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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. Just now, Richtor2415 said:

    If they're daily then how'd you do two, though?

    • Fixed the countdown timer  initiating again after grabbing the Ayatan Sculpture in Maroo’s daily hunt mission. 

    ^^ That was the patch note.

    And no idea mate. I did one, didn't get my statue so I thought I'd see what'd happen if I tried again, but Maroo said come back another day. Then I tried again like two mins later and was able to do a second run, but still didn't get a statue.

  2. To be honest. I feel disappointed and frustrated more than anything.

    The lore was cool, although, it didn't reveal much at all really. I feel as though I saw a massive amount of the storyline coming a long time ago, and the questline was kinda predictable.

    The new mechanics made me really frustrated at first though. In the questline specifically. I got frustrated trying to figure out what to do at first with the Golden Maw, and there were other little things here or there that I feel could've done with more clarification, that the quest could've done with a few pointers.

    These new riven mods seem to be ridiculous as well, what with their absolutely insane unlock conditions. Luckily mine wasn't as bad as some of the others "4 headshots in one aim glide", although, even that for me personally is pretty tough as I'm on a low resolution, windowed, and my mouse is choppy. So it's taking my forever and frustrating me even more.

    A massive part of the hype for me was expecting something unexpected, something big. But we didn't get that. I mean sure, we got a few things that DE hadn't mentioned before, but nothing of shock value. No major reveals, or major "hints" as to what is upcoming.

    It's ironic. After all these months of waiting, I feel like TWW was rushed.

    I don't feel like DE did a bad job as such. I just feel like the implementation has been a bit messy, and that this update has been overhyped massively.

  3. So, what am I supposed to do here? I can't move past the step you spawn on. I can't stun, I can't stealth. There's absolutely no indication of what I'm supposed to do or how I'm supposed to do it. Completely ridiculous.

    All I get is an HUD message saying press left shift to sprint, but that does absolutely nothing no matter which route I take.

    Nvm, figured it out. You have run from one set of rocks to the next.

  4. 1 minute ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    We are just as anxious to get this out as you guys are, but we really really really need to make sure that it's ready. It's heartbreaking to keep having to push it back. Either we give you a time, and risk not meeting it, or don't give you a time and deal with "but when DE??" comments.

    Again, a huuuge thank you to each and every one of you who has hung out here while our team hammers away at a solution. :) 

    Don't worry, even doomsayers like myself appreciate the hard work. Any negativity projected at DE is just rooted in love for the game and literally craving new content because we love it so much.

  5. 6 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    That's completely understandable - it's been a long time coming, and bugs keep pushing it back. We can't blame you for being upset, we can only thank you for being here this long and cross our fingers that the experience we deliver in The War Within will be worth the wait. 

    Sorry for being a doomsayer. I'm not upset as such, it's just like "urghhhhhh I should be playing TWW already, I need my lore fix." The anticipation is killing me.

  6. 10 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Hey Tenno, it's 6:32 p.m. EST. We are currently looking at at least 2 more hours before The War Within's release. The sad truth of itterating builds with quests is that even the smallest change requires us to completely test the quest from start to finish, which takes quite some time. We are so close, but we just need to do the motions for quest progression. We are so sorry to keep you guys waiting - your patience has been incredible during this time, and we cannot wait to finally get this content into your hands.


    I don't like putting a negative spin on things, but I've been watching the forum closely and with great anticipation for days and I'm coming close to the end of my tether.

    I have to say though, I really hope this update isn't underwhelming. :awkward:

  7. I thought it'd be quite funny if it was released on 9/11, because that's the day we get election results in the US. And either way, regardless of who gets in office, the US will pretty much have a "war within" on its hands.

  8. 5 hours ago, kasalaba said:

    Simple question. The orbiter (our base ship) is in the void, ordis said that. That's why we are always safe there. So how in the name of love did Lotus get in at the end of the second dream quest, and did not die from poisoning?

    Because what we saw walking around in the Orbiter wasn't the Lotus herself. It was her Avatar. What she uses to instill a sense of connection between herself and the Tenno, most likely so they don't feel alone, and so they feel like they have a parental figure looking out for them in the place of Margulis.

  9. 36 minutes ago, oOMeri said:

    I like Berehynia. I love it, it's an opportunity to get massive XP (which is nice with the double affinity this week end). It's also a place where players can have nice conversations, because it's a place where there is always people on.


    What I hate, is when jerks decide to blow other people work/farm by leaving last second (I've been "victim" of this by two guys that were probably friend) leaving me alone... I know I'm not the first to meet that kind of "nice" people.


    I'd like DE to consider that kind of problems and make things so honest people could not be victim of that kind of guys. Like karma points that would affect the affinity get by someone, or stuff like that.

    Do 2K Cryotic runs on Hieracon. That's how I level my stuff, well, either that or Sortie defence missions (depending on the modifier).

