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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. I think the infested room was an opportunity for DE to come up with new infested weapons that would require more resources compared to the usual research.  I say this because, if you are not at that point yet, at some point in the game you pile up a crazy unnecessary amount of resources.  From that same room I had hoped for some more lore content describing where they would come from, the enemies who would use them and an introduction to enemies who also would use mods. Like a whole section with a different foundry and mod section with completely different mods from what we know.  imagination at its best.

  2. might as well say riven mods are BS too.  Technically for you to reach primed vigor and have it locked would mean you don't have that much gear built to reach a certain mastery.  Many people say mastery doesn't matter, for this case it actually does.  If you had primed vigor at mr5 for example this would give you extreme advantage over mr5's like you.  This was an example but there are ways to stay mr5 and get primed vigor, you would just have to not build anything from your last crafts, and just login regularly until you get it.  And this is where the game sets its bars.  And I'm sorry but a 300 day player can't get what a 500 day player deserves as a reward.its already in everybody's advantage to bypass mastery by buying frames and weapons with platinum , including potato and slot.  What will you say when you completely understand how arcane enhancements work? Players with less platinum should be able to get them cheap? Welcome to the grind of your life.

  3. starting monday your equipped mods will be darken.  Secodnly it's all about knowing how to interact with UI.  you know, sort stuff.  you want to get rid of duplicates, sort by duplicates.  Now a feature where you could Delete all duplicates would sound less risky.  But considering players like me sell mods and keep a few duplicate primed mods...this does not sound like a good idea.

  4. or just give us the 2 extra slots like the companions have.  The reason why we wish for primed warfare mods is because of the lack of diversity and balance in builds.  we can all balance all our stats to 100+, call it balanced, but thats only according to 8 slots.  Exilus slot well, there's not much we can do with this can we.

  5. Solo extraction is related with the peer to peer subject.   in order to have it working properly DE would have to provide a dedicated server for console platforms just to make it easier for a host to leave without interrupting the others with a host migration.  It's a simple issue requiring considerable investment 

  6. if you notice anything deserving to be nerfed its probably because someone is abusing it or it's buggy, nothing else.  if players don't stop spamming and be less selfish or self centered in squads DE will just remove stealth multiplier one day.  Too much misleading threads  making them change things they don't need to (sometimes).  Keep in mind that being a dev doesn't mean they do 7 hour endurance runs, most of the time they are working in the core of things and do basic testings.  Now with great power comes great responsibilities and for the game's case, if you're OP at least be conscious enough to create a fun environment for others and not just you.  Overtime something gets nerfed/fixed something else comes up and sometimes for the same thing they already reviewed.  when you play this game enough you WILL eventually have OP builds and being the most OP'd player in a squad doesn't make it necessarily fun for others who are not if you're all over the place..  They won't play solo because of the spawning rate and get bored of killing everything without anybody present to see their "achievements"  but will go public and ruin our experience.  Besides the bugs they might have to fix, the rest is self consciousness at this point.

  7. i think the issue here in this thread context is the enemy AI.  If i share your opinion it would seem that enemies don't interact enough and are very slow when it comes to recovery.  Scaling kinda masks these issues since  at some point the enemies are very resistant and hit very hard.  The most interactive mobs in the game are Tyl Gregor and grineer manics.

  8.  I will simply say self damage is the "human" part of the game where you have to be careful with your nukes, and the only reason there could be a debate about self damage is because we've had tonkor dealing with none for too long. Considering you want crazy amount of damage to deal with heavy armored units or just tough enemies, logically you shouldn't even be able to survive certain weapons you've modded, at all, if not all of them especially if your build is viral or corrosive based, since we know what these damage types do (blast is like rhetorical).  the game is actually making life easier for us while trying not to distort the reality of things.  And i still don't know why warframes extract intact after a mission where they literally got wrecked, while corpus mobs get their helmets popped off all the time.



    I would prefer our health pool displayed or worked the same way as you would notice for a corrupted heavy gunner.  Yellow when we still have armor and red when its strips off completely with a  progressive color degradation you can deal with by keeping away from damage so your armor restores 100% but not right away, like a reboot, cooldown or something like what magnetic damage does to your frame.  I'd damage myself just to admire the mechanics.

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