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About -Kittens-

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  1. It is. Reminder the EULA is not even kind of legally binding in NA, EU or Japan. Period.
  2. apologies in advance for trash quality, had no idea that GXP literally has no exposed settings for bitrate or encoding anymore. no faction mods, no slash on crit mods because by the time slash kicks in the target should be dead already unless you plan on doing max level content The Synapse does about four times the damage as either of these weapons with the correct riven
  3. You literally invalidated your argument by even mentioning the Atomos, which is absolutely trash against anything with protection, and FYI the Vandal/Prisma Spectra has one of the best TTK ratios in the entire game, and can be used against anything even with absolute DR protection like Archons and Liches. Also literal lol at thinking the Atomos has even KIND of the TTK that the synapse has.
  4. Synapse is still the strongest continual after the Knukor, not even up for debate. The phage is still one the strongest shotguns in the game period, and that was before galvanized mods. While the Amprex never recovered fully after the nerf, it still hits four targets and can get orange crits without Vigilante.
  5. The entire mode is currently broken. Chipper won't use continuals until he's downed and won't reload the gun. With hitscan he fires possibly once every fifteen seconds, he also no longer attempts to seek cover until he's down to a third health, and his pathfinding to enemies is jank as hell.
  6. For some reason an old school literal room nuke with auto toxin apply is OP but having the death star chain like a fist of the north star move is fine. No one cares. BEEG NUMBAR is >literally< the generic stat of ALL incarnons. All of them. All incarnons will have BEEG NUMBAR. Players whom have been waiting >10 years< for their fave weapon to be even more weapon LIKE IT IS, but even better and flashy and cooler are now being told what they want by someone working at the company for three. It's not annoying, it's insulting, specifically in light that all of this stuff could have been polled. All you had to do was ask. I DO NOT WANT A WAL*MART KULSTAR. I want an Atomos, now with double the Clem. I do not need an exploding mace melee weapon. I have Elden Ring at home.
  7. They literally just added the Kulstar code to the Atomos since it replaced it for first run. It's awful.
  8. Just because the Kulstar wasn't ready doesn't mean I want a nine meter tether mine on my particle cannon. I realize no one asked for this but also no one asked for this.
  9. yeah I'm pretty ashamed to be a founder too.
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