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Posts posted by Master-Nachash

  1. 8 hours ago, DogManDan said:

    Your problem lies in your own statement where you state that as a host your clients lag so on the other end of that it stands to reason that you as the client are the one who is actually lagging out. You might want to check your gear/internet and all the hundreds of factors involved before going around making a statement of people lagswitching. I bet you that until you mentioned it 99.9% of people would never even have know something like that exists.

    My connection is rarely ever an issue. I ALWAYS ask how my hosting is when I'm host, and it's very rare that clients have a bad time with it. So no, my connection is not really an issue. Sometimes it is, but that will most likely be due to distance, or weather, or something else along those lines.

  2. So over the last few weeks I've noticed a bit of a behavioural "trend." It could be purely coincidental, but I feel as though it could be something more.

    It's pretty much common knowledge for most if not all conclave players now, that bad hosts have an advantage over their clients. I've experienced this myself on both sides. I've been host, and for some reason clients have been lagging, and it's been much easier for me to kill them. Plus they've not been able to interact with maps as well as they would on a good connection, e.g. door's won't open, they can't pick up health / energy / ammo / cephalon. And I've also been client where I've experienced the severe disadvantage of having a bad host.

    Now to the subject matter.

    Over the last few weeks I've noticed that coincidentally some hosts' connections will suddenly rise up to anywhere between 1000ms to 2500ms when they're getting their butt handed to them. And when the lag does it's job and gets them a few easy kills. Suddenly it goes back to normal again. I didn't think much of it at first. But the more it's happened, the more I've become aware of it, the more I've paid attention to it, and the more I believe I may be seeing a pattern. Sometimes, to me it's blatently obvious what's going on, because when the host begins to lose again, his ping suddenly goes up again, and yeah, you guessed it, when he regains his position at the top of the scoreboard, his connection smooths out.

    So yeah, my question is, is intentional bandwidth / connection throttling a thing? Are hosts doing this intentionally to get an advantage over other players? Or at the very least, do you suspect whether this is the case or not?

  3. 8 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    It actually is, if there's something that would appeal to you better, it makes more sense to play that.

    No it's just a way to trigger you hence I sensed you are easily triggered.

    Newbs should never be encouraged to PvP in a game new to them unless that game is PvP only or pvp based. You have to learn certain mechanics etc first.

    In the end the real cheese is people abusing the room used for matching up (such as 4v4) with their friends and max out standings quiet quickly and bypassing 'the grind' Granted PvP could perhaps be better someways or bit more balanced. However it's not a PvP game. frankly for its current state compared to some other mmos that claimed to be PvP based is doing a few things better.

    Also mmos where you have to build your character and level it so on so on so on are even worse, you spend time grinding only to find out the pvp is poo or there's clearly imba stuff they don't address.

    As long as you have fun it shouldn't matter and no reason to be picky.

    No, what would be constructive would be to point someone towards what you believe to be a better way of thinking in relation to whatever issues they've raised. Helping them to convert what they perceive to be negative, into something positive. Saying "go play something else then" is a cop out in general and in relation to this forum in particular, I'm pretty sure it's borderline against the rules. I've seen mods have harsh words with people who've said similar things. The phrases "git gud", "mad 'cause bad" and "go play something else then" are all generally non-constructive and don't do anything but proliferate negativity between individuals and toxicity within the community as a whole.

    Also, make no mistake, just because I express myself in a pretty blunt manner doesn't mean things are triggering me. I just prefer to not beat around the bush.

    It should be pretty difficult to do that with standing though. I mean firstly, you can't do your dailies on invite only or friends only, and if you invite your friends, they always end up on your team, never on the opposing team. The only way you could get around that is by having friends join public matches on the same region you're on. But even that would be hit and miss because sometimes for some reason, even with both players having no ping limit, if you and a friend are trying to play against each other on a public match in an empty region, matchmaking still doesn't match you up.

  4. 9 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    Okay so here's some issues,

    1. you are complaining about load outs etc, yet you are using spray and pray guns.

