread out. But at least you can rapidly click through nodes to find something I guess?

    Currently, hosting railjack seem to fill players in a minute or so. But it is kinda important to have a team. Hopefully solo is more viable before people move on.

    When current players either move to higher levels or stop playing. How do new players join games if they can only select the first earth node?
    Maybe when joining there should be a 'just join anything on this planet' button. So at least new players can join as long as people are running earth.

    Maybe need a standard mission vote option when starting a new mission from the nav console. And let players leave if they want to stop.
    It would make it consistent with the current warframe orbiter missions and the plains bounties.

    You can't join an existing group as a group of three or less players. But groups are always hosts in the rest of the game so I'm not too fussed.

    It doesn't give an option to rejoin the game after crashing. (as host). This is pretty bad. After the mission is locked due to objective completion, the spot should be waiting for the crashed player to rejoin.

    Host migrations bug out mission progress, bug out crew ships, players can bug out easier. It seems like after a host migration the mission becomes cursed.

    When do players leave?:
    One of the problems is that there isn't any clear point where a person should leave. I guess they should abort after starting a mission if they don't want to continue?
    BUt it would maybe help if there was a standard mission vote (used everywhere else in warframe) or when the new mission is selected, other players can choose to continue or leave.

    Also if a person doesn't want to do a post mission loot-a-thon, there is no way for them to leave without forfeiting their items.
    I guess after a mission is complete, as a non host you should be able to leave via the navigation console. It's kind of like a bounty on the plains, you can just drop the group and walk out if you don't want to stick around.

    Idle players:
    The last issue that could use improvement is how to kick idle players. It's not a big deal in the rest of the game since you really only need one person to carry the team. But a dead weight idler in railjack is actually a problem.
    Of course if there is just a vote kick function, that would be open for abuse. Maybe only allow kicking if a person is "idle", then add the option somewhere (in the tactical menu?, that is available without intrinsics from the console between the turrents).

  6. General:
    With a booster the progress seems good. The key abilities seems to be at level 5 or below, which doesn't make them unreasonable to reach.

    The Intrinsics menu is really hard to find if you don't have a railjack built. Players would not know they exist unless they are told. And the game doesn't tell them.
    I guess it should available in a new arsenal tab. Would be the most logical place for players to run their eyes over it. And the first time you click on it it will tell you about railjack.

    There are a few filler abilities. All the rank 1 abilities should be baseline, but they are so cheap it isn't too bad.

    I mean, the rank 1 engineer skill is just do the baseline thing better. And the others should be innate but it's harder to downgrade them.
    What you could do is:

    • Make rank 1 Piloting use no boost bar when boosting (so it only get consumed by drifting and evading, since drifting seems faster and evading breaks locks). Giving ship sprint as an innate might help the fresh railjack not feel as sluggish.
    • Make rank 1 Tactical not be so limiting to not have, there should be a tactical console (between the turrets?) to support the away team with the full tactical menu (minus teleporting?). And the subsequent tactical menu unlocks just let you use the menu remotely. Maybe rank 5 Tactical would need to be changed, since it would be less useful to use the menu from the away team to support the ship (free support casts every x seconds?).
    •  Make Rank 1 Gunnery gives range to target, and make the gunner lead indicator innate. Since range matters for damage fall off.

    With tactical support being available from a console, a low level tactical re-ordering:
      Rank 1: Deploy Tactical Avionics. Use the Tactical menu remotely with L (including spectating others).
      Rank 2: Ability Kinesis. Warframe abilities can be deployed as tactical support using the remote menu.
      Rank 3: Command Link: Fast Travel within vessel.
      Rank 4: Overseer: Free support cast every x seconds.
      Rank 5: Recall Warp: Omni gear can be used to warp aboard the ship from anywhere. This is really the game changer for the tactical tree. Until rank 10.


    Archwing intrinsics:
    I don't like the archwing intrinsics.

