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Everything posted by Rathalio

  1. I just mentioned it though. That's "status distribution" that I was referring to when I talked about balance. But yeah separate instance could help, and should be the privileged solution as it doesn't fundamentally change the design of these buffs and doesn't require some "opt in/out" shenanigans. (Even though they have an history of being bugged in a way or another.) I forgot that you mentioned it in your first post, kinda like everyone, no one mentioned it in any reply after your original post x) But that's probably the smartest solution after all.
  2. Idk how they can do something about it. But clearly it's not as easy as it is with overguard rn. You can't simply disable all allies buffs just like that. Although maybe the solution would be simply to no longer merge elements with the elemental buffs. It would still add another element and damage, mess a bit with you balance but then at least you don't loose your fire, ice, toxin or electricity you were counting on. Which then would still be decent imo. And for other kinds of buff I believe they are less disruptive? And Harrow's crit is only affecting poorly two weapons in game?
  3. If you were dealing with murmur enemies that's not surprising, many are resistant to slash.
  4. I relogged 3 times recently and changed my glyph twice already and it's still the same on the forums. It used to refresh more easily, but lately it's just a lot longer and I'm convinced you can't do anything about it. It just looks like there is a global update every now and then. PS: on the website outside of the forums it's updated, just the forum doesn't update.
  5. Profile pictures on the forum only update once in a while. There is nothing you can do about it.
  6. How is this even a real hidden mechanic? x) Like it requires an augment mod for your blades in order to throw them and so it was released after Yareli and her signature Kompressa. How can you expect it to be a thing in the first place? x) Or even be mentioned on the weapon somewhere if the synergy was released after the weapon got released? That's cool but that's so unexpected ahah
  7. I'm sure what do you mean here? Generally that's the only thing that makes the Noctua not fit in his kit. Because the rest of his kit are buffs that have a long enough duration to let you do anything else before refreshing them. And also the "tragedy spam strategy" really seems to be very popular among the vocal players of Dante. And in that context it makes sense that people tend to say that the Noctua is useless. That's just what I tried to say. But I genuinely don't understand what you are trying to tell me here.
  8. You can only consider it "useless" if you only press 3 3 4 and DPS with tragedy only. Which is a gameplay that is extremely boring to me tbh. If then you are interested in using it, it's definitely a more fun and efficient weapon to kill hordes of mobs in Steel Path as it has some AoE and also your weapon buff that gives you a flying Noctua shotting with you is very efficient with it too. The weapon itself is even slash oriented which is great. I built it with viral + electricity and with the tome mod that provides energy regeneration + archon stretch I have almost a continuous flow of 12 energy per second. So no need for energize etc, you can go for arcane velocity to make the Noctua better and you have infinite ammo anyways. Globally Noctua has been kinda ignored because most of "meta" players just look for the most easy and automatable gameplay with tragedy and feel like it is enough and the best without sometimes even trying anything else the Warframe brings. (And then they are even more frustrated when tragedy gets touched by DE.)
  9. I had the same thing happen with Loki since Dante release. I'm pretty sure though that it's only visual and related to the new option allowing you to customize your invisibility visual effect.
  10. I didn't say it was perfect. I was merely pointing out that this is the only one that has something atm. Also realistically if they give us the ability to remove other ally buffs it won't be a lot better than the example we have with Volt speed. It doesn't seem realistic nor practical to dev a new piece of interface dedicated to that. So aside for something like "now you get remove all ally buffs by performing a backflip" or something similar, I don't really see what they can do about it. And I feel like this wouldn't be enough for many people?
  11. Elemental buffs are not really as disruptive as much as you give them credit for. Yeah it can mix elements you don't want, sure. What's the draw back? Maybe it makes you weapon a bit less optimal for a minute. But also at the same time it gives you more damage overall. So really it's just a slight annoyance. Especially when the buff is high in value. And realistically only a few weapon builds are truly broken by an additional undesired element. AKA if you only rely on fire damage and your weapon only does that. And then the added element is able to merge with fire. Volt speed is the only buff you can get rid of in this game. You have to perform a backflip to remove it.
  12. I think that's yet a long definition but an accurate one. Endgame though is of course just a concept and can be subject to your own personal definition. But being experienced, knowledgeable, adaptable (including owning a vast enough arsenal) and "skilled" (whatever "skilled" is supposed to mean in a PvE context, if not just "knowledgeable") ; I can only agree that it is these points that make the difference. And that globally you are not forced to play by the "meta" or restricted to it. I really see being "endgame" as if your are always able to find solutions and synergies by yourself and not afraid to adapt in order to play any new content that gets release and particularly the one that is meant to be challenging. AKA The Circuit, The Fragmented One and Deep Archimedea we got recently for instance. Side note, sometimes I see "endgame" being used as a way to discriminate players and make a difference between an "elite" and the "others". I'll add that this is extremely silly at best. And all that is mostly a matter of time spent in the game, not much of a talent or anything. And some seem to be adept of hoarding knowledge in order to look down upon other players. And this is extremely sad when this concept is used as such.
  13. Yeah as I see there is a UI bug, because it says it's "indentified" aka from Gruzzling basically but at the same time marks the reward as "deep archimedea reward" with the icon. It really looks like they automatically mark arcanes & archon shards are from archimedea without really tracking where they really came from. But I'm not crazy though other rewards from Archimedea are not labelled "identified" right?