    2. you still havent answered what are these ''cheese''

    3. you state you always use the same loadout, therefore you are subject of being easily countered if you run into xyz often, use something that counters it.

    4. seems like you only have fun when winning, meaning PvP isn't the best choice for you unless you go competitive...

    5. APB reloaded pvp? i mean technically yes, But i did say pvp focused... oh i forgot to say and reasonably well balanced.


    6. What? So there have been no 'basic noob loadouts' and you are complaining about them. like seriously?

    7. You don't like counters in PvP games? Dude you need to just play CS:GO, halo, quake or something then... Cause you're describing a fair game for everyone that is only skill and doesn't allow others to be different.

    8. So you are mad cause bad since you can't deal with xyz loadouts (which you still haven't mentioned the hell is this cheese you speak of.... I'm certain it's not ling or cannon rush).



    Yeah I use "spray n pray guns" because for me personally, it's satisfying as hell to get kills with them because they can be difficult to use in high speed combat. They reward skill and accuracy more than most because of their nature. I hate one / two shotters like dex sybaris or daikyu because it's far too easy to get kills with them.

    I gave examples in a previous post.

    Well, I see your point but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm "easily countered." And I'm not talking about loadouts that can just counter me I'm talking about loadouts that can decimate a number of opponents of different loadouts at almost any given time which I see happen all too often. The player in the match with Rhino / Loki / Nova and something like jet kitty / heliocore + dex sybaris is gonna be at the top of the scoreboard no matter what you do nine times out of ten for example. Chroma is another one. As soon as he uses his 1, you're gone. Yes there are ways to counter that but actually getting an opportunity to do so is very often impossible because of it's range and because of the cold proc.

    No, I don't only have fun when winning. If I'm losing and it's genuinely because someone else is outsmarting me or because they're better than me, and not because they're using an easy-cheesy loadout that pretty much ensures them an easy win, I enjoy that too because #1 I learn from it, and #2 it's cool to see other players who are actually good and not just exploiting game mechanics that as I said, ensure easy wins.

    Sometimes I don't even enjoy it when I'm winning. Like earlier today I was in a team annihilation. It was a 1v1, me with my typical loadout against an ember prime. He avoided me for almost the entire match. Just ran around collecting energy and would only come for me when he had enough to use world on fire. Most of the time I'd wreck him, but sometimes he'd run off and rinse + repeat. He was blatently trying to cheese his way to victory, didn't wanna bother trying to gun me down and kill me with skill, instead he figured he'd just spam his 4 and get me that way, but he obviously didn't understand that world on fire is a lot less effective when doing 1v1 because your opponent will be keeping track of your movements a lot more due to being a lot less distracted by other enemies, and it's not like my shields / health would be being drained by other players so he couldn't pick me off after other opponents weakened me. But yeah it ruined the match because there was barely any actual gunplay going on, it was just me running around trying to find the guy and chasing him or running from him when he used world on fire. Tedious as hell.

    I said I have yet to see anyone with a basic noob loadout at the top of scoreboard at the end of a match, not that I have to see anyone with a basic noob loadout.

    I don't think telling someone to go and play another game because they have issues with the functionality of a game mode in this game is constructive.

    And no, I'm not "mad 'cause bad", that's not even an arguement. It's just a way to dismiss someone's points.

  5. Just now, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

    That's fair enough. I also play a lot of FPS so I can see the angle you're coming from.

    Sometimes I can enjoy it, but most of the time I feel like it's too messy and perhaps fiddly, and that this is a fast-paced shooter and having to figure out which specific loadout to use to counter other loadouts is pretty tedious when you just wanna kill some folks like you would in Quake or Unreal. It's also partly why I always use the exact same loadout. Like, I'm here to play with skill, not take timeouts in between deaths to think about what I should use to get an edge on my opponent. Also, if I was to think like that, I'd probably use the same loadout all the time again, but instead of it being the one I mentioned, it'd be something along the lines of Rhino Prime with jet kitty and dex sybaris 'cause that pretty much guarantees you an edge on everyone.