    I feel like archwing should use a more 'normal' warframe progression that doesn't directly match the railjack progression. And archwing railjack gameplay damage out / damage in / relative speeds should be fun without the need for intrinsics.
    Archwing Blink died so a cooldown reduction could be added in the tactical intrinsic tree. So sad. New Blink's clunkyness will still exist after the cooldown reduction, so this is a waste of a intrinsic.

    Here is an alternative to buff archwing in railjack without using intrinsics:

    Maaybe have an archwing aura component on the railjack that buffs damage (Fighter Command Link), the aura works like Wisps pickups, where it lasts for a duration after you leave the radius, and you come back to refresh it.

    It exists in the dojo research with multiple tiers starting with Saturn Tier (Teir 1) to bring archwing damage up to work at Saturn and the Veil. Since it exists in the dojo it's probably going to be guaranteed that a player upgrades it as they progress in the railjack star chart. The crafting requirement being that you can access the correct tiered resource to build it, rather than the cost.

    Remove the avionics archwing damage buff, since an archwing is player specific, and avionics are controlled by one player. if you join a random game and wanted to use archwing but the host didn't have that slotted, GG.

    But a tactical avionic that boosts the range of the fighter command link (and debuffs enemy fighters?) might be nice. You could even give this Avionic as a first clear of earth reward, to encourage players to build the tier 1 fighter command link to use the avionic with.

    The current key abilities for what feels like minimum player effectiveness in the railjack seem to be:
      Rank 3 Tactical for quick travel in railjack.
      Rank 4 Tactical for warp back to railjack
      Rank 5 Tactical to be able to the L menu as demonstrated in the dev streams. Though I feel tactical support is rarely used.

      Rank 2 Pilot to make the blue balls lose lock. Though it's hard to see how much damage the balls actually do.
      Rank 5 Pilot for drifting at high speeds

      Rank 2 Gunnery for phantom eye. So side guns are useful.
      Rank 4 Gunnery for for being able to use the slingshot as shown in the dev stream.
      Rank 5 Gunnery to use the big gun

      Rank 2 Engineering
      Rank 3 Engineering
      Rank 5 Engineering - Able to actually craft all the things

    Bad intrinsics:
      Rank 1 seems like 'take away key ability to put in skill tree'
      Rank 4 pilot does nothing? Or is there a specific enemy that this works against?
      Rank 3 Gunnery is kind of useless without Gunnery 4?
        - Instead rank 3 should allow you to lock on to and damage fighters with the slingshot
        - And use of the slingshot (as a travel mechanic) does not require any intrinsic, it's always available.
      I don't agree with Archwing power being in the intrinsics tree.

  7. Fix the away team not sharing their loot. This has to be a bug right?
    - People have to babysit the railjack, so not everyone can go onto away missions to get the boss weapon drops.

    Please fix all the railjack resources being 'rare', it clutters the UI. Though it is important to know when you pick up resources for repair juice.
    When you pick up crafting resources that go in the forge, there needs to be a new minimal UI that shows how how much the forge is holding and how much was just picked up.
    Like a grid (example if you picked up cubic diodes):
    [Cubic Diodes icon] 25 + 25
    [Pustrels icon]     15
    [Copernics icon]    70
    [Carbides icon]     45
    So you can see what you just picked up, and what the current forge total is (cubics went from 0 to 25). So you can tell you can craft repair juice now.

    Avionics Drops Rates:
    The battle avionics and tactical avionics are #*!%ing rare. I seem to hazily remember that warframes used to have to slot abilities via mods and it sucked ass. But it's back again.
    I think it's slightly more acceptable on a railjack, (since you already have a set of warframe and archwing powers) but still.
    - Maybe add first clear rewards to the last mission around every planet to give out 1 battle and 1 tactical avionic. This would be similar to the spectres of the rail junctions giving out standard mods.

