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Posts posted by Rathalio

  1. 5 hours ago, Numerounius said:

    (Fissure) Kuva Survival is still a great option that works more on the passive side. Get a CC/Nuke frame and it becomes a nice smooth gameplay loop. Limbo is not that frame, Mirage, Nekros, Saryn Khora all work well. You shouldn't be playing this solo, there are always groups available for this because you shouldn't be needing to min-max it to have a good time. Also a good option for leveling and plat (requiem mod selling) on the side which is another boon for it.

    That's a valid point. Although for my own experience I can't play non SP survival anymore. It's just super slow and sleepy to me. And the current state with the kuva extractor being oneshoted randomly is super frustrating. I would rather play all the syphon missions rather than going for a regular kuva survival. But that's my own preferences. And we were talking a bit about efficiency, Steal path is still the most efficient mode overall on the paper.

    PS: Going for recruitment and compose a squad with chats etc is time consuming and not the option I am looking for. I whish I could have the option that with some investment I can comfortably farm kuva anytime without it getting frustrating and slow quickly which is not the case because of how volatile the extractors are and overall how this mission works.

  2. Just to put things on perspective, and shed a bit of light on why I would consider kuva survivals a huge bait on efficiency.

    I'm not considering Kuva survival to be efficient in practice as opposed to the theory. Simply because of how painful it is to protect the kuva extractors in survivals. They have little to no health, no shield and even no armor (if I remember correctly) ; defensive warframes like Frost are not enough to protect them. Traps and turrets can spawn and respawn at the location of extractors in the snow globes and some AoEs go through the bubbles and randomly kills them.

    The tileset overall is awkward to defend them properly, your best solution is using Limbo with a small and controlled cataclysm. Yet you are supposed to sacrifice your air stations for more Kuva so you need to be extra efficient on killing at the same time especially in Steel Path to maintain life support online. So you need at least two players to be able to sustain this strategy because Limbo with a small cataclysm build is not able to sustain a high KPM and playing as the Limbo this way is such a restrictive gameplay. You can't really step outside of your rift or try to freeze more enemies is a big cataclysm because you just don't have it. Overall the design of these survivals remove you the ability to solo farm the mission and chill like you can with every other content basically. And having to really systematically on a squad & friends for that type of farm is a no go honestly, this kind of farm can get fairly boring and repetitive fast, you need to have the flexibility to do solo sessions to make it viable imo.

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  3. It's intended behaviour with explosives, they usually explode on contact, yet with punch through it literally just goes straight through enemies and explode further when bullets reach the ground or a wall. It's just unfortunate that you get no choice but to have punch through when playing with Qorvex.

  4. But when you migrated to PSN didn't you carry over you stuff from your old PC account with the founder stuff? (by using the account transfers they were providing at launch) Because then if you overwrite your PC account with the PSN one, you will still have your founder stuff that was originally copied to your PSN account from your old PC account.

    Edit: I'm not sure about the forum badges & side stuff like that but your items in game should definitely be safe if they are present on your PSN account.

  5. 7 hours ago, 6tea said:

    The excavators still don't scale after years.

    They do though? At least in the circuit they definitely do. Just the enemies scale faster and at some point they get oneshoted anyways.

    Generally that's the rules of the circuit, if you don't get access to any defensive strategies, at some points, you will have to leave early because of excavations and defences. At least you have not really a loose condition in excavation (other that using all your revives) if you went too greedy.

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  6. 1 hour ago, MeGaLoDoN5 said:

    In general, this already exists on the elite archimedeia, looks good, except that I do not like the random selection of equipment, I do not want to choose the best of the worst among three warframes, one of which has 3 forms, and the other two are waiting for their time when I want to pump them up

    The power fantasy in Warframe is so high already that if you get to choose any gear without restrictions, a more challenging game mode will either not be good enough to compete with your most over powered setups or be completely unfair and only playable using the most cheesy and unbalanced stuff. And already today I feel like the modifier in EDA that brings the luminus is almost unfair overall to give an example. The direct life drain makes it hard but also is very unfun for most of your warframes and is really obnoxious in the more static missions.

