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  1. im not entirely sure how to describe or explain this other than to just say you "cant" aim the cone for the onos's incarnon form. in normal form and the final pulse lance on the incarnon charge up seem to aim perfectly fine. but the cone when the incarnon form is charging up goes all over the place. it seems to be tied to the allignment of the warframes arm instead of your aiming reticle, im not sure if it has something to do with dante's animations or if its a problem in general. but moving forward while charging, strafing side to side or back, it throws the cone all over the place instead of centering on your aim reticle whether or not youre aiming down sights. the more extravagant or intense the movement the worse the desync is. sprints while ADS throws it off a bit more but things like wisp motes or aim gliding throw it off immensely.
  2. im not entirely sure how to describe or explain this other than to just say you "cant" aim the cone for the onos's incarnon form. in normal form and the final pulse lance on the incarnon charge up seem to aim perfectly fine. but the cone when the incarnon form is charging up goes all over the place. it seems to be tied to the allignment of the warframes arm instead of your aiming reticle, im not sure if it has something to do with dante's animations or if its a problem in general. but moving forward while charging, strafing side to side or back, it throws the cone all over the place instead of centering on your aim reticle whether or not youre aiming down sights. the more extravagant or intense the movement the worse the desync is. sprints while ADS throws it off a bit more but things like wisp motes or aim gliding throw it off immensely.
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