    Random stat weapons:
    Random stat weapon drops.. I hoped warframe would be free of this. The inventory management is usually a pain. We'll see how this goes. I don't collect rivens either since it's the same thing.
    Also, parts rng stats are not the same across all the players that pick it up. This is bad. You are all meant to succeed or fail as a group. But with per player rng, some people succeed and some fail.

    I like that dojo weapons seem to use a different set of railjack resources to build compared to drops. It attempts to give you more freedom to craft random drops and still have resources left to make the baseline power weapons.

    The rate of gaining salvage parts is way higher than the rate of collecting resources to build them (and I'm running a booster). I'd say 95% of the drops I'll scrap because the next mk gun will come out of the research lab before I have ground enough resources to build the drops.
    This makes inventory management a pain. Since you only have 30 slots and you have to keep pruning constantly to avoid the drops getting auto scrapped.
    The UI also makes it hard to prune since it's hard to compare items to find the best one. The UI hides the numbers behind a button and doesn't let you view them side by side.

    If you get 100% of your resources back for scrapping weapons I guess I could make more? But I don't think you get all your resources back.
    Also, if the refund isn't 100% then the non-max tier weapons are worse to build. Cause screw wasting resources on things you will outgrow soon. Maybe the tier 1 should return 100% and each additional tier refunds less. Since the tier 3 is the stuff you will be incrementally improving as you get better rolls that should be where the resource sink goes. But the early tiers you are just going to want to scrap as soon as higher tier drops.

    Please make it more clear that you get resources back and what % you get back when scrapping. Let the player before you craft the part that you can scrap it and get resources back.

    Engineering and Refining:
    I like your ability to recover from failure is limited to how much revolite you can craft. It sort of works like survival where you have to kill enemies to get life support drops.
    A bigger vacuum or something like a tractor beam in the engineering room that can find and collect crafting resources could make this process of collecting 'life support' better.

    I don't understand why people are asking for infinite repair or repair to use resources that don't drop in railjack. You usually find enough resources on site to keep your repair juice topped up, if you are not it usually means your need to play an easier mission.

    Refine should use the highest tier engineer skill in the party, no matter who presses the button. Although this would make it inconsistent with gunnery skills only working while you are in the gun, it would be better than having some low skill engineer wasting resources.

    Also, please auto refine when going to drydock (using highest tier engineer skill). So resources are not wasted.

  8. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I don’t mind the going around and patching up holes gameplay. I do very much mind the fact that we need to spend ship resources to reload our fire extinguisher tho. That’s honestly just dumb.

    Beyond needing resources: The next level dumb idea is that you need to level up your skills (intrinsics) to be able to even craft extinguisher ammo in the forge.

    1 hour ago, ixidron92 said:

    I guess it would be disabled at first and you'd have to repair it, much like reviving a downed player, but yeah, there has to be a way to fail the mission, otherwise it's pointless to have an HP bar at all.

    Each mission objective or point of interest could have it's own fail state.
    Like a time limit to destroy all the cruisers in the area before they move on. Or points of interest operating like bounty objectives.


  9. "It's an interesting power reversal" - Steve

    Lol. It's not the liches killing us. It's the dev team.

    When the Lich kills you in combat that's understandable, and you say "I should play better, or try another build".
    When a Lich kills you in a cutscene, that's DE forcing their will upon you. You didn't fail in any way, there is nothing you can do to avoid it (besides pray to RNG)

    Killing the player or forcing them the fail in a cutscene just makes the player resent the game / author of the plot. Cause they are the only reason you failed.

    This is turning into a universal vacuum scenario. Where DE doesn't have any justification for their decision. And can't seem to see the problem.

    P.S: Liches reference dying multiple times in their voice lines. At least remove these conflicting voice lines so it doesn't look like you rushed the system to work on railjack.