  6. Just now, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

    But a lot of pvp based games have something to that affect. Many games that have pvp require either a specific ability to counter another ability, or a specific weapon to counter another, or sometimes even a specific character to counter another character. Generally speaking requiring a specific 'something' to counter another thing is pretty common. The only place that is not common is pvp FPS games. For example in Halo arena play everyone gets the exact same loadout. But now you're talking about a first person shooter which Warframe is not.

    Yeah I understand all of that. I'm just saying I dislike it. Which probably comes from the fact that I grew up playing games like Quake / Unreal and other arena style FPS games that were pretty simple point and click shooters. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Knaimhe said:

    It seems to me the real problem is your generous application of the word "cheese".
    Any time a player equips a weapon that you don't like, you label the situation as "cheese".
    Crying "cheese" has become a defense mechanism.

    Yes. Screaming cheese is my instinctive reaction to being triggered by a loadout I dislike.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Phasedragon said:

    And what about the large number of players who can get the same high score using basically any loadout? Are you conveniently ignoring them or do you think that a mk1 braton is cheese? There are tons of weapons that work well in conclave, and while there are a few cheese things still out there, they are in the significant minority.


    Yes, iron skin is a bit OP. There's already been a thread about that. But rhino is one of the first frames you get, so it's not like that's pay to win either. On top of that, there are ways to counter iron skin in the meantime; mag and nekros can steal energy so they cant cast it, while banshee can stop it even after it's been casted.

    I have yet to witness players using basic "noob" loadouts and getting to the top of scoreboards, and I've been playing daily for the last two or three months.

    I don't even like that tbh, the fact that you need specific loadouts to counter other loadouts. Players who don't have the necessary equipment are at a disadvantage, and they're either compelled to stop playing because they keep getting rekt due to that, or they're compelled to invest more into the game just so they can counter other people's equipment.

  9. 22 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    Read under.


    Also @---AweSomeXaV---@Master-Nachash

    Not to mention the mods are only obtainable through conclave. The only way to CHEESE is to make a lobby with all friends and abuse the system to gain all conclave challenges etc.

    Frames weapons etc being bought for conclave? By whom? Lower ranks don't usually bother, very few will. Higher ranks already have those things..... or get them easily...

    Most people use frost globe so I've heard? Most weapon will work fine since enemy tennos don't have much hp etc. Warframes can't mass spam skills.

    What are you 2 exactly talking about??

    Are you mad cause bad? Or mad cause you getting chopped up in PvP?

    Crying about PvP in a PvE game.... is just noobs trying to compete who has the biggest private areas. You want real PvP? Come to pvp games. See how long it takes you to rage quit... you probably have in the past already.

    Actually I rarely see any Frosts in conclave unless I'm playing capture the Cephalon, that seems to be a go to choice for a lot of players because of the simple fact you can globe the cephalon and it makes it easier to defend.

    Definitely not "mad 'cause bad", more often than not I'm at the top of the scoreboard. I always use the exact same loadout. Excal, Soma P, Akstilleto P, Nikana P, I never cheese, I barely even use my nikana. Only if I have no bullets left, nor do I use any of my abilities other than slash dash really.

    The only time I get mad, is when I know someone got a kill not because they're skilled, but because they're using an easy loadout that pretty much ensures easy kills. If it's a kill made from skill though, I don't really mind.

    Nah man, I've only ever played one other PVP game and that was APB reloaded, the only times I ever used to rage quit when I was playing that was when the opposing team had blatent aimbotters.

  10. 31 minutes ago, ---AweSomeXaV--- said:

    No dude, i've played enough Conclave to safely say that players play it to win. Damn, is OP correct, i've seen the cheesiest of the cheese loadouts from players.

    Yeah man, in almost every match all players have the typical cheesy loadouts, maybe with slight variations occasionally but mostly the same. It's very rare you see a player using something that's not cheese, especially when you get to the last couple of ranks with Teshin and can't use recruit conditioning anymore. 