  14. It means rage & hunter adrenaline energy regeneration will work through overguard as long as you don't have any shield active thus the damage taken on overguard will be converted to energy with that condition fulfilled.
  15. That's such a welcome change! Very nice to see! After all this Dante drama is getting us Chroma buffed, and LoS fixed in general more than just for Dante. That's great. Also glad to see you have combat discipline in mind!
  16. Are you sure it didn't say "identified" next to Melee Exposure? Because that would be a Gruzzling or Whisper drop, not a reward from Deep Archemedea. Warframe PC Drops
  17. "Bandaids" that's an opinion I don't agree with in general. It's normal for me that augments are here to as a trade off for a mod slot to give you more functionality. And if it's enough to make the Warframe good in the meta, I don't see the issue. Especially since now with archon shards it's not that much of a cost anyways to slot an augment or two. But I guess it pales when sometimes DE release warframes that already do a bit of almost everything without the need of an augment, like Dante. But here that's more of a balance issue and consequence of a lack of "standards" sometimes on abilities effects and stats when they create a new warframe. You have to aim glide with Wisp, which is far from being super practical to pull off. Especially when every time you land again they see you and shot at you again, and the instant you jump again there are often shots heading toward your direction if though you turn invisible again. Ivara invisibility comes with huge restrictions. Not being able to sprint (if not on a cable) and bullet jumping is very high on the list of restrictions in warframe. Also Ivara technically owns 2 abilities that drains her energy over time and an exalted weapon that drains on shot, having her invisibility as a channelled ability doesn't really help her. As I said, incomplete at best. Just for the sake of citing some ; "new" game modes that push forward CC and utility oriented warframes more than pure DPS warframes: Mirror defence & Void cascade. Also Dante's nerf once they fix the LoS check that are currently unreliable is a fair change. LoS is to be expected on anything imo. Killing enemies you don't even see through walls is just stupid. And the overguard in my perspective was kind of buffed. Because they nerfed the cap (which doesn't matter in higher level) and buffed the regeneration (which is the most important in higher level as you really only care about the gating and status immunity, the amount you get is kind of pointless outside of tanking some small damage). Many people are getting super emotional over this and not constructive at all. You can even see that a few minutes after the patch there was already a few people crying "Dante feels awful" when they barely had the time to try it in a mission already. Just for the principle because they don't want to deal with it. And the nerf rn is bugged even so it's not even depicting what was intended by DE... Also Dante isn't here just to press 3 3 4. You have a very OP book to DPS with that has been buffed even?
  18. Hey can you try to be a little respectful? That's nice that it got patched too, I didn't realize that aspect worked now, that's good for this one at least. That's my bad on that. Although critiques towards Overguard still have fundations. To this day, it negates all warframes that require to take damage on shield or health like Chroma or any Rage mod user. And looking at the feedback you can see many that expected Chroma's new augment to help save him. And then realized it's still the same story, negated by your allies applying overguard anyways. And stuff like Trinity's Champion's blessing is also negated because you can't heal anymore. Getting damage directly on your health with combat discipline to trigger Archon intensify with a self healing warframe is also negated.
  19. DE only provides two read only APIs for world state and riven trading data nothing more. And the twitch extension app to allow the display of your loadout to your viewers (but you don't have access to their internal API). There is nothing for individual data as an API.
  20. Yes, they patched it and they technically made it able to proc even through overguard. Although the biggest issue is that the main reliable strategy is to use it in combination of the aura Combat discipline which deals 15 damage on kill directly to your health. That way you don't risk taking huge hits from enemies to trigger the arcane. And this doesn't work anymore when overguard is active.
  21. That sounds like a good proof indeed x) Well, other the classical "check your drivers updates" etc I don't have any more insights. Other than, maybe you can check the general windows logs, windows writes logs for any errors that occurred with your hardware within it. Maybe it can give you a better idea of what's going on. It's a little non-user friendly but I'm sure you can find how to use it in a simple search.
  22. If I were you I would double check if your laptop can run other games too. (You didn't mention if you did.) Because it can simply be a legitimate hardware failure and nothing related to Warframe other than its demand in resources.
  23. That'd be neat indeed, I'd love to skip an extra loading screen! x) I guess that's a vestige of Railjack 1.0 when you couldn't interact with you Railjack outside of a drydock. You can already, but only Orcus relay on Pluto owns a drydock.
  24. That might be the first thing you tried but just it case that might just be it. Have you tried using two different sets of ports for you and your brother by changing them in the game settings? Because as far as I know this error primarily triggers when ports allocated for the game are either locked or already used. Edit: NVM somehow I didn't notice you tried "selecting different ports" already. But since you said it will happen again randomly, maybe it's sometimes this settings that resets?
  25. I really hope DE has in mind that overguard needs some work still. Because Tenno overguard should not become the new mandatory thing to have to be able to play your warframe. And currently it's also completely breaking Chroma and a lot of synergies and strategies. In the list you have: rage/hunter adrenaline, arcane avenger (combat discipline trick too), preventing healing (for thing Trinity augment damage boost and archon intensify) etc... So yeah overguard right now is strong and also flirting with the "disruptive" category. Especially when it's given super easily from another warframe in your squad without a choice. But overall I'm pretty sure DE devs are aware of that. For eximus units I understand the frustration but I'm fine with the state they are in tbh. Especially since we still have tools like Banshee's silence to work around them.
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