    I think it has become pretty clear over time, with all the attempts DE made, that either you would have to get all your beloved warframes and weapons nerfed (which is not the game philosophy) or you just have to accept gear selection restrictions to make the game more challenging. And I feel like that this kind of very broken warframes and weapons that you like and want to put to the test in harder game modes. Maybe their design is too potent already for DE to create a good new challenge that would work with them in a healthy way. It's weird for me to see someone expecting challenge in game after successfully having worked on building all of the most optimal ways to play the game, you seem to have worked hard to remove the challenge, now you are chasing after it for some reason.

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  7. That's literally the best moment to spawn Acrithis, you just got your pathos clamp to spend on her shop if you were farming for that, it makes you earn time by not having to go through multiple loading screens again to get to Acrithis elsewhere. Especially that your pathos clamp count IS UPDATED when she spawns (at least from my experience I never had issues with this).

    And generally I can understand if you don't care about her shop, that players that stop by it can slow you down a bit. But really less than 30 seconds of your time on that mission that was several minutes long shouldn't be irritating.

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  8. 12 hours ago, (PSN)RB3-Reloaded said:

    if it is a bug “okay” I guess I’ll wait until a mainline update until it’s fixed since players seemed to have recognised Sevagoths detriments before ash.

    Although I would recommend you check if the bug you seem to encounter has been properly reported in the most appropriate subforum (General Jade Shadows Feedback - Warframe Forums) as this one gets more visibility and priority for the devs. And also make sure you can detail what's exactly happening, follow the guideline they made for bug reports, these criteria really helps getting things fixed faster.

  9. 54 minutes ago, (PSN)RB3-Reloaded said:

    it’s not a “BuG” this ONLY happens to ash

    It is certainly a bug, especially if it's undocumented in the patchnotes.

    Recently Sevagoth crit chance bonus was supposedly "nerfed", they communicated on it being a bug when people started talking about it and then they fixed it. And if they decided to make such a big change and that bladestorm shouldn't benefit from damage mods anymore, DE would definitely document it somewhere. It's a bug not a conspiracy.

    (Or else maybe there is something you are have not been doing right lately and made you think it's not working anymore. Like since Jade Shadows slash damages in general are less overpowered for instance.)

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  10. 1 hour ago, supernils said:

    So instead of fixing plenty of useless Warframe abilities you let people slap Nourish and Roar on everything and call it a day? Is that good game design?

    Maybe you didn't know, maybe you forgot. But the Helminth system was primarily introduced to help us deal with warframes that needed some buffs and tweaks. Because DE devs don't and can't have to time rework every single warframe in the game and at the same time it was a good occasion to allow us to do more fun experimentations. Which is often good enough to have as an option for new builds and new meta synergies with older warframes. It was never intended to be a perfect system to begin with. Also DE is trying has much as possible without frustrating too many players to maintain this system decently balanced because by design it is very exploitable.

    PS : If a generic damage buff is what you always miss and want to add on warframes, that's telling more about your lack of research on the question and creativity rather than anything else. Which is kinda also the point of the Helminth system in the first place. You make it bad and boring yourself by making this choice.

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  11. The ammo nerf is significant, but in practice if you play with ammo mutation and a good secondary or melee and swap regularly, you can still enjoy those weapons. But you are indeed really forced to use all your arsenal instead of relying only on your primary. Even if the nerf might be too harsh, the result is fine be me tbh. Although, I wouldn't be against a little extension on their ammo pool just like you suggested, but overall the nerf shouldn't be reverted.

  12. It should be a temporary ban though. But to be honest, you should be avoiding region chat & such, it's 90% trolls almost and I'm not sure there is really anything of value to get from there unfortunately.

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  13. 1 hour ago, THE_ZEEK said:

    Its definitely not the first MR lock i encountered, it been a challenge.


    now as you are playing for the MR rank i guess you would not have any idea what it is like to do hard content with a MR0 char.

