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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. If Region chat wasn't of any relevance it would not be implemented in the game.  I play for very long periods, travel around between relays, run missions, trade, go to region chat in different times of the day and night.  And I can tell you from experience that people go crazy way more often in region chat than any other spot in the game. Now what nobody is saying is that the issue is a "people's behavior" issue, not a game issue and DE is not responsible for home or personal education.   Also, as a player who is around very often I know for a fact that a certain hours of the day they have moderators on these chats, you know, the "purple beings" in there.  They actually do a good job whenever they're around.  and I mean they literally scroll up the chat, identify whoever is acting up and kick/ban/suspend or whatever they're entitled to do in their line of work.  So if manual monitoring works And DE is growing after every major update, i do not see the issue with getting more moderators on there and revisit their bots so that they assist moderators in a more rational way.  So unless DE comes up with this futuristic AI Bot that can determine the context of a word based on your typing, the bots definitely need a "rework".  I say this because a word can be offensive, but a sentence can be more offensive without any misplaced word so why rely on a bot most of the time to kick a player for one word while someone else just puts 2 spaces between every character or diplomatically insults you.  it's doing fine with all the drop locations and bars so far, and also with certain words which even in real life are very disrespectful.  but honestly, whenever there are no moderators someone would say "gay" or "wtb" in region chat and get kicked while dozens of people are saying "f%$# Trump" while bot is saying someone might be able to help you.  Region chat is there for a reason and the bot clearly states it.  I'll leave it just here and leave the part where someone who just downloaded the game and needs help gets a cancer region chat as first impression of the game.  



  2. The only time I used corrosive projection was when players in recruiting chat were precise about it when squadding for golem assassination, that was 2 years ago.  All my builds now either have growing power, stand united, energy syphon or rejuvenation.  When Condition overload got into the game, melees with corrosive/viral/slash proc's became my thing on another side.  Since I'm on console and update isn't live yet and hearing that enemies get harder the closer you get to completing it now, i'd say if you don't have access to all the fancy mods CP is a good way to start.  Just keep in mind that enemy scaling at a certain extent results in considerable falloffs on DPS/KPS (damage per second/kill per second).

  3. impossible at this point.  nothing more from the market can be given away for free in alerts.  Free to play game, free helmet blueprints, free reactor/catalyst blueprints.  Trading cosmetics will never be a thing where its their bread and butter.  what you need to do is grind for that plat.  

  4. i thought people figured this out :D  I had limbo when he first got out, leveled him and sold him XD  when i heard about the rework i just bought him to see what it was about. Now get this straight, when i had him before i was confused AF about his abilities (who wasn't)  but after a few hours of testing in simulacrum I understood why banishing could be done anytime, it defines how advanced you can be with limbo with your play style. if you can master this, know that as a limbo main you will get more hate and more players leaving squad, you've been warned XD    :

    the first thing you do is glide into the rift then stasis.  next is cataclysm then rift surge.  now disable cataclysm.  obviously you know by now that every riftsurged enemy including the ones you already froze are all in the rift except you.  Banish has been reworked to affect multiple enemies for situations like the one i explained, and its only intentional in that specific order that banish now can also be used as a last resort ability to have more crowd control in case you missed an enemy who just got in your area.  so glide into the rift then 2 4 3, disable 4 and 1 for the remaining uncontrolled enemies.  its the only useful tactic for me.

  5. I personally don't like pvp. I initially left a PvP game for warframe but my opinion about PvP doesn't overtake the idea of a game designed with various modes since warframe is unique in it's way and it can take time for a PvP lover to just stick to PvE.  I can't say i'm in the right position to question wether the pvp system is clunky or not but if a part of the community likes it, i don't think threads can be strong enough to burry suggestions to make it more fun for players who like it.  I will agree that the community behavior towards pvp overall can influence the devs, so if you don't like pvp and see someone talking about it, its because they like it, give them a break.  hopefully the less rants on the subject might give a chance to the more experienced pvp players to give their point of views  and devs could pick up on positive changes.

  6. since navigation coordinates are a thing required especially for new players starting and its importance for quests ( and i have a bunch of  them after 2000+ hours), yeah why not?  coordinates lead to locations we don't know about so this can fit right in.  Except that we should give them a little time with Eidolon and see how this goes first :)

  7. if you're mr4, unless you do ALOT of research concerning the game's mechanics, enemy types and damage types that affect them i would suggest you pick just one frame.  Go with  a tank frame so you stay alive enough time to experience the damage types.  Among the tanks are inaros rhino and chroma.  You will have to do a little you tubing for builds and understand how mods affect the frame, so save cosmetics for a later time so you can buy the necessary mods to complete certain builds.  You also need high effective weapons critical status or hybrid based which will also require certain mods and a little research on how to build them.

  8. critical chance, critical damage, punch through, fire rate, status chance.  these are the preferable stats to get on your riven for the z huge in my opinion. you might not get all of them together but if you get at least 2 of them you will save mod slots where you can add other preferred mods according to your play style.

  9. You have to work on a synergy between your frames abilities and your weapon outputs.  A lot of unexperienced players have the tendency to rely only on their weapons and the obvious case is not knowing how to mod properly and know which damage type affects a given faction.  There are thousands of youtube videos from content creators and warfare partners which can help you out with synergy and modding.

  10. No matter how good your stats are, people go for maxed rivens more often than r0 ones.  from the beginning if you want someone to do mind calculation to buy a riven mod you will never sell.  and its even a relevant fact when you post the thread and expect us to X 9 your stats to answer your question.

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