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Everything posted by Rathalio

  1. The fact that black energy tend to be invisible is related to how rendering and material works. It's not so much of an active design choice by DE. Energy effects in Warframe and most of comparable games are emissive shaders with some transparency. Meaning they are some kind of light source and so... ofc black means absence of light. That mixed with some transparency, black energy is almost invisible in most cases then. When you customize colors on your Warframe you merely just change the base color of materials that are already setup in game for you, you don't have control on anything else. If you expect to create some kind of "black flames" for example to have something similar to "amaterasu" flames from Naruto. We would need to have control over at least the transparency of the energy emissions to compensate for the lack of luminosity that black color carries.
  2. Still it's coherent with the rest, and how channelled abilities are handled since they are closely comparable to them in that regard. You can't call that a bug, it's intended behaviour or at least expected/logical behaviour.
  3. Not really a bug, other abilities that can be refreshed in duration by recasting need to be reset to get the bonus strength. It's the same with Chroma's vex armor. Because effectively you are not recasting (which is required) you are only extending the duration.
  4. Tbh Kubrows and Kavats should get the biggest buff in the next companion update. Because they still have to share their mod config for both damage & utility which a big bummer and makes other companions a lot more efficient with their builds. I believe it has a lot more impact on their viability rather than their stats atm.
  5. Just wait for the support to give you an answer, although they might avoid telling you what you did at first. It also matters if that's a permaban or a temporary ban, as they are symptomatic of the seriousness of your "infraction". In my own experience I got banned for 3 days once. I didn't know why, after some discussion with the support, they finally admitted that I was banned by a script they ran. It was targeting any players that played with the appropriate conditions that might have triggered an exploit bug at the time. Since it was a very niche % of the player base that fitted these conditions at the time, they blindly banned everyone convinced they would almost only target players that actively exploited a bug to get an advantage. So I happened to almost fit the conditions of the bug and so got a random 3 day ban without even knowing there was an exploit going at the time (they only admitted it once the patch fixing it was live basically). But if it's a permaban for you, it's certainly more serious.
  6. Tbh many augments are band aid but also many are truly strong. So I would say that they can't get the same treatment in a perspective of a rework. Although in practice with the addition of archon shards, augments became a lot more affordable in builds too. It's again kind of band aid, but I don't really feel the limitations too much anymore with all what we have today.
  7. Definitely, that would also make it an interesting option for Chroma. Who benefits from health and would trigger it with all his abilities already. And overall every warframe would trigger it I believe then, would be great but that might be too much in DE's eyes. Even though health is far from being the most valuable stat.
  8. Well it seems to work now with all these abilities that are not technically "channeled" that's great and needed. But that's hella inconsistent. Like Gauss so far is the most interesting one with 3 abitities that trigger it yet only Mach Rush is a ""true"" channeled ability and referenced here Category:Channeled Abilities | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom. As he can use the health with his tankiness with his Kinetic Plating and also Mach Rush then briefly heals for 250 health too which adds a source of healing that you naturally trigger.
  9. I'm trying again for Equinox rn but around the release it definitely didn't work. That was my only hope for the arcane and the first thing I tested. And I see on the list quite a lot of abilities that are definitely not text book channeled abilities like Limbo cataclysm and statis for instance. So there might have been a sneaky change, but hell that seems to inconsistent. And yeah I know they are possibilities but this condition being kinda hard to achieve, many time when you have a candidate, you have no use for the HP, I'm thinking for example Baruuk who carries two "true" channeled ability and one that doesn't even drain energy. Yet Baruuk doesn't need these extra HP at all.
  10. What I find very silly about this arcane is that not only it requires you to possess a channeled ability. Which would be fine alone if it was something like "gain +600 max health when you have a channeled ability active", niche but fine. But it also powers up with the number of channeled ability you have which is weird design as channeled abilties have a huge cost on energy economy and usually if you have one, you only have one in your kit, Warframes with 2 channeled abilities are very niche and then thinking about adding a 3rd with the helminth system to make a synergy with the arcane only to earn more HP sounds out of the question. And stuff like Equinox strength buff/damage debuff and Nekros desacrate don't count even if they share the same UI as channeled abilties but are simple toggles. Which might have saved the arcane for me.
  11. Not every system is applicable in every context. And not every system is relevant in every context. And that's a funny claim when everyone knows that Wikipedia is one of the flagships of open source software. Have you ever heard about MediaWiki which is their core and open source? You have access to a lot of details and tech for free if you need to. Applying a random idea again and try to make that an argument. Since when React which is a rather heavy framework for websites is used in Warframe? And most importantly how would you know? Also did you know that most of game interfaces don't use tech as easy to use as web development uses just because it's better for them to use other systems that focus on performance optimization and are not mainly focused on the easy to use aspect like for the web techs? Sometimes you can find some similarities but for the most part it's two different systems so your experience with Web development again is worth for web development and even then in a specific context of web development only. (Also for your knowledge it's been a few years since they use a lot more than just "PHP" and they use SQL systems indeed, but that's not even "MySQL" which is a specific software running SQL based relational database models. They also using it in correlation with NoSQL databases (i.e. Document Oriented Databases) when it's appropriate with an ecosystem of parsers and different database systems for different aspects of the Websites, of it's editor etc. It's not because you know how to dev websites that you are a master in development my guy. Be humble, there is a lot you don't know.)
