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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. You can take pictures / videos and send to the support (https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us), after which they may be banned.
  2. Rubble heals, if full health, it gives armor. Armor buffs provides free Landslide with augment. Hence, I prefer the Rubble to not heal but only provide armor for Landslide spam. All in all - just sayin' it should work (other "Melee" arcanes such as Fury work but not that one), if it's meta or not is not really the topic here - and not even my concern. I know how to test stuff myself and dismiss if not important, I won't take cues from a forum post.
  3. Heya, I've tried to take Atlas off the closet yesterday - pleasantly surprised it's still good and enjoyable. Only one gripe I have with him, is the lack of auto-melee for Landslide, which could really improve his playability. Auto-Melee was a really good improvement for general melee gameplay, it would be great if Landslide was really considered as Melee attacks as well to benefit from it. (it would also make it work with some Arcanes that it currently doesn't such as Reaper which doesn't seem to proc with Landslide currently) Cya around !
  4. On my side, it's clear she's fine balance-wise, but during her leveling I didn't find her fun like at all. And for many frames it's like that, I see during the initial leveling with an all-around build if it looks fun to play. If yes, I invest a bit more time & research on it. If it didn't catch my interest during those 30 levels, I usually do not insist and bench them.
  5. Well that would be the same. But it's not even feasible to begin with, because it multiplies with the final value in EDA, which is not something you can translate in the modding window. Like you have 100% strength, you add Overextended with let's say -10% strength, it becomes 90%. Then you add Blind Rage at which would be maybe +25%, it would give 112.5% strength. Then you add Umbra Intensify, +44%. Does it impact the Corrupted mods' effect or does it apply after ? It would become a real nightmare for which you'd need an excel spreadsheet opened somewhere just to understand what you're doing modding-wise. Currently it's straightforward, you have 100%, you add 40, it becomes 140.
  6. Corrupted mods would become unusable, that's it, unless if they're reworked to have a lower impact (like -40% strength on Overextended would become -10% ?)
  7. If people leave just because of crafting time, they wouldn't play for long anyway, so that acts as a nice filter. Kind reminder that this game is F2P and needs monetization - crafting time are a way for that, as you can rush with Platinums if you're really not patient.
  8. How dare you forget about Infested Salvage ! To be honest, I see no reason why they don't add Netracell as a "mission type" for Deep Archimedea.
  9. A gaming company is about making money (just in case you never noticed by the fact the Mastery Rank exists, DE's goal is for you to craft & test as many weapons as possible yes, that's breaking-news level of breaking-newsy nowadays apparently)
  10. It has 30 capacity at max level, +10 from the Stance. Only the base capacity is doubled, so 30*2+10
  11. Let's not lie though, rewards in EDA are miles ahead, simply for the fact you get 6 rewards for 2 entries (compared with 2 rewards for 2 entries in Netracells).
  12. I'm probably in the middle - I don't have 2 Warframes and 10 weapons, but I don't have all 500 weapons formatted neither. Most warframes are reactored, a half probably have a working build, and a good chunk of weapons have a proper build (mostly guns, fewer Melees). And it gives me incentives to try some stuff out. One of the weeks, there was Voruna but with 3x garbage melees (and I already had to abandon one affix, the duration one I think ?). I took the less bad of those 3 (Plasma Sword, just to give you an idea of how bad the other two were ), potato'd it, spend 2 formas to have a somewhat working build, and it went smoothly. I like that it pushes one out of our comfort zone. Of course without randomizer you would just take your most-used setup, very likely *yawns* Revenant, Mesa, Saryn, Wisp with whichever flavor-of-the-month Incarnon and you'd wreck the entire think with a team comprised of meta warframes everywhere. But that's not what DE intended. I've done runs with Nekros, Banshees, Excals I hadn't seen in ages, and this is a nice touch. If the choice is really bad, you can still sacrifice one affix, which I'll probably do the day it gives me Grendel / Ivara / Atlas, but heh, maybe I'd even try taking Atlas out of the closet for once.
