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Everything posted by Colies

  1. Knockdown may be one of the ways to cause this bug, in my case, this could happen even without any enemy attacking me. I can only speak for myself, I really have not encountered this bug with a stable connection host, not even once. And in case you are wondering, my definition of a stable connection is, that you don't experience any weird delay during active fights where a bunch of VFX blinds your eyes, bugs often happen in this situation because the host's hardware can't keep up with that many calculations, so you can't just simply look at the ping to judge is the host connection good or bad. not to mention if the host is using a VPN, you only see the ping of you and the VPN, not the host.
  2. If you die on casting kullervo's wrathful advance you gain permanent invincible after reviving however you will no longer be able to move or attack. Usually, this is impossible due to the ability to make you invincible while casting. but with unstable internet connection, this becomes possible. not hating but it mostly happens when the host is from China. my guess is the China GFW system has messed up the data transfer order to cause this problem.
  3. This bug has been existing for years, I'm sure many players have encountered the bug, I do not know why it hasn't been fixed yet. I here provided everything I know so far related to this bug and hope this bug gets fixed sooner......or later Operationally : Network : What this bug does to gameplay: Strange thing : If that is unfixable please just give us something like /kill or /respawn.
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