    A lot of the time as well, even when they're not using cheese. If they're losing, THEY SWITCH TO CHEESE. Because they know it'll ensure them an easy win.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Pythadragon said:

    Please define "Best loadouts possible".

    One of my favorite loadouts is a Strun, a Lato, and a Tipedo.

    All weapons are balanced. Primes are sidegrades.

    Skill is THE defining factor of conclave.

    Skill is a factor, but it's not THE defining factor of conclave. Cheese is.

    There's not much you can do against a full squad of rhino primes spamming iron skin + jet kitty or lokis spamming their aimbot decoys en masse while running around invisible, oh, also jet kitty spamming. You might catch them off guard now and then but generally speaking they will absolutely wreck you no matter how skilled you are.

  12. 9 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:

    Just lol? How much revenue do you think warframe makes from conclave? hahaha. Best joke I heard all day. I'm in tears. Somebody stop him

    Also, if you cannot see something happening. Why are you suggesting on what they should do?

    People that just want to farm xyz will always make your games less fun. Regardless of the mode. If someone is superbad... no equipment will make up for that. (also pvp should be about fun and battling... who cares win lose etc.)

    Laugh at and ridicule me all you want, I've not said or even implied that I think DE gains a good amount of revenue from conclave. What I'm saying is that conclave has been set up in a way that makes it so new players have two options. They can either ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist because they get their asses handed to them constantly which isn't fun whatsoever. Which is what most players do. And perhaps wait until they've amassed an armory that allows them to put up a decent fight against regulars (which would likely take them a couple of months at least if they're fresh players). Or, they could invest heavily, they could either farm and grind day in and day out just so they can have a chance at countering cheesy loadouts, or instead of farming / grinding, they could simply take the easy way out and purchase plat.

    So yeah, like I said, I've not said or implied that I think DE gains a good amount of revenue from conclave, but I'd be willing to bet that because of the way conclave is set up, that a good amount of players have felt compelled to invest either more time or money, to be able to farm new players and / or be an actual challenge for regulars.

    I play conclave every day, and from what I've seen there's a massive divide between players. You either have fresh players with "noob" loadouts or you have experienced players with the same cheesy loadouts. There isn't really any kind of middle ground, and this supports my point. If you play conclave regularly you'd recognise this too.

  13. Conclave barely rewards skill. Instead, it rewards cheese.

    It rewards people for having the "best" loadouts possible. Or in a lot of cases, the most obscenely overpowered loadouts possible. The ones that make you almost unstoppable.

    It rewards people for investing in the game, rather than rewarding them for being skilled players.

    After months of playing, I've come to realise that conclave isn't fair at all. To sum it up, it's a mode where regular players who've invested a lot of time or money in the game play to basically farm "casuals" and / or new players, or players who just don't have the time or money to gain the kind of equipment that they have. It's a mode where the haves farm the have-nots and where the haves also play to feel a sense of dominance over the have-nots despite the fact that their supposed dominance doesn't usually come from skill, but rather comes from just having better equipment and knowing how to use it to ensure easy wins. 

    I have a feeling that this is intentional, that conclave was made to be this way so that anyone who enjoys it, that has time and / or resources, feels compelled to pool even more of their time and / or resources into the game just so they can have a chance at actually getting somewhere in conclave, and so they feel compelled to do it faster for conclave much faster than they would for anything to do with PVE. Likely resulting in more money for DE, because the fastest way to get the best stuff and dominate in conclave is to buy plat.

    In my opinion, conclave should be mostly about skill, and the only way for it to be fun for everyone is to create more of an emphasis on skill and less of an emphasis on cheese. But unfortunately I cannot see that happening as technically speaking, DE actually benefits from the imbalance and the unfairness because as I've stated, it will bring them more revenue.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Twistedsparkle said:

    they would give a reason to play archwing
    and the bonus challenge wouldnt hurt either

    For the same reason there are no Archwing syndicate missions, or Archwing sortie missions.

