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Posts posted by Master_Mariner

  1. The weaponry for sentinels on a moa companion fees quiet underwhelming, i have 2 solutions in mind making the our robotic companions more usefull.

    1st: Buff the sentinel weapons, simple solution.

    2nd: additional Weapons but only for Moa´s and i think these weapons are convertions of primary weapons we already have, a weapons blueprint could need a built Supra and few other materials and you build a Supra for your Moa with all the stats of a regular Supra. Cause it would be a Robotics weapon it can´t use rivens and set mods like Hunter munitions.

    Maybe Prime, syndicate, Prisam, Wraith and Vandal weapons also convertable but that could be bit too much, but there enough standard weapons which have good stats already 


    Also want a buildable Osprey companion even it acts like a flying Moa :p

  2. Supra should be rebalanced, First Bullet speed to hit scan and Supra should be more prezise than soma couse Laser don´t have any recoil , Soma should be less precise than Supra cause of recoil of its bullets. The Supra should be Better than the Soma becouse you need more ressources for that Weapon.

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