  12. Have you played the game recently? You don't know that they optimized the veiled rivens and now they don't count towards the limit until you proceed to unveil them? If yes and you are saying that activated veiled riven with their challenges should also not be counted, seriously I would say that you just want to use every random arguments you will find once again. Because it would irrelevant as you activate them the moment you want to unveil them anyways. Wikipedia was meant and designed to work this way and it's their main focus, that's how they could over the years participate in breakthroughs in database systems and solve the new problems they were facing with there endlessly increasing size. Once again rivens are a very secondary asset and the game is not designed to load hundreds of rivens just like that. It's just like saying Office Word should have the same features for picture editing that Photoshop has just because they can do it, Word should too. You are clearly showing more and more that you have no idea of what you are talking about. The only thing you seem to know or to be precise "be convinced of" is that companies always want their best profits in any circumstances, everything is black and they don't even play their game etc. So you always have to assume the worst conspiracies and fight against them. And that anyone working for them is incompetent as if you would do better if you were there. That's just toxic nonsense.
  13. - As you were told it's definitely more than that and definitely have a bigger impact than the other stuff stored on your account as the database structure can be optimized very well for that and not rivens due to their nature. - If you try to look up for how accounts there is on warframe across all platforms, you can see numbers like 50 millions in 2021 that's a lot to multiply your "few bytes" with. - Rivens are secondary overall in the game and 180 slots limit is more than reasonable from a perspective of gameplay and not a hoarding perspective, they are here to be used not to collect dust in your infinite collection. Also globally you seem to really have hot takes about how company should do without any remotely precise idea of the implications of what you are asking. Stop debating on suppositions and make assertive claims as if you knew DE was doing some corporate greed or whatever when you literally don't have enough knowledge to justify it at all. PS : Discord is not even remotely comparable to a video game company in terms of revenue and capacity. They also do sell data a lot which is a very solid income to cover the costs of storage. Discord also for long had a lot of limits towards uploads, limited to premium users. Discord is also now removing uploaded content after it a while to recover space. Stop trying to pull up every random arguments you can think of, that's not helping any healthy debate.
  14. Trials This was the only really consistent thing pushing clans & alliance players on working together more beginners and advanced players. And it was a nice rendezvous you could plan daily or multiple times a week.
  15. Overall railjack units are stronger by nature compared to their counterparts tbh. I remember a Grineer unit with some kind of cold ignis dealing way more damage than I would have expected. Also if you were doing some relic missions, the void rift explosions are quite brutal in general, that might just be that.
  16. Stomp significantly slows down enemies with overguard & bosses instead of lifting them up. That's the only hard CC that works and is intended to work.
  17. 15m base healing range is not what I call "wide range" in warframe standards especially when it relies on a 5m fixed spread radius that is very ineffective without a way reliable to force the enemies into grouping. Can't kill enemies at all past a few levels (just like his passive that wasn't even mentioned so far), and so either fails to spawn sand clones or relies on other ways to kill it. It also doesn't work on any real threat as most of them are immune to such CC. The only reliable thing is the healing but your 1 and 4 provide that already, so what for? And his 1st ability augment is a much more efficient way to spawn sand clones all together. So I really don't see what devour really adds at all. What sounds very surprising to me is that you seem to hear the kind of critics I have towards Inaros' kit for the first time? Which I find a bit weird since it's been criticized repeatedly for years in the community and more than many agree that there are definitely issues to be addressed on that topic. I thought nothing had to be proved anymore on that topic. And remember that you asked me what was wrong with Inaros, and claimed it was the tankiest warframe in the game. I gave you already a lot of details why it wasn't the case and what were the issues, yet you seem to never be satisfied. PS : Rhino's charge is indeed terrible because it has to be paired with its augment to make Iron skin scale better. It also doesn't really serve any other practical purpose as the charge itself is only a silly fun ability and not much of a functional one. But Rhino even though I'd love to see him getting some changes at least brings a very good CC that affects most of immune enemies and give a very neat buff for himself and allies together with being resilient.
  18. The problem is that his only perk is health tanking with which we already have a lot of other options that all bring more to the table than Inaros and have more than just 2 on 4 functional skills. And yes for most content he will survive, I was surely exaggerating his survivability limits but that doesn't change the point. Most of other Warframes survive very well too against every basic units at this point thanks to their abilities and/or stats and can struggle against enemies like accolytes too. And generally in the biggest part of the game EVERY Warframe can do well, there is no exception. Although they all bring more than just health tanking and overall most of them also help teamplay in different ways, Inaros doesn't really. And when your warframe is only about health tanking which has its limits, it would have to be almost perfect to make sense to sacrifice all your gameplay for only more health tanking. So Inaros getting killed quite easily by accolytes sucks 10 times more than for any other warframes. That's the only relevant argument he has for him yet it's not good enough. And truthfully the fact his 2nd and 3rd ability are beyond forgettable is a real shame in his kit. Maybe if these abilities were greater we could excuse him his weaknesses on tanking, but unfortunately we are far from that today.
