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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. Just now, -Sandman said:

    Unfortunately that is how it is. If the community would stand together to demand quality vs quantity, we would have a better qol here.

    Personally I feel as though DE are doing really well considering the circumstances surrounding Warframe. How and why it was started, in relation to the state of the company a few years back etc. The last few years have been a rollercoaster for them and we need to give them much more credit for what they've brought to us, not to mention how they went from a bog standard developer to how they've humbled themselves into making it a communal game and actually gotten involved with the community, personally.

  2. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Damage and scaling.



    Focus skills.


    The above is a list of all the major facets of Warframe currently in an unfinished, unpolished state. And this is just top of my head type stuff.

    So my plea to DE is this: slow down. Test. Polish. Fully flesh out and finish Things, before you dump new things into the game.

    I watched this sort of permanent revamp kill Firefall. Turns out, when you dump unfinished peripheral mechanics on too of unfinished Core Mechanics, then go back and overhaul the Core stuff...you guessed it: Domino Effect.

    So slow down. Finish stuff. Get Fissures revamped. Finalized. Then, Archwing, if you must.

    Then, introduce War Within. But make sure it's polished and stable first.

    Once War is in...spend the rest of 2016 polishing and finishing your game. It needs the work and we all know it. Placeholders only last so long before people get tired of spending money on what is essentially your public test server.

    Why should I buy anything else? You're either going to radically change its functionality, as with Saryn, or straight nerf it into the ground. Or even worse, deliberately make it subpart to something new and similar, for the sake of sales, as with Mirage's CC versus Vauban Prime or Loki's Spy mission functionality versus Ivara and her new Augment.

    I get that the game is in perpetual development. I do. On the other hand, you're asking for money for functionality you will likely take away later, at this point.

    Sooner or later you've got to settle on core balance, Warframe powers, weapon stats, etc. People need to know what it is they are buying.

    Please, finish something.


    They have to rush-release stuff. Because if they don't. If they spend too much time polishing new stuff before getting it out. The game will eventually begin to lose popularity due to the lack of content. They need to get as much new stuff out as fast as possible and gradually polish and improve it as time goes by because if they don't, the game will implode.

    Well, that's how it is right now anyway. It won't always be that way though. Eventually there will be SO much stuff to do, so much grinding to do. That they'll have ample time to polish updates to perfection before they release them.

    So yeah, for now, they literally have to release content as fast as possible, they have no other choice, and we all need to be patient with them.

  3. So I was pondering upon the situation with vaulted prime gear earlier. Thinking to myself how back in the day when I began playing Warframe, one of the major things that attracted me was that it wasn't pay to win in the slightest, that it was pay for convenience and everything that had practical use in-game was available to you by simply playing the game (except past event items which were said to be re-integrated later on, and some other exclusive items like the founders stuff), granted, you have to grind a bit more to get stuff wholely for free, but that's not a bad thing.

    Right now though, that's changed. Now we have a number of prime Warframes and the gear they came with "in the vault." And the only way to gain them is to either purchase the vault access packs if we happen to be lucky enough to have the spare cash when they make an appearance (which isn't very often), trade for them (purchase them from other players for extortionate amounts of plat because the state of trade is ridiculous, scam artists everywhere and cheeky sellers driving up prices because they know just how badly people want their primed gear), or grind your butt off just hoping that you'll get everything you need in the roughly 30 day time period that the vault is open for.

    I feel as though this is a little unfair on new players, and I feel as though it's a step backwards because now, you can no longer get everything that has practical use for free. No matter how you go about it, it'll end up costing you and arm and a leg. One of the major selling points of Warframe, or at least, how Warframe used to be, is seemingly becoming less apparent over time.

    My suggestion to DE, is that they bring back the vaulted items, that they reintegrate them into the new void fissure system. But that also, to ensure they don't lose much, if any profit at all from the vault access packs, they change them to accessories + discounted plat only. They could even up the amount of discounted plat and maybe even add a few other random + useful goodies, so the pack could remain the same price or at least very similar.

    Also, they could have ALL prime access accessory packs for sale at the same time. All available, all year round, for a one-time purchase only. 

    I feel as though this would be a compromise of sorts. We get what we want, which is both the unvaulting of all the prime gear there is, and the availabilty of the accessories for purchase (because as we all know, fashionframe is the true endgame), and DE gets what it wants, which is more players playing for longer, and more profit.


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