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  1. Currently, when Inaros with Negation Armor and max rank Arcane Deflection triggers the on-death effect of Negation Armor, he goes into the invulnerability period and is affected by a slash proc at the end of it. Arcane Deflection at rank 5 should give Inaros a more than 100% chance to resist that slash proc. Is this working as intended?
  2. I use loadout slots extensively, especially for new content. As loadouts get deleted to free-up space and new ones get created, loadouts that used to be "grouped" together (either for content or thematic reasons) get separated. As it stands currently, the only way to re-order loadouts is to delete and re-create loadouts, or adhere to strict naming conventions that allow for proper sorting by name (which is tedious and highly disruptable by future loadouts). It would be nice to be able to drag loadouts to re-order them, so that similar thematic or content-related loadouts are always grouped together.
  3. Ghost Ship Atherum is recruiting new members for our casual clan. If you are looking for a clan ahead of New War, give us a shout. Outside of major content releases, we don't play any one game exclusively. We currently have players for Warframe, Path of Exile, and League of Legends. Ideally, you are: - an adult; - looking for a laid-back guild; - looking to play more than just one game exclusively; - looking to meetup evenings (after 9pm Eastern Time). If you're all those things, send me a message for a Discord invite and we'll go from there.
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