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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Great ideas for changing it up a bit. I do like the idea for more synergy. Perhaps if Dreamwalk had a dual use and had it's power cost lowered?

    If Dreamwalk is cast on a target who is awake, you do not move, but the target will be put to sleep.  If you cast it on a sleeping target, you will move to him, and gain the regen effects?  Perhaps flip Spells 3 and 4?  3 will be slumber, it puts a group of enemies asleep. 4 enables those enemies to wake from night terrors and cause those random effects.  Something along those lines?



    Edit: If those changes are in line, I would change the name of Hallucinate to Night Terrors.

    So player would be able to either, keep enemies asleep for cc and regen effect or wake them up for random effects - interesting tactical choice. Yeah, now the kit seems more complex and solid. Perhaps Night Terrors could also place a DoT as enemies "struggle" with their nightmares.

  2. It's not about that anymore. As I mentioned, I've seen various changes and refrained from speculation or "measuring" but it's getting out of rational proportions how much neglect the PC side is getting with the game slowly heading towards complete consolefication and that's what killed the elder scrolls franchise for the PC series for me.


    While some people are okay with PWE for "as long as DE remains in control" others are not okay at all. I'd be fine with if it was an isolated issue, but sadly it's not. So no, when a strong majority is against something collectively, as PWE for example, I doubt they are the ones using their own individual yard-sticks. More like the opposite in fact.


    I'm not an enthusiast of PWE either but currently any details are confidential and we have no facts to judge our opinion on - not in this case nor in case of how new UI will behave on PC.

    Truth to be told, console version is the one that has been neglected - live build vs 13.7, unfriendly interface, delayed events, limited Prime Access options... DE is giving a bit more love to console version because they want it to catch up. As a result, due to limited capabiliteis of controller, consolefication of  UI is unavoidable - it will not make much of a difference to PC players but a colossal one to console players (especially that Warframe is coming to Xbox One).

    Futhermore, judging by the reaction of DE_Steve to A Complete Rework Of The Foundation Of Warframe thread, DE would rather wage a war against anybody, including PWE, then allow to violate their child.


  3. Quite a nice idea, haven't seen this theme suggested yet, I believe. However I would like to see some synergy between her abilities, like increase power of Hallucinate but convert it to affect only sleeping targets (would synergize with 1 and 4; name conversion to Nightmare seems reasonable). Using Stamina as a resource is awesome concept - big YES for diversity.

    As a side note: do not confuse Warframes with Tenno.

  4. Not a fan of open world free flight but missions featuring starship battles akin to SWTOR Gallactic Starfighter would be awesome:

    Even better - mission where you need to destroy enemy ship or damage it's hull enough to board it (mission converts to standard Tenno-running) for better rewards (ship parts?) - think of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag:



    Am I the only one who sees the UI being more and more console-fied? The current one was designed mostly for consoles without using mouse clicks whereas the next one is entirely designed for consoles.


    I mean watch the vid and see how uncomfortable the mouse looks and handles. The tabs and layout are to the smallest detail optimized for console/controller layouts.


    I'm not saying I have no understanding as to why this is happening but nonetheless I don't like it as I'm a pc gamer and enthusiast.

    That's not even remotely close to the topic...


    The PWE deal proves it's all about money from here on. I knew it when console was announced but the final nail in the coffin was PWE "investment"

    Everybody measure other people by their own yard-stick.

  5. This would just make the levelling more tedious. Now you get 14 free mod points on an unranked frame from a matching polarity aura.

    The easier way is rarely the right. Getting all those points feels unnatural. The concept I suggested have no impact on mastered weapons but surely would empathize sense of progress on new ones. Patience is virtue of the wise, Tenno.

  6. Why stop there? Why not just go the whole way and make it like that for every single mod in the game?

    Because for other mods it would be technically quite difficult - Aura and Stance mods are the only mods that add to capacity pool. Other mods subtract from that pool - unless player would be able to prioritize mods (slot order?) it would be hard to determine what mods have a priority to autoscale at brink of capacity.

  7. Introduction:
    Prior to Melee 2.0 there was much bragging about how we will be able to master our weapon and unlock it's full potential by learning new combos. Only we can't. Basically, slapping a stance mod, instantly unlocks all possible moves, leaving no room for progression.

