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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Add interactive Corpus/Grineer symbols - pressing action button next to them sprays over symbol of Syndicate you are currently supporting (sigil equipped) and uses one charge of "spray can" from inventory and giving bonus rep. Each symbol can be sprayed over only once - first come, first served. It would be limited enough to avoid getting out of hand and add a bit of competition and exploration.

  2. Did you even watched DevStream 40? Or at least bothered to read overview?
    "In addition we’ve kept a close eye on what rewards players have been looking for, both in terms of Syndicate team boosters and Ability Mods. New rewards and cool Augments are something we intend on updating each Syndicate with in the future, and we’ll be sure to keep you all informed on any change that would come to Syndicate rewards."
    "For now, one of our biggest priorities is determining what kind of reputation boost is proper for Sigils that require higher rank. These boosts will be very, very minimal; but the complaint that more expensive sigils should provide more than a visual boost is something we understand."

    Weapon agumentation mods were design to strenghten weaker wepons to put them closer to more powerful ones. Creating agumentations for god tier weapons would only make the gap bigger. Weapon aesthetics is a matter of taste.

  3. First of all I would like to remind words of devs that Warframe have not been design to play with just one ability.
    In subject of underclocking IMHO the problem is far more fundamental - abilities should be optimized the way so that max ranks will be desired by players. It already has been done with Blessing by simply allowing to recast it - I'm sure it can be done with others by either simply tweaking the numbers or adding new mechanics.

  4. Transmuting desperately needs tweaking. First off all it should take into account not only rarity but polarity and mod type as well, with each mod contributing 1/4 chance to each category (each category calculated separately), for example: tossing 4 rare V-polarity pistol mods would give 100% chance for such a mod however 2 rare V-polarity pistol mods, 1 rare D-polarity pistol mod and 1 uncommon D-polarity warframe mod would end up in such pool of possibilities:
    rarity: 75% rare, 25% uncommon

    polarity: 50% V, 50% D

    type: 75% pistol, 25% warframe

  5. I would rather see alerts incorporated into upcoming Proxy Wars as a source of reputation with different fractions - it would give purpose to play both, credit alerts and alerts with already owned rewards.

    Alternatively credits alerts could fill an individual "Lotus affinity" gauge (at rate depending on alerts difficulty). After filling the gauge Lotus would unlock a special solo challenge for player with some shiny reward. "Lotus affinity" would decay over time (Lotus don't like Tenno that slacks off).

    Still, your suggestions is quite nice for temporary solution.

  6. Somebody is overreacting.
    Genetic Stability and DNA Stabilizers are only empty terms created for a system that limits accessibility of Kubrows to more advanced players. There is no ethics in here - only pure mechanics. If it's against your, improperly projected, personal beliefs then nobody forces you to keep your Kubrow so stop forcing your convictions onto others.
    At the end of the day it's a game. Just a game...

  7. I mean,come on,who wouldn´t buy a Tsundere,WALL-E,EVA,HALL,Levi,Hatsune Miku or any other character that was made into the ship´s AI

    Hate to blow your bouble but two words: copyrights protection. DE would need to purchase a license for those voices and it isn't a cheap thing.

    Although it's quite tempting concept...


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