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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Hotfix 11.5.2 allows to trade antitoxins - many players took this opportunity to earn some additional Platinum by selling them. Still, this is pay for convenience at most.
    Pay to win occurs when a player is able to acquire a distinctive advantage through premium currency, unobtainable by free means.

  2. The concept is simple - spare void rewards (parts, blueprints) could be sold for new currency - Void Tokens - instead of credits. Those tokens could be later exchanged for missing parts. Amount of received tokens could vary depending on overall rarity of part (drop chance, type and tier of mission that awards it). Of course it wouldn't be 1:1 ratio, I'm rather thinking about something around 1:10 (so a part would award 1/10 of it's market price).
    This way extremely lucky players would still be able to easily get required components while those less fortunete could grind their way.
    Additionally Forma could be token-exclusive to remove some clutter from Void drop tables.

  3. thanks for adding on to my point. as if anyone wants have to keep grinding to make keys.

    Grinding is quite a big word considering how common nav coordinates are - keys are rather poor excuse for laziness.

  4. Not anymore. As the infested infest now, and only reside in the void, that means there shouldn't be mutagen samples. PERHAPS HOWEVER, in Infested Invasions, the Clan Resource is changed to Mutagen Samples temporarily. This would help a lot, and make a LOT more sense.

    Technically Infested resides in Orokin Derelict - Orokin vessels that were unable to jump into the Void (semantics, semantics...). Anyhow your idea seems perfectly logical so this or introduce an elite versions of Infested units into Orokin Derelict - think of them as primal carriers of mutation and only usable source of original strains.

  5. why cant they have an origin? they have to come from somewhere right? and that place is Eris Orokin Derelict ;D

    Fixed that for you.


    Game as lessss depth 2.5 faction instead of 3, learn to read.

    Oh, right, screw the diversity, it's all too complicated, let's just make all factions pretty much the same... because making one of factions appear in different way automatically cuts it in half

  6. 28vvb4o.jpg


    Huh, you would think there would be a 11.4, i mean i can understand if they skip 11.9 if they are going straight to U12 after 11.8, but going 11.3, and then suddenly 11.5 seems a bit odd.

    Not at all. Software version numeeration is based on significance of updated so we can expect something big.

  7. Regarding polarization reposition:

    As for me, I’ve been working on Network Optimization. Network bandwidth has been reduced 1/3rd outgoing host and less than half outgoing for a client. General improvement in smoothness as well. Very excited for this. Soon to wrap this, then I'm full speed on solving the Forma'd slot order problem that elemental combinations have created.

  8. Just a few mod concepts from top of my head:
    - Death's Gaze - Sniper, max rank: 3 - decreases movement speed of enemies in scope by 15% per rank;
    - Autopsy - Primary Weapon, max rank: 5 - gives a 10% per rank chance to acquire informations about target upon kill;

    - Probe - Sentinel, max rank: 3 - periodically scans surrounding to acquire data of nearest unknown enemy (automatically scans first enemy with unfinished Codex entry in range); higher ranks decreases cooldown and increases range;
    - Volley - Bow, max rank: 3 - upon firing fully charged shot, adds 2 additional arrows (one on each side of main projectile) per rank (creating a cone); can't be equipped simultaneously with Thunderbolt

  9. Each frame is its own character and technically only one of each exist (DE has said this before). I do not think that a prime version of valkyr can exist. Since she is what is left over after the corpus finished messing with her to build the zanuka project there is no prime version to give her. Since lore wise prime frames are the original versions.


    To everyone so far who has said "Leave the devs alone we dont need valkyr prime yet asdfghjkl." I dont think you understood what op was asking. This is supposed to be a discussion thread on wheather or not a prime valkyr can happen lore wise.

    So, following this train of thought Excalibur should be deleted from inventories of all players because he was cut into pieces in trailer. DE didn't said that each Warframe is a separate individual only that it used to be an option.

    Honestly it would be highly illogical considering that we collect blueprints of parts for Warframes. It is also stated on multiple occasions that Warframes are suits of armor and should be separated from Tenno - the users.

    Based on that I guess it can be safely assumed that Excalibur, Frost, Ember, Volt etc. are codenames of exoskeleton class. Furthermore most likely the original Valkyr can be, pretty much, considered a prototype unintentionally by Corpus experiments and later replicated by Tenno due to it's potential.

  10. Volt as a starter, currently proud owner of Banshee, Ember, Frost Prime, Mag, Mag Prime, Nekros, Nova, Nyx, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr and components for all others.

    The Prime versions of the Warframes generally have gold trims, a unique helmet, and an extra polarity (though I've seen posts saying that Ember Prime seems to lack that extra polarity). So far, there's Excalibur, Ember, Mag, and Frost Prime (Excalibur being Founders only).


    I know Excalibur Prime has a slightly faster Shield recharge rate, but I'm not sure about the rest. Otherwise, there's not an extreme difference. But they do look really cool. =p

    Prime warframes also regenerate energy when they approach Void death orbs.

    All components required for Prime Warframes are Void rewards.

  11. Regarding your suggestions:

    * Electric proc - While that certainly is a cool idea to make it unique (just like Toxic is unique in bypassing armor/shields), I dunno if that is a good balance for it? It is already one of the more balanced pure elements, plus it is the only pure element that has some form of aoe! Nice conceptual idea though, I will most certainly think about it! :)

    I think that you misunderstood me here - I suggested a change to guaranteed effect. To put it in simple words - the longer you attack a single target the more static charges it accumulates and thus the higher is a bonus to proc chance, for example: you have a rifle with Stormbringer and base proc chance 10%; each hit against single target will apply a static charge that increase basic chance for chain lightning to proc by let's say 2%. So after first hit, next bullet that hits this target have 12% to proc chain lightning but if it fails to procge it would apply second static chard so the third bullet would have 14% chance to proc chain lightning and so on up to 100%. Chain lightning proc would obviously reset static charges counter. Static charges would also disappear if you stop attacking that target for short period.


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