    The idea is to dynamical modify Stance mods Rank depending on Rank of weapon, based on pattern below:
    weapon Rank 0-9 > Stance Rank 0

    weapon Rank 10 - 19 > Stance Rank 1

    weapon Rank 20 - 29 > Stance Rank 2

    weapon Rank 30 > Stance Rank 3
    e.g. applying Rank 3 Clashing Forest to Rank 13 Bo will dynamicly downgrade the Stance to Rank 1.

    But what about Stances that are already maxed? Would all those Cores go to waste?
    No. Because Stance mods would have to be "unlocked" in the first place in regular manner.
    e.g. applying Rank 0 Clashing Forest to Rank 30 Bo would still result in Rank 0 Stance.


    Next step is to lock more advanced combos behind Stance Ranks.

    e.g. Clashing Forest:
    Rank 0 unlocks: Crushing Reach (basic slide), Planting Widow (basic jump), Guiding Plank (basic wallrun), Wide Dispatch (basic execute)

    Rank 1 unlocks: Skyward Limb

    Rank 2 unlocks: Battering Roots

    Rank 3 unlocks: Resolute Flurry

    Above example could be extended with upgraded, deadlier versions of basic moves and, obviously, additional advanced moves.


    I've been imaging Stance mods as manuals of ancient fighting techniques - you must first acquire (loot) one and study (rank) it to comprehend theory. When you learn it,you can apply it to any suitable weapon. Weapon Rank is an equivalent of practice - how far you can learn to handle a certain weapon by your own, how much you "feel" it. Only by combining theory and practice you can truly master a weapon.
    Projecting this to Warframe: even if you know theory flawlessly (Stance Rank 3) you wouldn't be able to execute all the advanced techniques with a weapon that you barely know (Weapon Rank 0). On the other side, even if you know how to handle a weapon (Weapon Rank 30) you won't be able to execute techniques that you are yet to learn (no Stance or Stance below required).

    Why bother?
    One word: immersion. At cost of more complexity it would introduce a healthy dose of realism if form of gradual progression.

    We must go deeper...
    The above concept could also apply to Aura mods based on pattern below:
    Warframe Rank 0-5 > Aura Rank 0

    Warframe Rank 6-10 > Aura Rank 1

    Warframe Rank 11-15 > Aura Rank 2

    Warframe Rank 16-20 > Aura Rank 3

    Warframe Rank 21-25 > Aura Rank 4

    Warframe Rank 26-30 > Aura Rank 5

    thus allowing to gradually unlock Warframe's true potential.

  8. First of all, under what rock were you? Steve already apologized for his attitude.
    Secondly, what TheGreatZamboni did was, technically, labelling current system as bullS#&$ in the first place, only in nicer way. I mean, if you would build a house, how would you react if someone would come and tell you that it's horrible and you need to build a new one? Changes are surely needed but not as fundamental as suggested.

  9. This is quite an interesting idea - trade-offs are always a great way to balance gameplay.
    However to prevent excessive drop table dilution I would introduce this new variations as new type of Fusion Cores: Phased Core, Skirmish Core, Overcharged Core etc. When fused with base mod they would create a corresponding variation.

    Furthermore in terms of mods that support a certain playstyle: Aviator, highly underestimated mod, introduced an interesting mechanics - it provides it's bonus as long as player maintains a specific playstyle. Other concepts that could be based on this mechanics may include (side note: this ideas are merely for top of my head):
    - Last Stand - reduce damage while standing still

    - Barrage - continuous fire generates stacking damage bonus (bonus is lost upon ceasefire)

    - Dynamo - generates energy while sprinting


    Nope. It would just not allow you to add a second Multishot mod if you have one equipped, for example.


    alert popup - "You can only equip one Multishot mod at a time. Please remove Chaotic Multishot if you'd like to equip a different Multishot mod"

    This or a dynamic mod list that would grey-out/hide other variations when one is equipped.

    EDIT 2:
    We will most likely get a skill tree with Focus system.

  10. Although it's not even a small part of upcoming features it's surely is beautiful and awe-inspiring - can't wait for live release.

    I hope that dojo UI will also get some love - it desperately needs it. Structure (room/decoration) selection is cluttered and barely readable - some categories would be much appreciated while research menu would surely benefit from classic research tree layout.

  11. I like to think about stance mods as of manuals of old techniques - you can try to learn a weapon by your own but without knowledge contained in stance mods you can't truly master it. Giving them away is easier way  but it would break that feel.

  12. I second this with both hands. In a perfect world we would have a bird view editor. For now an option to "store" rooms for later reconstruction would be kind of a solution.

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