    Next to my Legendary 4 char its a good way to play the game without the power creep and  the feeling of invincibility. it keeps the game fresh and challenging. Where as with my MR 34 char it does not

    There are literally very limited reasons to make a new account in Warframe in the first place to replay the game as you don't lose access to anything overtime and can just choose what you want to equip. You can play and set limits for yourself to not feel the powercreep or whatever you like with your own restrictions on your legendary 4 account. Realistically you are sabotaging your experience yourself.

  14. 1 minute ago, Flannoit said:

    Another issue I run into is that my passive damage on Sevagoth is just too good so more often than not everything that Consume works on is being nuked by his DoT so it ends up becoming a battle against myself

    That's very true, and that's what I had in mind when I said that "eximus are often the last one standing when you need a revive".

    Sometimes Shadow bugs a bit and I can swing my claws for 1 or 2 hits before I get restricted, funnily enough bugs here make it nicer xD

  15. One day people will actually realise that the MR0 challenge is not a thing or at maximum a very limitative way to play the game. And then they'll stop religiously posting a complaint about the first MR lock they encounter... Even if in a parallel world they would lift the Vay Hek MR lock, you'll come back with another lock you don't like.

    Part of the progression in Warframe is designed with the MR in mind, many reasons can be cited for this but reasons don't really matter at the end of the day. They won't rework the game just for some people every now and then believing they should be able to play the game without following the rules.

  16. I do understand why by design they wanted to make the self revive a little challenging. But the on hit kill capacity of the altered consume ability not really working when overguard is present is problematic in high level with the eximus units being often the last one standing when you need a revive. And the fact that your modding still affect this altered ability is pretty annoying rather than being welcome. I have a bit of range on my Shadow build and when I use consume it makes me zoom forward with such velocity, it's not reliable for aiming at an enemy, it's just better used if I'm in melee range so it immediately stops on kill. And overall that weird how precise you need to be for the game to actually register that you hit something with consume. I often literally walk on enemies faces and it doesn't count.

    Also today this passive is really comparable to Inaros' new passive. And it's surprising that Inaros gets to be invulnerable while reviving when Sevagoth's Shadow doesn't and overall has lower tankiness stats than Inaros who would probably often still be fine without the invulnerability.

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  17. I also do remember Steve talking about the loading of the mod station already getting slow because of the many different mods that exist plus the rivens being even more heavy to load individually. Suggesting that it wasn't wise or easy to continue increasing the riven capacity cap not only for database storage limitations. Especially when it's realistically impacting a low % of the overall player base that reach this cap.

  18. 35 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Doing anything competetitive would require the devs to make/buy anti-cheat, because otherwise the game will be flooded with cheated times.

    There have been a lot of event in the past with leader boards etc, cheating wasn't really a big issue with them. The events were always based on something new that just release and so cheating tools hardly could catch up in time to be of any use. And devs monitoring suspicious scores was enough to deal with exploits.

    And generally Warframe is far from being a game that suffers from cheaters, in the PvE part there is almost no reason to cheat, since you would do it primarily to automate your gameplay to farm more efficiently but if you just don't like farming at all you just leave the game anyways. Wallhacks or auto aim are pointless since you have radars and an arsenal of AoE effects (or just play Mesa lol) most cheating possibilities in Warframe don't make any sense.



    I too miss the simple events with leader boards we used to have regularly and Raids and all these things that motivated you to build a clan/an alliance to have many players do things together on good occasions with a common goal. Today and it has been like that for a while now, you just need maximum 3 friends to play with sometimes if you enjoy multiplayer and that's it. I don't even understand what's the purpose of clans anymore outside of owning a dojo.

  19. It is considered two different weapons. And it is in fact two different weapons that have vastly different game mechanics.

    And if I remember correctly, the Cernos prime is also considered an upgrade for the regular Cernos but not for the Mutalist or the Proboscis.

    Edit: You also have the example of the Quanta / Quanta Vandal being separate from the Quanta Mutalist.

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