  19. He's not really the tankiest warframe x) His CC on his 1st abilitiy is decent, yet forces a very slow gameplay if you go for finishers. His 2nd and 3rd ability are notoriously terrible. He's 4th ability really shines with his augment only and his mostly a passive ability, because releasing the scarab curse thing lacks so much propagation range (5m unaffected by mods) and overall all his kit scales poorly with mods otherwise. But yes, I agree, it would be a very good CC and healing ability if it was really able to spread properly. Overall you just play him in mid level content to ignore the fact you have HP to deal with because no enemies will be able to deal with this stats at this point. But then Inaros still doesn't have that much armor and lacks any damage reduction ability, he just has a lot of health that's it. He will get killed easily in Steel path content if you stay more than 10mins in. He's definitely outclassed by many other warframes that relies on tanking with health, especially since Inaros barely provides anything outside of some tankiness. Nidus has good CC and damage for instance, Chroma brings huge weapon buffs and Grendel also provides armor strip and weapon buffs and DPS abilities while carrying extremely close stats compared to Inaros. And then you can also think about other ways of tanking, Hildryn with her shield regeneration together with adaptation has nothing to envy to Inaros and she brings useful abilities to the table too. And then if you really just want to tank and don't care much about your abilities you still have Mr. Revenant that owns his very broken Mesmer skin.
  20. - No. Riven disposition is healthy and rivens were since the beginning designed to help balance out outdated and unpopular weapons and not to make your toys even more broken and create a greedy market. It's enjoyable if you get a ridiculous riven for an unpopular and less meta weapon and turn it into a war machine. Pushing meta weapons beyond their limits on the other end is just powercreep and the goal of rivens would absolutely not be respected. - CO, Blood rush etc are more than fine as is? Melee isn't trash and never went to the point it really has been. And it just got fairly buffed. If there is an issue with melee, it's more about the gameplay given by some stances that can be annoying. - No. Just like Pablo said on his twitter, this kind of boss is more of a challenge easter egg rather than anything else, they won't give a reason to farm this boss beyond getting the cosmetic trophy reward that is already there. And with how the boss is designed around denying most of what you can bring against him (to make sure no cheese would trivialise the challenge) it's a lot healthier to not encourage farming it. - Kullervo has overguard gate and an easy way to refill quickly his overguard so it's more than fine. Nidus has his passive and very high resilience with his kit overall. Inaros sucks and always sucked, he needs a rework. Having only health for Inaros is not a design flaw, his whole kit is a design flaw tbh.
  21. Specific weapon skins that only retexture them work, like camo skins and conclave skins, but as soon as there is a model swap it stops working. Which is nice sometimes, like the conclave skin on the angstrum is neat imo.
  22. Limbo is definitely fine and quite a few use cases where he excels, but he comes with some level of technicity that make him hard to work properly with squadmates which is only why he's really disliked tbh. I really have missions where I see Limbo as a very good option and feel powerful using Limbo, with Nyx it never happens. I only use Nyx with a cheesy build for circuit whenever my choices are not great. But it's choosing between inappropriate warframes and picking the least worse of the choices. But as always, I do respect people that enjoy Nyx, yet, as you said her ball sucks and her Chaos is sadly outdated and her strip can be even replaced with a better one through the helminth system and her mind control is cool but it's not good enough to make it a reason to use her much... So yeah.. it's not looking great for Nyx. I don't think she needs huge design changes to be back as a decent warframe choice (mid/end game meta-wise), but she is definitely in a big need of some tweaks in her kit imho.
  23. That would be surprising that it would actually help in any way. The progression on the event is global and just seems to progress naturally by itself at a rate that depend on how many clans fed their gargoyles, not how many curses they needed to feed it. DE didn't really tell us how exactly it works so we can just guess by seeing how it goes so far. And to me it really looks like an interception mission and all the points to capture and defend would be all the gargoyles to feed in every dojo each week. At least that's kinda what it looks like and how it's described in game.
  24. Sure, it was the base idea. But it was never released that way. When they developed it, they realized there had to be some kind of rewards for playing it for it not to be bland. You are just arguing with the early concept which has never been a thing as is. And overall I think that's healthy for the playerbase to reward building skills and strategies with harder content a little bit and overall pushing the game further. And also having more interests for some synergies and all the many different kinks you can find in your arsenal diversity. And the way they do it with steel path so far, they are not gatekeeping important gear that would matter for a non steel path player.
  25. Since when there wasn't supposed to be any reasons to play SP over regular mode? As far as I'm aware, Steel essence have been a existing since SP release so... I mean there has always been exclusive content to get there... And I mean in general in terms of farming efficiency aside from the global drop increase, SP has a higher spawn rate, so it's always been more optimal if your DPS followed. I really don't see where is your point?
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