  13. If you get 3 meh warframes, pick the non-duration-dependent warframe of your choice. As Mirror Def is there this week, Frost is a good pick If you get a meta-warframe dependent on duration, just take out that affix. And do 10 minutes of SP survival to cope for the loss of 50 Vosfor
  14. I'm on the "random loadout is OK" side, but your post is just flaming tbh, not sure any constructive discussion can emerge out of that
  15. Honestly I disagree on Caliban. He sucks but that's it, he's a relatively recent Warframe. Nyx, Atlas & Banshee, on the other hand... are outdated. Banshee is too frail and has suffered way too much from all those CC-immune enemies implemented over the last few years to the point she's not fun to use anymore. Atlas well... Nyx has suffered even more from the destruction of CC obviously. I disagree for Trinity though. She needs some minor tweaks, not a total rework, but she's totally playable and most of her kit is still relevant as of today.
  16. Don't compare. Excal is a specific case, given to the players who helped make Warframe something back when it was nothing, it makes sense that it is and remains exclusive simply for that. Heirloom collection was to "celebrate" (lol, pay us 100$ to celebrate) the 10 years of Warframe. That is a $&*^ move.
  17. Not seeing how having those as time-limited is garbage is beyond me. - Those who purchases the Heirloom collection didn't do it "because it was time-exclusive", they bought it because they liked it. - If there are some people who bought those just because it was time-limited, that's on them. - Alienating a substantial part of the playerbase with FOMO tactics is wrong. - New players (aka people who didn't play at the time) are forever screwed, further incriminating this garbage practice. Option 1 is the only good option. On my side I've given lots of money to DE already as I love this game, I didn't buy the Heirloom despite wanting it because I don't want to congratulate DE for falling into the most vile monetization schemes, and I guarantee I won't give any sort of money anymore if they don't suck it up and admit they were wrong by doing the only thing that makes sense. All this mess is totally beyond me considering the Heirloom collection would have brought DE 20x more money if it wasn't time-limited. It doesn't make sense on any point of view to do it as they did.
  18. Let's not exaggerate... That's like one of the most powerful mod, you can't give its name in the same sentence where you said "no direct damage"
  19. Why don't you ignore the randomizer for the warframe to make it an easy run for you ? Are you in total need of 50 Vosfor that you can't deal without ? If that's the case, I would suggest to : - Run EDA at full difficulty -1 (pick the Warframe or weapon of your choice, or ignore the most handicapping affix for you) - Run 10 minutes of any Steel Path Endless mission for 2 acolytes which will give you the Vosfor you need Both will be a lot easier than running EDA at full difficulty (and probably quicker too)
  20. - Weapons - Blessing - Standing per day Adding anything to that would be deemed Pay2Win. I'm not sure we "need" to make Mastery Rank more relevant - it would just put pressure on people doing thing they dislike or pushing them to buy/rush weapons for . As it stands today, the MR is an incentive, but without being absolutely mandatory for anything. It's good as it is.
  21. Heya, I think that's like the 3rd time in my life that I see this loading screen. It's gorgeous, has the same functionality as the "standard one" (moving the ship), imo that's a neat upgrade to the normal one. The first time I've seen it was like 4 months ago, and since that moment I've seen it only two other times. I'm not sure why - is it a failed experiment that they somehow forgot to remove ? Is it supposed to be split 50/50 with the other one ? Or am I just terribly unlucky
  22. Having it the other way will also push people to delete weapons to only keep meta weapons in their arsenal, as was already pushed by the Circuit's randomizer's probabilities. It's not a good solution either
  23. Sorry I posted a bit in a hurry, it was not meant to contradict anything you said. Just a complementary information in case someone is not aware (I wasn't until I looked it up hehe), there are some situational buffs that apply on it
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