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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1.  first off, 2 days ago i sold mods to a mr3 who had 450,000 credits.  I'll leave that there.  for  genetic degradation well, most grineer mobs you see are  degrading flesh attached with metal parts overtime, they are clones just like your pet is when you do incubation.  A stasis chamber doesn't do what a sentinel slot does.  A sentinel doesn't need maintenance.  the chamber is to keep your pet frozen so it doesn't die while a slot is just a slot, prices may vary.  And the game isn't punishing you, its encouraging you to get to the next level of knowledge of it.  you have been worthy of a pet because of your efforts, but this does not mean that the amount of plat you can have can determine how many chambers you can have as a new player.  Mastery is already bypassed when you buy gear and frames with platinum in the market, getting to mr5 isn't unfair to have access to what you want.

  2. frost ember are part of fire and ice pack released last year.  Based on my calculation and the mount of time I've played, loki should have been out instead of mag/rhino.  I'm guessing next vaulting will be one prime  along with new release of a regular frame while trinity gets in.  my guess is straight up loki to be next unvaulted. he is the oldest remaining in there.

  3. by the time you get to mr10  you should be done with the strange quest.  if you got to cephalon simaris you must know you can go practice mr tests from there.  and if thats too much to let sink in there are too many content creators uploading the tests. 

  4. the reason why nobody is replying is because they probably figured out you're a new player, and probably won't bother helping you understand a few things.  



    Trading and gameplay are 2 different things.  whenever you're not in a mission your time playing stops, because timer is only affected by actual gameplay in missions.  Trading has a social aspect.  you interact with another player, communicate then trade.  the amount of trade transactions is determined by your mastery rank.  There is not point rushing a trade, you could get scammed, you could misplace a part you want to trade, you could ruin sets, and 5 slots are actually an upgrade compared to when the game had 3.  These are not issues they are actually how the game works.

  5. like i said in another thread with the same topic, you want people to know your intentions after dying play with friends.  you can't expect a random player to know you want to die to revive with your sentinel.  the game cannot change because of a lack of communication between players.

  6. Veteran players know their way around I think?  No veteran player complains about these things, so this is clearly  not a veteran issue.  We got that part handled.  bosses are invulnerable for a short period so what you need to do is time that period and make your moves accordingly. Invulnerable frame Vs short period invulnerable boss =  diversion for the rest of the squad. Because neither of them can kill each other within a short period.  it's just not the typical boss fight of every game.

  7. warframe isn't made for everyone.  I prefer to stick with a game and see it grow than to go back to a game where in the second sequel you have to start all over.  oh well, when you come back you'll still have everything from where you left. hope that 60$ will be worth it, if not, already a warm welcome back.

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