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Posts posted by Svenarx

  1. Put the cooldown of Energize to 5 seconds...


    We are no more space Ninja with long space sabers (melee nerf).... Now, we are slow snails with small knifes... waiting (for energize) and wasting more and more time... Maybe, DE forget his game spirit !

    • Like 1
  2. il y a 6 minutes, (XB1)VintarDragon16 a dit :

    DE make arcane like aura mods at level 5 so the effect will be shared to entire team.

    Arcane energize and pulse are already share on a small area.... But it ll be nerfed. Maybe they want to increase the pulse area, but the cooldown and duration give a bitter taste.... This cooldown will give the game less dynamic, less fun...

  3. AI Aimbots
    Up until now in Warframe, the higher the enemy level, the better their accuracy. High-level enemies would be pinned at the best Accuracy they are capable of - not quite 100%, but getting pretty close! Things like your movement and Mods would reduce accuracy, but the potential for bad ‘Aimbot’ moments was too high. We have spread this progression across a greater range of AI now We are decoupling enemy accuracy from level to reduce the overall ‘Aimbot’ like behaviours you face at higher levels.


    How this AI Aimbots will affect Octavia Mallet ?

    With Energy Nerf (the cooldown and duration), it ll no more able to play Naramon with some warframe and build (like Khora or saryn) !?

  4. Hello,
    A bug was observed when we are in red crit with the naramon at max x12. If the crit chance "charm" from smeeta kavat is active, then the red crit becomes Orange for all weapons (melee, primary...)

    I hope it will be fixed,

    Thanks in advance


    Another bug, sometimes in railjack missions the splash from "progress & rewards" stay block at the end of mission.... when we hold TAB just before the end.

  5. All nerf are killing slowly but surely the game ! The new contents are really poor... Dev means "developpment" not nerf ! So, improve the game... Use yours brains... Warframe have players because it was a different game. Stop to copy the other ephemeral games.....

  6. Currently, dev don t developp really great contents... They prefer to nerf usefull items, warframe, so players will be forced to play slowly with all basic stuffs... And waste More Time on this game.

    Here, it should be better to improve : K drive and other archwings... But it s more easy to nerf... 

    Currently, i see and i saw too many nerfs... 


  7. Melee combo, sliding attack, maimstrike are in the game since the beginning... The game is still here since 2013, change the base is not a good think... DE stop to listen new slashers players who play 1 month and leave the game... it's nice to add contents, but not to change the basics that made the game so successful

    nerf range damage, ember, banshee, next melee range, sarynnn, ...is a bad way ! See the others games who have been modified too much... Those games are dead !

  8. All range DMG seem to be nerf since fews months... i dont like it

    Ember : range dmg nerf.... Ember is dead.

    Banshee : hearthquake...

    Next time : melee range nerf.... thks for guys who bought riven for scoliac many plat.... (Thks for after, people will need less plat to buy cheap riven after nerf...)

    Next range dmg nerf : Sarynn nerf ? (and equinox ?)

    Continue to nerf the game and players will leave the game... (welcome new players, you will pass 10hours to do the same before in 1hour...)

    Stop to level down weapons, all warframe to have same dps, same range... The game will become so boring if all are the same.

    The richness of warframe comes from the variety of weapons (range, power, style,...) and really different warframes (control, range dps, melee dps...)

    And don't think that players will play more melee weapon after the nerf.... (the majority of player come in the game, if they dont have weapons or melee weapon, they wait and do nothing....)

    Range melee weapons are really useful and important for weak warfame to be able to kill ennemies before they kill them...

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