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  1. As mentioned, I was running a solo Archon hunt spy mission and had some epic stutter - every 10 sec game would freeze for about 0.5 sec. That being said, as soon as I solved the last lock (remember, those are the Narmer-specific ones), the stuttering instantly stopped and did not appear even once until the end of the mission. IDK if those two are connected in any way (seems obvious they are), but hopefully it could help tracking down the issue.
  2. Mine isn't quite crashing, but the performance with the recent updates took a major dip.
  3. The micro-stutters have been an issue for me for a very long time, but recently Kahl missions became utterly unplayable. Last 2 weekly runs the game was freezing every 20-30 sec for about half a second. Verifying, optimizing etc. had no effect. Any ideas? Not just with this one, but micro-stutters in general.. Thanks in advance! 🙂
  4. Did you use FPS cap or V-sync? I've had this problem for the longest time
  5. Same problem here. Before the last update I had a rather consistent FPS (with microstutters, but that's how it always was). But after the last patch it fell of the cliff, especially in Duviri, with very low FPS and low GPU utilisation. 3080Ti
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