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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. theres nothing lazy about wanting alternate fire more simple.  There are too many games out there with this simple feature and last time i checked there isn't even a trophy for using alternative fire the most.

  2. I don't know if it's cheating,  but if they can spend 7 hours in callisto (15-20)  to get an Ambulas that scales high enough to get more points, wouldn't it be smarter to go to pluto or neptune for higher level enemies to start with, and less time?  Like really.

  3. PvP just needs to be redone completely, period.  Based on the fact that it works differently wether it's the damage system or its separate mods, it does not contribute to any additional skills. To me PvP is a totally different game mode which has nothing to do with the core of the game, it's like two different games in one.  Not saying it's bad, but if I want to kill time there are too many games on my phone to do so.  The only players I know who play Pvp are players who do not understand the game and  with no patience for the grind (that's on my end).  


  4. How about just explaining that the plat economy is setup a way. the post is clearly not from a veteran player and clearly has a hard time making plat.  


    All you need to do is come up with your own routine combining several task at a time.  What I do is random runs with the relics i have the most (lith) for traces and junk (good parts drop once in a while).  Farm the most important relics to you (i usually run hieracon)  then refine them radiant to squad up in radiant runs from recruiting chat.  You get a good part you can sell or complete a sell you can sell for much more, and junk for ducats when baro comes.  so in one routine you get ducats, good parts and eventually platinum.  



    That's how you help someone who has a hard time.

  5. its sounds more like you would want every weapon in the game to be endgame viable. what would happen is every new player would unlock every planet in a few hours without having to build new weapons or frames and remain mr5 forever (needless to say all frames would have to be endgame viable too). The whole concept of mastery,  mastery locked weapons, rivens, mods, enemy scaling would have to be all revisited.  if thats not what you mean well,  maybe more weapons need buffs, but  a mk1 braton will never be as powerful as a soma.

  6. since you have a considerable amount of slash damage, relentless combination(each slash tic resets combo counter) enduring affliction (any proc lasts longer) and condition overload(extra 60% damage for each type of status) would increase your output damage. depending on which frame companion  or lens you use you can sacrifice true steel.  

  7. there is a browser integrated in the consoles operating system, its not there for just news bulletins.  anything you can't understand is explained in the wiki, and there are question to basic stuff and the answer is right under their fingers.  if you can't find a specific resource its either you're not far enough in the game to have access to it, or maybe you are but never pressed R3 when inside the planet.  for quests i can understand, but still the wiki is there.  There are way too much forums and blog aside the main source information for a player not to be able to get around.

  8. I do the balance between everything because of public runs with random squads.  156% duration, 100% efficiency, 145% power range and 215% power strength. In random runs you have no idea what to expect but your own performance and survivability (it's just how it is).  So I go with growing power, power drift, Primed continuity, Primed flow, constitution, transient fortitude, intensify, stretch, steel fiber and vitality.  Growing power is just insurance for me, aura mod can be anything you want.

  9. I'm sure DE has to deal with host migration issue on a  regular basis, and I'm also sure that certain cases are host players leaving mission when it just started because of several reasons including not having a squad with relic dropping interesting stuff, DE definitely takes the blame for this seamlessly.   I just went in 3 consecutive runs and hosts keep leaving.  Is it possible to penalize players who quit before having 10/10 reactants to open a relic?  it would not affect defense and survival where players would have already opened a couple of relics.  Bugs in a game can be fixed but player behaviors will not.  

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