  10. Lich Feedback after some more time with the system:
    I've just finished lich 6, and after this one I'm just going to ignore them from now on until they are better integrated into the rest of the game.
    I've only had 1 duplicate weapon, but the problem is when you go lich hunting, it's to the exclusion of everything else (except affinity, but nearly anything gives affinity). The weapons you get don't even add to your mastery without a 5 forma investment. So it's a huge stack of grind that doesn't feel worth the time.
    Arbitration and collecting prime parts will still be my grind of choice.

    I'm not sure how the thrall spawning works in lich missions, but I would like them to be based on time spent in the mission. With a limit on the number of thralls spawned by time so you don't stay forever.
    It would give players on lich hunt missions a reason not to rush, just to aim to complete the mission by 5 minutes (or whatever the max time is). It would also standardise the murmur rewards for each mission type.
    Defence-like missions should not allow the Lich to damage the objectives.
    Fix the level 1 extractors in Lich missions. Super tedious.

    Interface Suggestions:
    Can you put the names on the requiem mods without having to hover over them. Like normal mods.
    Also put names when you hover over the symbols on the Lich screen.

    Can you show what you get when the convert or kill when you are making the decision?
    Like I'm still not sure if you get an ephemara if you convert. Where does it say that? Actually where does it say you get their gun if you kill them? Do you expect new players to read the old patch notes? Or telepathically read the developers mind?
    Here is a mock up

    When fighting Liches, it would be good to let your teammates know what it's resistances and weaknesses are in the interface.
    Weakness in green on the left, right for resistances and immunities. Like the Sentients.
    Mock up picture

    Progress Liches without playing Lich Missions:
    Liches need to be able to be progressed without hunting them directly. So I can progress them slowly while I'm doing other things like Relics, Open World Rep, Arbitrations(?), Sorties.
    At least thralls should show up occasionally in missions like the night wave bonus enemies. So occasionally you can go, 'Oh, bonus progression' swoop over and get some whispers and annoy your Lich. Then when they are annoyed enough, just go to a Lich hunt node to fight them.
      Make the Lich button on navigation glow when the are at max rage, so you can know when to queue up a Lich mission without needing going into the Lich submenu.
    Ideally you could encounter the Lich when doing other things on their planet(s). Maybe on a time limit so you can just avoid them if you are with low mr players or don't have your best gear. One of the things with Shadow of Mordor was that you could encounter the orc bosses without explicitly seeking them out. Making them feel a little more autonomous.
    You can still grind lich missions if you are specifically chasing the weapon. Or you can leave the lich in the background and do it 'passively' while doing other things.
    Not sure if the lich hunt nodes being spread over so many systems is good in the long run. Especially once people have the guns and stop farming or you can get murmurs in other game modes. Maybe have a Lich node per planet that works like invasions, where the mission type rotates per planet over time. So you can gather players easier.

    Also, I think Rebecca mentioned in devstream you weren't going to go back to the Lich theme, but she only mentioned that they are keeping the password system. Which is fine. But please let the Lich die and revive when you fail the password (on levels under max).
    Reasons for Liches being Liches:
      They are called Liches
      They mention how many times you kill them / harm them (except you don't)
      Liches killing you when you are 'winning' seems undeserved. They kill you because DE said so.

    Reasons for Liches not being Liches:
      Don't need to make or code lethal failed parazon animations

    I'm for Liches still killing you when you fail at their max level. Cause at that point they are just too strong for you and they can't level up anymore. Then it kind of feels earned for the Lich, they got killed 1+4 times and got tough enough to not die constantly as their reward.
    I'd also enjoy you having to stab them three times each time. And not giving you what requiems were right or wrong until the end where the Lich dies to level up or kills you. You would get more chances at guessing the correct combination if you could scan all three slots each kill attempt. With the murmurs being a fallback method of getting hints.

