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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. Take a step back and think for a second.  If the grind was as it is now and you couldn't buy or bypass a grind or quest, what would you be saying today?  I think its a choice to either farm or buy.  Buying yourself out is very convenient for people who barely have time to grind,  do not just think about your pockets.  You have two alternatives in this game, either you farm it or you buy it,  you either grind for plat or you buy plat. From this point of view DE isn't doing anything wrong, on the contrary we the consumers have given them a reason to setup the game a way you can just log in , buy something and sign off.  I will agree that we are giving them ways to elaborate a Farm/buy tactic but they wouldn't be doing it if there wasn't a demand.  Now Cosmetics are something else, just like DLC's.  Everything else is basically up to you to decide.

  2. I was helping a clan member with kuria scans, after a few missions when i came back to orbiter banshee prime is filled with holes.  I tried restarting the game first, it didn't work.  then tried changing colors and noticed that second pattern would give me this glitch whenever i switch to black.  Anyone else have this issue?

  3. I don't know for every platform, but very often while helping other players defeating him i usually oneshot every head 1st round and everything is fine.  But on round 2 after one shot it kills all 3 of the heads , boss freezes but only on my side of the screen.



    Edit : that was for lephantis.

  4. it's just easier to leave.  I'm a grown adult and wether you're one too or not,  this is a community.  I once  was doing sortie mission which ended with endo, one of the players said it was my F%$#%*g fault.  You have to know how to keep away from uneducated and poor minded people, just like in real life.

  5. The reason why I personally do not care or worry about riven mods is simple.  To all of you who have seen screenshots of players with may riven mods to sell, they didn't get them by doing sorties but by buying/trading.  Now, if you're a veteran or advanced player, would;dn't it be convenient to have all sorts of riven mods?  that's not what's happening.  Why?    They said it weeks ago in a  stream :  Riven mods are made to enhanced weapons you do not prefer or rarely use,  and also to make your build unique.  But they didn't mention something you should have figured out by now.  A maxed riven mod though interesting in stats makes you sacrifice 1 or 2 mods, if not redo your whole build.  I personally, as much as I would love to have more power on a weapon am quite comfortable with the way its built.  I will not sacrifice one mod slot or re-forma just because of a riven.  On another hand I wouldn't mind experimenting on weapons a rarely use because of their lack of power, and that's where I find a purpose for riven mods.

  6. If DE facilitates weapon Forma like you're suggesting,  weapon modding will go straight back to what it used to be before the update.  Riven mods are meant to enhance weapons you barely use or poor in stats but mostly, to provide you with a unique build of your own.  you can sell riven mods if you want but you're selling the opportunity of having your own unique build to someone else.  

  7. I have read and understood everyones point of view and dissapointement.  I have mine too but hey, the game is where it is now.  TWW is the shortest quest I've ever played.  The time consuming part of it for me was caused only by confusion where you don't know wether it's time to Stun the Maw or try to get through, I spent 1 hour there.  And yes, the operator is very  limited in its capabilities.  BUT,  We do not know what DE is cooking.  We played the index preview and didn't even realize it was a preview to the Kuva Fortress.  Since I farm more than anything I might be wrong, but it seems that Kuva is only meant to build the new weapons.  I have just one left to build so I don't know what the future of that resource will be.  But again we don't know what's being prepared.  There's one thing I want them to fixed Though :  when you go public it you end up in a squad where someone or more than 2 players have either the same frame or weapon.  From what I understand about RNG, this isn't RNG.  and Concerning the operator, even if he's or she's not a Frame would it be possible to have it's own modding system?  it's the only way I can think of to unlimit the operator.  

  8. Put aside the bug issues, you know what the real problem is?  People VS People.  It's not like when you do relic runs you have a 100% chance to get the part you want, so why does it bother if someone leeches really?  There are different  levels of knowledge in this game and a lot of players play every game like Marios Bros, you can't change that.  You will end up in the best squad ever, same way you could end up in one with 3 leechers.  Very often you cross players with similarities : they have partially the same load out as you or a weapon/frame/companion you own. So to come back to the subject, you will find all types of players the same way you find all types of people in society, get used to it.  You choose to squad up on relic runs to get more chances at getting good parts including yours, wouldn't that be kind of leeching?  Your problem is People, not the game.  I would not be surprised if you have a mic how rude you could be to other players and the amount of players who have ignored you,  JUST FOR A GAME.   The right way for you to play this game is SOLO or INVITE ONLY because public will always bother you.  Squad up with people with your exact same interest and you won't have to complain about anything, or play another game with less interaction with other people.  The game has its flaws like anything that's manmade, and when it comes to people facing people it's all about your patience, interaction with others.  The game has other things to be improved, all the rest is based on your own judgement.

