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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Very nice and well thought concept, I especially like the addition of Plasma. Cold impacting Stamina makes sense.
    Just from top of my head - a possible alternatives for
    - Electric guaranteed effect: Static Charge - consecutive attacks against target increases chance of chain lightning to proc

    - Magnetic proc: Magnetic Spike - pulls all nearby enemies toward target (think one tick mini Vortex)

    - melee: charge attack have a 100% chance to proc status effect

  2. Might as well work as it does with weapons and add the extra elemental effect on top of the combined element. Fire blast stomps all night.


    As for the idea as a whole, it sounds pretty interesting but it would put certain frames at a incredible advantage due to having innate elemental damage. Mag, for instance could do Magnetic and fire damage, while, Ash could only do fire because only one aura can be equipped.


    What say you to leaving them as regular mods? It would allow all frames to utilize combined elemental damage, but still give innate elemental frames their sizable advantage by not having to give up as much mod space.


    Well, I assume these would work more like coolant leak as regular mods then and have no levels? Just turn damage into [element] damage?  


    Well the idea was born out of leaked Aura mods so I build whole idea on that base. As I mentioned above Elementa Affinity would be a secondary effect that only affects owner while basic effect (elemental resistance) would still be applied to whole team and that effect would scale off mod level.

    I've been also following a simple self-made rule of soft cap of one element for neutral frames and two elements (=combined element) for elemental frames so no Magnetic and Fire - only empowerment from matching element or secondary effect disabled.




    No, I just want it happen with this idea haha. 


    A bit tired today, didn't get the joke :)

  3. Seriously though, that could be really cool. Some abilities already deal special damage types though(Rhino Stomp is actually Blast), what about them?  

    Well I see a couple of possible solutions:

    - simple increase of damage/effect if one of the base elements matches

    - rearrange all abilities in to Electric, Fire, Cold, Toxic and Neutral groups depending on their them rather then damage

    - most complicated but also most interesting: examine each case separately e.g. Rhino Stomp in addition to base effect would cause Fire DoT (Fire), slow all enemies (Cold), briefly stun all enemies without knocking them down (Electric) etc. similarly Iron Skin would set melee attackers ablaze (Fire), slow them (Cold), etc. Fireball could cause AoE knock down (+Cold = Blast) on impact and so on

  4. U11 brought two interesting things: first of all Combined Elements. Secondly in Codex we can see few new mods, among them there are Electrical Resistance, Fire Resistance, Frost Insulation and Toxin Resistance. Most likely, those are leaked Auras that will increase elemental resistance of whole squad.

    The idea is to add a secondary effect to those Auras that will only affect Warframe equipped with one of them, namely Elemental Affinity. It would switch damage type of that Warframe's abilities to corresponding Element. In other words equipping Frost Insulation on Excalibur would make Slash Dash and Radial Javlin deal Cold damage.


    Equipping one of those Auras on Warframes with abilities attributed to Basic Element would yield even more interesting outcome. Matching elements (like Frost Insulation on Frost, Fire Resistance on Ember) would empower those abilities. Here is where I consider one of two options - simple damage/duration/etc boost OR a change in mechanics.


    Equipping different element would obviously lead to change of base Element into Combined Element - Electric Resistance on Frost would change damage type of his skills from Cold to Magnetic.

    After that change those Auras could use some fancy names, like:

    Electrical Resistance > Stormstrike
    Fire Resistance > Firestarter
    Frost Insulation > Frostborn

    Toxin Resistance > Plaguebringer

  5. If you don't like it don't use it™

    You seem to demonize trade by overlooking positive aspects: Pt trading allows heavily occupied players that can afford premium currency to invest their money to skip tedious grinding and skip to simply enjoying the game while players that can't afford to spend real money into game gained a way to earn some premium currency by investing their time. Trading is also a corner stone for every RNG game because each person have different luck and exchanging can benefit all.

  6. yeah, might be as well. But wont that end up phalanx vs phalanx? I.e. reminds me how greeneer units march as phalanx, when there is lot of shielders?

    Not if, as I suggested, players would be unable to attack while blocking. Without a way to eliminate enemies shield would quickly perish due to intensive stamina drain. My idea is to introduce a way to take something on the chin without major harm while there is no way for dodge.

  7. So you want to criticize but not to be criticized? That my friend is called hypocrisy.

    Dread literally obliterates Infested with it's slash damage. Slap some Magnetic on Kunai and it will grind Corpus to dust.

    Damage 2.0 is superior to it's predecessor in every aspect, it's you who can't become accustomed to it.

  8. the funniest thing, we have damage reflection when blocking, but clear amount of damage blocked by block is still unclear (or im googleing it wrong)

    Yes but currently it drains stamina constantly, mitigates only half damage from melee, reflects some of the bullets and doesn't protects from cc or enemy skills.

    I've been thinking about something like that:


    A shield generated while blocking. It would prevent damage, skills, cc etc incoming from direction it covers but each hit would drain stamina (no stamina = no shield) but everything that comes from other direction would hurt as always. Also player would be unable to attack while blocking. Just imagine Vor's death ray splashing on such a thing.

    It would also open an opportunity to introduce new mods: shield size (angle it covers), damage/stamina ratio.

  9. Currently Stalker is a real skill test. Abilities are useless, health and shields are barely a factor - if you don't utilize environment to your advance you stand no chances against him no matter what frame you are using. As far as I know Dispell deals a hefty amount of damage if it purges a buff so you literally were hitting yourself in the face.

  10. Damage 2.0 is far superior compared to it's predecessor (mainly because in old system armor played far too major role - even elemental resistances of enemies scaled off it). It's mostly criticized by players who are yet to accommodate to it's complexity, grief over their precious Acrid or are to lazy to prepare multiple load-outs. The core of new system is interesting and entertaining but it's heavily influenced by enemy scaling and that's where the shoe pinches - tons of numbers that must be adjusted gradually. As far as I remember it has been addressed in last hotfix but it's just a small step in long journey.
    P.S. At the end of the day there will always be some smaller or bigger differences in weapons stats and minmaxers will always pick weapons with best base parameters.

  11. The market was not settled for first few days - laws of MMO economy. Prices are not dictated by sellers - goods only cost as much as people are willing to pay. "Meeting half way" is rarely an actual outcome - there are plenty of factors that influence the price. If the good is extremely rare the price will go sky high, however if the good is common and offered by many sources sellers will be forced to lower the price (sometimes even below the level of profitability) to sell anything.

  12. I would leave RNG rewards but add an option to trade spare Void rewards for Void Tokens - this way especially lucky players would still be able to get required components from regular drops while those who offended RNG Gods somehow could also be able to accomplish their goals by selling duplicates. Parts value in Void Tokens cold vary depending on it's rarity (drop rate as well as type and tier of mission that rewards it).
    I don't suggest any specific values but price of token-brought component should be equal to at least 3 medicore rewards.
    I would also remove Forma from Void drop table and make it token exclusive to lower the clutter.

  13. Not sure if all or any of those were already pointed out but:
    - Anti MOA lacks codex entry
    - Corpus [capture] Target lacks codex entry

    - Grineer [capture] Target is displayed in general category only

    - Sargent Nef Anyo got double entry for Reflex Coil in his loot table

    - since 11.0.6 category tabs disappeared from mod screen

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