    Alternate failed parazon idea before level 5:
    The parazon opens a wound on the Lich. The blood spray is thrown in to the air as the Lich collapses. The Blood in the air coalesces into a kuva cloud, which then flows back into the Lich, reviving it and giving it more power. The Lich floats up into the air and gathers energy as it levels up similar to now. As the Lich teleports away, the energy explodes, killing Tenno that are too close.
    MS paint mockup
    You can still die to a failed parazon attempt. If you stand too close to them and die to the explosion of their powerup / leaving.
    An alternative animation when a Lich is vanquished, the blood splatter collects in the air as normal but then burns up. And then the Lich finally dies on the ground.

    Personality Types / Variation:
    Also Liches need more personality types. There only seem to be 2. The voice modulation helps a little, but when you encounter 3 players Liches in a row with the same voice lines you are stretching those voices a little too far (of course that could still happen with move personalities but it should happen less).

    I think I've fought a Lich of every type. Which dropped my incentives to fight more liches since I've now seen it all.
    Could each Lich inherit one ability from the warframe that spawned it? To provide more variety. This basically adds a new Lich version per Warframe introduced in the future.

  11. With Railjack coming up, I went and checked over Archwing.

    Blink to exit the map:
    I managed to get blink to clip out of the map by accident:


    Melee 3.0 didn't quite make it to Archwing.
    The melee stats page updated but there doesn't seem to be any way to do heavy melee, ranges didn't get normalised and blocking doesn't block all damage.

    The short range didn't matter so much when you teleported to the target.

    Short range Centaur:

    Short range Knux:

    Blocking with knux uses grounded animations. Switching between the lower Archwing pose and the standing blocking pose
    Also, it doesn't block all damage:


    Archwing effects don't line up when moving:
    It would be good if the Archwings got a re-look before Empyrrean launches.

    Rip Line trails behind you as you move:

    Seeking fire spawns missiles behind the Archwing even when stationary. The brightness of the missiles really stands out:

    Ayanga muzzle flash appears where you were when strafing.


    (Not a bug?) Seeking fire is slower than an archwing using afterburners:

    But it makes the missiles spawning behind the archwing more obvious.

  12. Lots of pedantic bugs:

    The in progress Railjack has a number of issues with collision not being there:

    After part 1:

    And the wing stubs:


    The moving platform with the boxes doesn't have any collision any time:


    Collision issues when the railjack is complete:
    There is an issue where the bits are the bottom back end of the craft have a large gap you can walk over:


    The helm guns have no collision:


    The extreme rear of the engine has some funny collision:


    External workers misplaced:

    The workers like to work on parts that are not there:

    This guy on the mobile platform can weld in motion.

    The workers disappear when the railjack is complete. So not sure why they are in incorrect positions ever.


    The tardis issues are some inconsistencies with the interior of the railjack vs the exterior.

    Very minor: Observation window is much smaller on the outside:
    Inside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1icyJR-q0MT2DuOpvdbomtaBozby367t0
    Outside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18lZwaIJvbaYTYABmRd-56mYQVkYzC482

    Gunnery windows missing from exterior. Seems like the entire room doesn't have any position on the external ship:
    Inside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rw7JqgXhIkCuLW1J39hYDE0TalH3sWm8
    Outside (no space between the engine and wing for that room): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y2tmWMttLRI2iruYy3U5rYvtRoIfH04W
    The end of the wing is a different shape: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-p6hPZPwWEHETYXmvPhPGg-pM-OPs8oW


    Ship Colour:

    Also, the external colour of the ship when looking from the inside is white, but the ship from the outside is red.


    How do normal people get out of the cargo area? There aren't any ladders or lifts. There are boxes down there, can only tenno move them?
    Can you add a ladder on or in a surface for the humans that work on the ship to escape if they fall.