  9. There is a lot of ways I could put this, but I will try my best to get straight to the point since the idea is to help improve the warframe experience.  



    I have been playing this game for 3 years now.  I Have been around from being a noob not understanding anything, to becoming somewhat an advisor to the newcomers and a great clan member.  Warframe has changed my ways of seeing Gaming in general. I have stopped buying games and even play the last ones I bought, to tell you how much this game has affected my perceptions in a total way.  For that I thank DE for giving me something I will never get bored of, I also admire the attention they provide to players positive opinions and suggestions about the game, while doing what is possible to please the majority.  Now cutting to the chase.


    Since I've been out of the game buying circuit there is a lot I will not speculate about.  My first chat experience in console gaming starts  with warframe.  People get kicked out for reasons like not following the chatroom rules in general.  Chatting is very useful especially if you don't have a microphone and want to communicate with squad members, Pm clan members,  players in region chat, last but not least Trading chat.  At some point I believed that Maroos Bazaar was created to facilitate trading, get good and cheap deals and obviously not having to type down what you want to Sell.  In relays well...Chatting is the main thing that keeps people around aside cephalon simaris, conclave, Darvo and syndicates,  right after Void trader since relays group a significant amount of new players with basic questions, exchange of knowledge and informaition about the game.  I'm going to stick with these facts only so I don't confuse readers and go back to maroos and chatting.


    The way I see it, if you could also post up items you'd want to buy there would be no need to chat.  There should not be a specific time to go to maroos, no personal opinion about how people interact and talk back to you, no complaining about beggars, it should be "strictly business".  The people who beg for platinum are not necessarily bad people, but they are obviously people who do not understand how the game economics work with plat (or are too lazy to farm/sell) .  Either way it's not interesting for hard grinding players to show up in a room full of people who are there just to fill the room, the relay can take that charge.  I don't know a lot about servers and all the technical aspects in background, but I'm sure that removing a realtime feature somewhere would let go off some weight.  Yes, there are a lot of minors playing the game, yes it takes a little time and effort to understand the mechanics of the game but I will also say that trade should be trade, the same way the market is just the market : you come you pick and buy and leave.  The difference between trade chat an maroos is that there is no personal approach in trading chat.  People can say things like "Cans someone give me X plat please" in trade chat you would hardly care and take care of your own business, while you take your time and locate maroos on the map, travel down, setup shop hoping to find a buyer and the first person who approaches asks you for plat.  Not only you wouldn't care, now you want  to ignore someone who just ignores the right way to earn plat, too much thinking process for just a trade.  A game is usually something you have fun with and this isn't fun to me.  My suggestion might be the most impossible thing to do, I dont know, but I did not ask for a Bidding system like I've seen many players talk about, basically wondering if there isn't a way to make maroos a real trade bazaar.  Thank you for reading.

  10. If you have to activate abilities you worked on to resist damage, you have a tank build, not necessarily a tank frame.  RHINO is a tank frame which you can get "Tankier", valkyr can become one with certain builds.  A tank frame defines a balance of base stats and abilities, one completing the other.  If you're out of energy and you have to run FAR away from ennemies because of this, you have a tank build for specific situation.  You say 2k Armor with a warcry build? you have to go through shield before health. I say her shield is weak from the get go.  Shield = resistance   Health = Survival  Valkyr survives.  

  11. i was expecting more shield from the prime version.  Same way I was expecting  more speed from rhino prime (which they did).  If you're gonna compare Rhino and Valkyr, keep in mind that Valkyr is not a Tank frame.  I also thought that releasing Venka prime would have involvement in her 4th power, other than melee stats, maybe show instead of her claws?  I was hoping she would literally use venka prime, but hey that's just me, i think it would have been a great idea.  At the end of the day you have to be skilled differently when using different frames.  Don't expect to rush into ennemies like Rhino with Valkyr, the way you play with frames has a lot to do with being skilled and smart.  We have left the Mario Bros Era a long time ago. 

  12. IVARA :  Maybe replace one of her arrows with an explosive one?

    VOLT :  There has to be a way to link Volt abilities with Electricity based weapons or electricity status builds. I'd say the same for Saryn Frost and Ember 

    NERKOS :  I see no reason why Rejuvenation can't be native the same way enemy radar is for IVARA, even if they nerfed it a little it would not even bother.


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