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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. We players created endgame or should i say, adopted it.  Players are used to endgame as staying long in MOT or other survival and defense missions.  if you could do like a game where you could setup the difficulty for a mission or content (Have 4 levels of difficulty like the Void system but for any location in the game), a higher capacity for traces and and 1 or 2 new refinement levels with higher drop rates, warframe would be endgame aware forever.  

  2. Let's try make this short.  A clan that reaches maximum Capacity will not stay in that state eternally.  As Certain clans have a kick policy based aside their own general rules on a certain amount of days inactive,  Players sometimes grow in a clan they are eventually going to leave wether its to have their own or feel like going to another one.  


    With a flow of players coming in and out between recruiting/kicking them, and with the various updates a clan member with access  does with MOTD it is hard to fit in clan rules with the character cap.  So I was wondering if it would be too much to have a separate rules tab where owners can set their rules, simple as that.

  3. You can't change player behavior by restricting them from what they feel like doing. might as well find a way to make players stop rushing missions too.  this is a game, not an office job.  but on an optimistic note, why not have a repair system where if you go down you have to give your frame time to repair, the more severe the damages the more time to repair, rsh like in foundry if necessary.  This would make players play with more frames than just one or two.  

  4. Playstyle gets into how you build a frame, thats the first thing you have to keep in mind.  For frost if you like crowd control you might want to focus on range and strength, with basic mods it should not be a problem.  a little survivability might come in hand, armor and health. Rest is up to you basically.  Loki is built many ways but essentially for range and duration, some builds are based on strength for advanced players.  I would suggest you keep farming for other corrupted mods (since its better to have them all to complete a build) or trade your bling rage for transient fortitude.  you will sacrifice power duration with this mod compared with blind rage where you would sacrifice efficiency.  

  5. You won't get octavia quest if you haven't completed last gambit.  you can't complete glass gambit if you haven't completed the war within. you can't complete the war within if you have done sedna junction (I think) and the second dream quest. This has nothing to do with mastery.

  6. it would be hard to pull off at this point of the game.  any amount of plat you could think of and as often as you would set it would be a loss or a disadvantage for the devs.  Why?  Any amount you choose to think of will either give access instantly or an accumulative way to cheap sets.  Let's say this plat would only be useable in market, what would be the point of winning something you can't use fully.  

  7. if you're running a build with for example 50% strength, the damage you read while absorbing is reduced to half, logically.  Absorb is only affected by efficiency range  and power strength.  I run a chaos build with 40% strength.  100% strength = 200 absorb per second and with my 40% strength build is now 80.  hope this helps.

  8. The only downfall of warframe market is that every platform is mixed.  But yes, Posting things there get your mind off them, then you can go farm for other stuff.  It would be more efficient if there was just an easy to identify who is pc and who is ps4/xbox.  To me that's why sales don't go faster there.  I had a galatine prime bp there for 3 months forgot about it, i sold it yesterday.  Or maybe implement the same concept in bazaar?  

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