    Because DE knows that most people barely touch Archwing, nor do they wish to.

    Also, putting fissure / syndicate / sortie missions behind the wall of needing a decent Archwing setup would kinda infuriate a massive amount of the player base as it's totally unnecessary.

  15. 42 minutes ago, Sannidor said:

    This is a pretty common idea but it can make one player inactive for the rest of match. 

    My idea is to restrict best player's movement to defense zone and shorten time he can hold the ball.


    I also read about other solution, not just lunaro exclusive = if teams are not equal a specter appears and deactivates when another player joins.

    "Three crushing two" scenarios are the top reason Warframe PvP is a bad experience. Sometimes I stay in 3 vs 2 matches but 2 vs 1 are just no fun at all.

    If teams are even, no single player should be allowed to join, but queued until there are two of them.

    The player has the choice to leave if it's taking too long for another player to join. So that's not really an issue.

    The specter idea wouldn't work at all. It'd just create more imbalance one way or another. Either people would farm it because it's easy to kill or people would be getting farmed by it because it's god-like. It'd take so much work to get it to a point where it's just right, and on par with your average conclave player. Let's not forget that different people have different skill levels as well, so there would have to be multiple tiers of specters, and what specter spawns would have to depend on the skill level of the other players, but we have no way to dictate that right now other than kill / death ratio which isn't really accurate in itself. It's just not viable.

    The  "no single player should be allowed to join until there are two of them" is another option, but generally I think it's much easier to just implement a spectator mode or something, where players only join the actual match when the teams are balanced.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Uh, no. Are you sure? Because in my missions once all the enemies are dead that's it. Are you sure you're talking about exterminates?

    Yes. It was an extermination on Earth. I remember waiting in extraction for the rest of my squad in to make their way to me after we'd completed the objective, and fissures were opening up right in front of me.

  17. Let's say for example, you have a 1v1 match. Then somebody joins one of the teams, which makes it almost impossible for their opposing team to win because you can be damn well sure the both of them will be check spamming the guy on his own. The new player who just joined should be disabled from interacting with both the ball and the opponents because if they were to do so, it'd be an unfair advantage for their and an unfair disadvantage for their opponent. Only when somebody joins the opposing team should that new player be able to participate. If nobody joins the opposing team, the new player should be free to leave without any risk of penality.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    This. I've had people join halfway through a mission, and never manage to get enough reactant. We all waited, hoping he'd find some, but eventually we had to give up. That guy got nothing at all out of that mission.

    That's a bit strange, because in every exterminate mission I've ran, fissures keep spawning new enemies even after you've completed the mission.

  19. Just now, AcceptYourDeath said:

    Not sure on that, but they might be not even there for you to pick up after joining in-progress. I could imagine you are only able to pick up what droped after you joined. 

    I think once you become a client, whatever reactant is dropped while you're in the process of actually physically joining the mission is there ripe for the picking. But any reactant before you became a client to the host, isn't available to you.

  20. I have yet to have any problems getting ten reactant before the mission is over, and the only time I've seen anyone else having problems is when they've for some reason just not bothered to pick up reactant as we progress through the mission.

    For example, a couple of days ago I joined a public lith fissure extermination. My squad was at max capacity from the beginning, three of us including myself managed to get ten reactant in the second room we entered. But one guy only had 3 by the time we finished the mission and got to extraction. Obviously he just couldn't be bothered to pick it up. 

    I've seen this countless times, and personally I think the only issue here is that some players, for some reason, just don't pay attention to where the reactant drops, or they just figure they'll pick it up as they go along, until they eventually get to extraction and think "I have made a mistake, now I need to backtrack and my squad should wait for me before they extract" like the player in that match I referenced did.

  21. 36 minutes ago, cheshirekatt said:

    You know what I miss, Luck stats.

    Well what if warframe introduced such stat.

    How I think it would work.

    The frames themselves would never have a luck stat, unless a new frame was themed around it. Mostly it would be mods that would give players luck.

    Why mods? Well you would sacrifice certain more combat mods for a luck mod, so its a risk.