  13. Some dodgy lich execute animations:

    Parazon does not extend, then Lich disappears instead of playing their part of the animation:

    Viewing another player killing the lich. Both animations don't play:


    Parazon bugs:

    Exit the map with the parazon animation:

    Parazon Misses the thrall and hits another enemy who is not killed:


    Oberon's carpet grass attaches to oberon's head:

  14. Bugs:

    I've guesstimated severity to try and organise them

    Didn't find any

    Enemy shoots though auto guard at close range. I noticed this happening with Lich thralls, except when the thrall version shot though my guard it instantly killed me (I was using a squishy frame).
    I've replicated it here, normal enemies have a chance of being parried when you block, but thralls don't get parried so this enemy type always shoots through your block.

    Attempting to assassinate this grineer next to the spy console makes me hack instead. You'll see in this video it scoops me in to the hacking animation when I was looking at the grineers back to try to kill him.

    Confused Lich doesn't do anything, stands still and dies. I think the trigger was that the player they were attacking left the game. After this happened, they just stood there and died. Sort of an anti climax, but they were taking ages to kill.

    Interesting vanquish animations when done on stairs. Maybe you need to teleport stunned Liches to a more open space?

    This strange sharkwing door, which looks like an airlock (I've never been seen working).
    If you approach it from the dry side, you get put into sharkwing. I was hoping the swim around the level like this, but it fixes itself.

    Sliding over the Lua power puzzle door acts as if you fell into a pit.

    Doing a heavy slam into a sharkwing zone stores the heavy slam until you leave.
    Also: Sharkwing and sharkwing camera clips though the bottom of the map with no effort on the players part.

    Insane effects on new Vauban. If you stand in it you can't see anything. Not sure if this is a bug or feature.
    Here is a picture looking at it.
    here is a picture of me standing in it.

    Dread bow disappears after stealth killing with tekko prime (while dread is equipped). Bow still works, but is invisible.

    In the arsenal: Odd colour switching when entering and exiting the appearance of the kuva drakgoon (radiation version)

    In the arsenal: if you equip the larkspur archgun, then equip the dual decurion the larkspur stays and t-poses.
    You can even switch back to the larkspur for two larkspur.

  15. Grendel:

    I think you need a UI addition that tracks the things consumed and their overall(?) hp.
    Especially need a UI to show what buff you will get when you consume. Cause I have no idea, sometimes it doesn't put text on the buff icon when it appears, so I also have no clue what buff I got.

    Pulverise doesn't seem very useful for damage, but you don't take much damage in it, so it's a weird survivability and limited crowd control ult.
    Maybe giving it a 'spindash' on by holding sprint and releasing on the ground might help turning around at short notice?

    He is also very energy hungry. You only want to keep enemies for a few seconds then spit them out to find some new ones. It doesn't seem to mesh with the passive very well.
    Since you need to spit out your food so much, you can't keep them ready to refresh the short duration nourish buffs. So I don't really bother with the buffs like I would with Titania.

    The best feature is catapulting enemies into each other / over the horizon. And cc by repositioning enemies into a pile to be killed.

    I don't see how Grendel and Gauss are super friends. Maybe you needed to add a quest for these new frames.


    Grendel missions:

    The Grendel missions were great fun. You get to go back to basics and find the cheap stuff with a more limited set of options. Trinity energy regen is now useful again without zenurik and energy pizzas. Frames abilities actually have uniqueness other than being vessels for world ending weapons.
    It was also a better demonstration of the melee changes than the special melee alerts, since chain stunning enemies with heavy slam was a viable strategy.
    Defence was pretty harsh, I really should have taken frost or something that could defend the capsule. Had to wait for the capsule to regen by stalling waves, it took around 40 minutes.
    Not sure if you lose the mission beacon if you fail, but if you do that would be really annoying. Since it takes a few hours to farm.

    I think a mode or re-occurring (Tenshin organised) event that only allows conclave mods might be interesting. And it lets you get the conclave mods (since no one plays conclave).
    Or the Tenshin event just blocks +damage mods (elemental mods convert damage instead) so we can play some missions with 'intended' damage values to see what the devs think the game should be like.


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