    I never have any issues at HCon, and I always pug it. Sometimes you come across crappy squads but that's fine, you can just leave at the beginning and try again.

    Also, if you're levelling Warframes, it'd be a good idea to get at least 10 levels first so you have your 4 ready for use. That way you're not completely useless when joining a match on HCon. I recommend Earth Dark Sector Defense, Coba for that.

  10. 17 minutes ago, khatabhuntt said:

    last 2 years the devs make stream thy told us  primed chamber is soon coming in event ....

    2 years later where  d hell is it 

    They'll probably re-release it via Baro or something at some point. But that will likely only be when there is an exclusive mod brought to us by another event / operation, that can take it's place in the market. Because right now it has a unique position on the market. It's the most expensive item. DE won't re-release it until there is at least one other thing that has a similar price tag attached.

  11. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)AnnoyedHaddock said:

    You forgot the 12 hour forma build time :)



    Also, why is every word capitalised? It hurts my brain.

    I've never really seen the 24hr build time as a problem personally. But that's probably because I usually just buy or rush my forma.

    I dunno, didn't even realise I was doing that 'till it was too late so I just carried on lmao.

    • All dailies resetting at the same time for convenience + a universal daily reset timer.
    • All weeklies resetting at the same time for convenience + a universal weekly reset timer.
    • Immortal skins for newer warframes + PBR updates for old immortal skins (Excalibur's immortal skin still hasn't been updated).
    • No more arrows becoming "erect" or sticking upwards while being prepped for launch.
    • Repeatable quests (I realise this is already apparently in the works).
    • Repeatable events (I heard it on the grapevine that this is also in the works).
    • Repeatable tactical alerts (perhaps re-introduce them as sortie missions seeing as they're just normal missions with special conditions / modifiers, added difficulty + challenge).
    • Companion abilities / precepts / energy / weapons energy colour matching the colour selected in customisation.
    • More lifelike enemy AI + animations.
    • Unique resource models for oxium / detonite ampule / fieldron sample / mutagen sample drops.
    • A fix for client energy colours not appearing as they should, e.g. Akstilleto Prime cartridges energy / Pakal Armour Chestpiece + War + Broken War energy symbol all show as blue no matter what colour they are customised when client.
    • A fix for sugatras appearing to be "floating" away from handle on Dark Dagger + Rakta Dark Dagger.
    • The ability to customise the appearance of your specters.
    • More parkour freedom + responsiveness, e.g. more mid air control, more fluidity of movement, less controls + restrictions.
    • An option / setting to choose how long enemy corpses / gibs stick around, from say, 10 seconds for toasters to indefinitely for insanely good gaming rigs.
    • No more forced random matchmaking in both PVE + PVP. Instead, create a UI that allows us to choose whether we host or join as a client, and give us a list of current open squads + if any friends / clannies are in the mission in question, show their squad before all others, show squad regions too (with the ones from the region you're on in your settings being shown first for convenience), and of course, show their ping too.
    • Make all individual items in deluxe skin packs available for purchase individually (with a collective price that matches the cost of the whole pack), or at least make it so if somebody purchases a deluxe warframe skin only to realise they can't purchase the other parts separately at a later date, they have the price of the pre-purchased skin deducted from the price of the pack.
    • Make mods cause subtle but apparent graphical changes to whichever part of loadout they're equipped to, e.g. silencers on firearms, elongated melee weapons, element conversion on elemental weapons, larger magazines.
    • In "endless" mission type alerts, make it so the first reward is the alert reward, then make it so you're not forced to leave because you won't get any more rewards. Give players the opportunity to stay if they wish to, and gain rewards from whatever levelled drop table applies as they would in normal endless missions.
    • Have foundry show you when you've already built a weapon so you don't accidently built an unwanted weapon a second time + give players the ability to cancel builds before they finish and refund the resources used.
    • NEW: An extension of the "copy warframe colours" function. In its place, a "copy and paste" button function where you can copy the colour settings from one item by simply clicking a button on the UI, e.g. armour or weapons, and paste the values in any other customisation UI on any other customisable item via the same way. So for example, let's say I'm using the Rakta Cernos and I decide I want to have Red Veil colours on my Warframe but I'm having a hard time finding the matching colours in the UI, I can simply copy the values from the Rakta Cernos customisation UI and paste them into the same UI but of a different item. I can then repeat the action and eventually have absolutely every single customisable item use the same colour scheme.
    • NEW: A fix for the two consoles appearing in a row in the Grineer galleon interception tileset, when only one console should appear.
    • NEW: A fix for player name appearing on Specter ID as [PlayerName].
    • NEW: The addition of the mythical "Spark" heavy grineer unit that has been mentioned in the past.
    • NEW: Unique map icons for syndicate medallions / marks.
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