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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. What I've got for normal Archimedea with max difficulty was 1x Shard (not Tauforged), 1x Crescendo, 1x Melee Adapter (rofl, and that was the last reward). That's not that bad, but definitely not something to write home about for something that took extra work and quite a long.
  2. I had both the Stalker (Alchemy) and Syndicate squad (Disruption) spawn in Archimedea. While I think the Syndicate Squad is a pretty minor issue, Stalker can definitely be annoying.
  3. I'll be 50/50 on that one, same as for Duviri. If there was no randomizer, you can be sure to see the usual suspects everywhere : Revenant, Mesa, Saryn, Wisp, Wukong, Xaku, all with Torid, Dual Ichor, KNukor or the other Flavor-of-the-Month weapon. With a randomizer option, you're forced to see something else. If I was given the option to bring whatever I wanted ? I would have picked Xaku for the usual easy mode, helped by teammates using other meta warframes for an easy win as we can see in Netracells (that are not even hard to begin with). But yesterday I've made a run with a War/Ignis Harrow (I've been blessed by the Gods), accompanied by a Nekros I hadn't seen for ages and Revenant/Mesa (my boys were also blessed by the gods or ignored those bonuses). It's refreshing. I understand it can be frustrating - I would have complained as much if my choice was Grendel/Ivara/Yareli and garbage weapons. But it also brings interesting opportunities to take some stuff out of the closet.
  4. Enemies revived by Nekros' Shadows of the Dead will no longer be allies, they remain foes that attack Nekros until they're killed - again ! Xaku's Gaze now blocks Xaku in an gaze competition with the afflicted enemy. The first to blink or die loses. Vauban's Photon Strike is now affected by LoS. It can no longer be cast inside buildings, or if there is any obstacle above the target.
  5. I've tried spamming Pillage on them, the health bar never changes to red. I believe it's immune to armor reduction at all ?
  6. LoS has already ruined Garuda - that I benched since her 4 doesn't go through walls anymore and even fails to hit enemies within LoS, is that fixed yet ? - now it'll ruin Dante as well, which was a very well-defined Warframe until then. Some nerfs to allies' overguard might have been needed (even if Overguard is overall garbage at higher levels so it wouldn't change anything), but not all those nerfs
  7. OP sounds like the kind of guy who dislikes Warframe, so he's trying to push DE to make Warframe not Warframe anymore to suit his preferences.
  8. It's kept usually, no ? When you go back to the topic you wanted to post it in and click in the field for new post. But as you talk about a merged thread, I guess it's a specific case where it doesn't work if the original topic no longer exists
  9. It's only closed because the doors physically closed, but we're not teleported to another galaxy. You can even see the normal spawns continue during Ambulas encounter, with the normal enemies piling at the door at times. The density of enemies when you exist from Razorback's arena also tells you they're not completely stopped. Anyway, having specific enemies summoning specific spawns in their direct vicinity is nothing to write home about. As I said, Archons summon Sentients around them from time to time. Hyekka masters summons Hyekkas next to them and not 3km away. Terry/Harry/Gery summon Vomvalysts around them. I think it's not out of the equation to change the Netracell sentry to an invulnerable unit that spawns Murmur enemies around it every 20 seconds while this phase is active. If this is indeed "uncodable" (which I'm not debating against, I'm not a dev, this is not my game, I'm just bringing my PoV as a player), then that's a pretty sad story.
  10. ? Like Bursas' spawns in Razorback ? Rollers in Kela's encounter ? Ambulas' waves ? Archons summoning Sentients ? That seems pretty easy to force specific spawns in a dedicated area. It definitely doesn't sound "uncodable". It doesn't even need to stop the regular spawns outside of those areas, just very specific spawns <100m away from the sentry
  11. Well, in my view, this kind of "Fissures" would exclusively spawn inside the circle, even if all players are looking for Vocas 2km away from it. This would substantially speed up the mission as those spawns would be forced inside the circle, unless someone is really going the extra mile to pull enemies outside of the circle, but at this point, just report that guy !
  12. I'm really not in favor of dumbing down the missions because people can't respect the rules. There are many solutions to the circle issue Adapt Alchemy's enemy AI to Netracells (in Alchemy, enemies rush toward the next vial as soon as one is completed, completely ignoring you) Increase the circle - but admittedly this would just push the griefers a bit further away Add a glyph or a passive mechanic which makes all enemies outside of the circle be immune to damage Adapt the Eidolon Lure's principle to Netracell's sentry : When a Vomvalyst is killed far from a lure, you can pick its "soul" or whatever it is to bring it to the Lure. Do the same for Netracells : All enemies killed outside of the Sentry's field of view drop a void remnant, that you can pick & bring to the Sentry as a proof you're properly doing your job. For that to work, you'd need to be able to pick several at once though ==> This one is cool because it makes sense within the mission's objective of letting the Sentry see you're getting rid of the threat Add Void Fissures-like mechanics to the Netracell, with Murmur enemies spawning inside the circle. It happens from time to time with those 3-4 units emerging from the ground but it's pretty rare, maybe just increase that occurrence
  13. Well, you admit yourself that your proposal for Peacemakers' replacement is literally Blade Storm. You know what's terribly bad in Ash's design ? Blade Storm.
