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Posts posted by -BKB-SamuarJoe

  1. do not equip melee if you're interacting with something, cause you could get unable to interact bug
    how to do it :- (Client bug)
    1. equip melee like Sancti Magstar
    2. hack console or revive a person
    3. after that event, you will unable to move, opening main menu will 'remove' unable to move bug but you will unable to use skill or weapons
    4. able to interact like revive but will result same as #3
    5. the only way to reset is by, downing or die
    6. don't try using equiping melee if you're interacting with something
    7. enjoy

  2. do not equip melee if you're interacting with something, cause you could get unable to interact bug
    how to do it :- (Client bug)
    1. equip melee like Sancti Magstar
    2. hack console
    3. after hack, unable to move, opening main menu will remove unable to move bug but you will unable to use skill or weapons
    4. able to interact like revive but will result same as #3
    5. the only way to reset is by, downing or die
    6. enjoy

  3. is there a way that prevent 'ANY' conclave invites? i do tend to have conclave invites from random person (which i don't like changing to friend only in settings cause might other people want to invite PvE game)
    make a button for it for it in setting! (thanks for the octavia slider btw o3o love it)

    just today i had 23 invites for conclaves :sadcry:

  4. @[DE]Danielle

    Lua Spy 'Portal & Visual' is Broken
    1. I can't teleport back to 'present' after doing the A or B spy (the one with lots of lasers) .............. dT-Tb
    2. I can't differentiate which is which, cause when i do Spy A, it records as C .............. d@_@b

    3. stuck on the same place for 4 times .............................. d-_-b

    3. ftlU5Kz.jpg

  5. in "7 days - StalkerShadow Farming" i gotten (stalker just loves me when i doing invasion or medallion collection)

    5 war bp
    2 b-war bp

    6 despair

    2 hate

    17 dread

    3 warBlade

    5 warhilt


    yeah this thing is broken, fix plz DE cause i'm a 'dread' person?

  6. yeah i do play em at 60 fps (uncapped refresh rate - 75 fps), most of the time, except when all the infested AI ganked on me which dropped down 48 fps which is above playability fps which is 30, yeah,  we DO struggle on machine that have fps leak somewhere even updated drivers on it, most of the player base is mid tier machine
    so we can't complain something about the FPS leak?

  7. 1BO0gAR.jpg

    it even prevent me from playing her :( usual fps in normal play are 48-60fps

    now it's down to 15-22 fps if 'just' enable METRONOME
    before the latest patch, playing with her is fun, i think this is due to latest patch?

    changing 'energy' color don't yield desired result :(

  8. 31 minutes ago, Clowee said:

    I don't lose fps but I do find it problematic while playing her.  I turned my power color black so as to be able to see what's below me when using a fast beat

    i lose them from 60 fps which is normal warframe gameplay even in horde mode down to 15-20 fps :( using octavia 3rd ability E1M1 song will try updating latest GC driver might solve the problem?

  9. can you guys tone down Octavia 3rd ability, it eating my FPS greatly from point i can't move a damn thing especially those with lots of 'rings' count

    i even turn off all medium setting play with lowest settings and still getting 15-20fps with octavia 3rd ability enabled (high ring count)
    which is problem when have 2-3 octavia players that uses high ring count song :( barely even move

  10. can you guys tone down Octavia 3rd ability, it eating my FPS greatly from point i can't move a damn thing especially those with lots of 'rings' count

    i even turn off all medium setting play with lowest settings and still getting 15-20fps with octavia 3rd ability enabled (high ring count)

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