    Luck mods would have no polarity, and can fit into any polarity with out its cost reducing or increase, so it can fit in any unlocked non aura/stance slot.They do not need to be charged but have a high point cost, so you would have to build around the luck mod.

    And yes you can have one placed on your guns, weapons and pets/sentinels to, of course increase your luck but at a great risk.

    There would even be lower cost luck mods that give a good amount of the luck stat BUT have a crippling hindered.

    So lets say four people get good luck mods on all their stuff, is this a good thing?


    In a mission the luck stat gives a percentage, if a solo player has all of his/hers equipment with a luck stat, they would have a 45% Luck to their name, 65% is thing using Luck mods that hinder.

    Now lets say 4 members go into a mission with basic luck mods.

    the luck CAPS out at 100% if you go over that you get bad luck.

    so the players in a nice happy friendly world would get a luck rating of 180%

    Well in my twisted wortd thats not the case.

    After they base over the cap, the overflow is then used to REDUCE the luck percentage.

    So they come into a mission with....20% luck rating.

    Lets get evil

    Lets say they all are wearing the hindering mods.

    In the world of fluffy kittens and bunny rabbits they would have a luck rating of 260% Very nice.

    Well in MY world things get mean.

    once they go over the cap another time, well the good luck goes away. And they are debuffed with bad luck.


    Now your scratching your head and asking what Luck and bad luck would do?  Well simple, the higher you raise the luck percentage the more chances rare stuff is gathered. Rare mods, rare resources, and larger shares of credits and basic resources, and rare enemies.

    Bad luck is the other side of this. Depending on how far down the bad luck path you go things get deadly and mean. Enemies have a higher chance of critically hitting you, they drop less, to no stuff, if you fail the mission you lose credits. And oh ya, rare enemies will still spawn, just not drop anything.

    Why add this? Well lets say you play solo and want to do a random mission, you want some good stuff, so you do a risk reward thinking. You can have some luck mods, and hope the random people you get will not make things get bad. Its a gamble of how much luck you will bring with you. Its pretty much the saying "to much of a good thing."

    Not to mention, Perhaps something called luck storms, a random RNG luck stat, then in the presence of even a single luck mod, will activate, and make the base luck percentage of the luck itself increase or decrease. So if those four members did the math to get 100% with their mods, well based on how much luck mods are coming in, will make the storm increase or decrease the base luck, so they go from 100% down to 80% or 90% or up to 110% decreasing their luck by 10 percent.

    Luck storms, should be seen on the planet map, as literal golden clouds that sparkle. They wont effect EVERY mission, its either you go in, and risk it, or you wait till it passes or go some where else.


    So what you all thing?

    We have a universal luck stat, it's called RNG.

  22. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)SergeiTheBarb said:



    As the tittle says, I am wondering if it would be possible to have an option to turn off Starchart music? The music is good and all but to have an option to totally turn off music from the game would be great.
    It's just a suggestion. Thank you.

    Been wanting this myself since SOTR dropped.

    I dislike how it overlaps with my music.

  23. 10 minutes ago, Dion_Starfire said:

    Currently, I get a new login reward the first time I login after 5:30 PM. By that time, I'm either playing less, or only playing half-heartedly for an hour or two (depending on whether I had to work that day).

    The only time that reward is fresh is when I'm too tired to really appreciate or benefit from it. Have it refresh some time in the morning (based on the set time zone), possibly with an eligibility flag set by the server. This lets the server control how often the reward resets while the play controls when they get to use it.

    Or, more simply, switch it to something activated when the player chooses (like the "messages from the void").

    The bonuses are often wasted because they often arrive at an inconvenient time (e.g. getting an affinity booster when I'm using my max-ranked loadout to farm from high-lvl enemies). If you let the player choose, or just have it at the start of the day, they can receive it when they're ready for anything.


    4 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    What are you talking about? It resets at 2 or 3 am!

    Time-zones lol.

    It refreshes at 1AM GMT for me (I live in UK).

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