  14. Progressing through the starchart (& lore quests) is the top priority. Don't spend time grinding for specific resources yet, you'll get them eventually. Edit: and Welcome !
  15. Personnally, I'm keeping the in-game sounds because I like them. They're great for immersion, soundtrack is cool af, and I'm not getting tired of some dialogues.
  16. Formas are probably one of the best sellers in the game's shop, no way this is gonna be implemented anytime soon. Furthermore, don't forget that Prime Warframes are just cosmetic upgrades with negligible stats increase, nothing prevents you from using normal Gyre forever, even after Gyre Prime release (or at least until you will have gathered enough formas to re-build the prime version).
  17. Going a bit hard on superlatives there. You forgot "tedious" as well. Running into hallways hoping to hear the beep (hidden amongst Nora, Lotus or Alad telling you about their passionate lives), just for the demolyst to be found 300m away by a teammate and killed 5 seconds afterward while you're trying to reach him... Yeah, that's "tension", "suspense", "exploration" for sure I'm also not sure where the "danger" is coming from though. I mean, just as dangerous as exterminate, survivals or defenses
  18. Do you expect a Support team to do dev jobs ?
  19. Heh, I could dig that. Something would be needed for the warframe's behavior when you mind control something though, if it remains in place transference-style, it would be terrific for non-camping missions. Maybe a Excal umbra-like behavior ? Or it follows the NPC you're mind-controlling while casting something.
  20. ... It is, I'm not sure if it's a parameter issue but it is. You see the alerts, you type T and you can answer. It happens sometimes when I contact someone to buy something, they reply "1min" or something like that, which is enough to understand they've seen the message & they're in a mission. If you want to type something longer (which I usually do in the Clan channel when I'm doing something), Void Mode Operator makes the deal (Operator - Ctrl - T, and your operator is stuck in Void mode without having to maintain Ctrl). On the other hand, you took my answer a bit too aggressively for such a trivial matter, so I'm not sure I want to engage in that conversation any further. Seems like that topic was just a rant to which you don't want any reply anyway.
  21. What do you mean ? The chat is visible during missions, and most of the time you have more than enough time to just reply them "I'm in a mission", which they'll understand very easily
  22. You also have to consider that we can't just spawn new mechanics every time someone needs something. 1- Dev time, so priority is given depending on whatever DE feels is required. Something that "hurts no one" but also helps 2 people will definitely not be top-tier priority 2- What you think is just an easy-to-dev solution to your problem might not be that easy to implement without reworking the code, which we all know is pretty much a spaghetti salad right now. Adding a hold-to-spam functionality might break half of the game for all we know, and how would that even work with hold-tap things ? Nobody knows Here your idea seems extremely situational. I'm on the forums since 2016? maybe, it's definitely not a trendy topic, and when we ask why (to better understand the need), it seems it's only for Ember's Inferno in SO, where you also state you're one-shotting everything, so basically you request an "improvement" that would allow you to spam Inferno to 0 enemies 80% of the time. And we're not even talking about ESO as it has spam-prevention mechanics, only the standard SO that gives 0 affinity compared to its elite counterpart.. Of course we're OK for accessibility improvements, but if "SO Ember" is the only justification, then this is very likely too situational for DE to even think about implementing. And to conclude (this is mostly for @MaxTunnerX) : We're on a forum and none of us are Devs. We're free to discuss and have adverse opinions. If you wish to see a forum where someone posts an idea and everyone is just like "+1", then that's not a forum goal and this is all but constructive. Edit: You also have to think about botting. Not saying it's impossible to program something to spam an ability every X seconds right now, but having a hold-function to do that would increase botting by one billion % considering anyone could just leave an object on the ability shortcut. So this would require additional dev to prevent that from happening.
  23. The only ability I can think that would benefit from that is Garuda's 3, which you have to cast 2 to fully replenish your energy... For all other abilities, you can "spam" for sure, but what for ? If you need a hold, I hope it's for more than 2 or 3 uses but more for like 10 in a row, when does that even happen ? If you do that a lot, maybe it's more efficient to drop a bit of efficiency for some power instead, and one cast will be more powerful than 10
  24. I guess the goal is not for the Circuit to obsolete other content, and that's why all Warframes are not available there.
  25. I'm not against more complex warframes. But unlike many people, I do not equate "complex" with "interesting". Octavia's mechanism for example, where you have to sync your actions with your tune, sounds good on paper, is more complex than "Use X to benefit from effect", yet most people just put a braindead song to activate the effects passively without having to think too much about it. And once again, just because you need to have a PhD in quantum mechanics to understand the 347 interactions between the 4 abitilies of your warframes + its passive doesn't mean it will necessarily be an interesting or challenging-to-play warframe. It can still be braindead, because most likely 345 of these interactions will be overshadowed by the other 2 and you'll stick to them.
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