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Posts posted by DenialBroh

  1. Just now, PookieNumnums said:

    As stated its not changing 

    You know what your options are

    And it would only be making excuses if we hadnt already finished the research. Instead, its fact.

    You see, maybe the hema cost won't be changed, but DE promissed that they will fix the mutagen sample drop, so you can't say it won't change

    Btw about your other post ''playes don't lift a finger'', i'm pretty sure if DE gave control to some players they would have done a much better job.

  2. About the in game chat, its very...uh how can i say this...disorganized. Everything is mixed up, region chat full of people asking where baro is or where to farm X resource. Recruiting chat as well, and i've noticed people using the trade and the recruiting chats to make questions too.

    But the big mess is the Trade chat: Basically a ocean of stuff, and if you want to buy/Sell anything you'll have to search for the person, and if you want to let people want to come for you (Classical WTS X stuff) Your offer will sink on the ocean that is the trade chat.

    Cant DE do anything about it? Like creating chats just for questions or better organization? Do you guys have any ideas? Resultado de imagem para gif trade chat Ilustrative gif

  3. Just now, Nox_Terminus said:

    Tossing out insults now are we? How classy.

    Oxium is farmable from oxium drones on any tileset they show up on. No key required

    Cryotic is farmable from any excavation mission in the game. No key required

    Even the Amesha farm was easily managed because anybody can be brought to a Nitain alert.

    Mutagen Samples only drop at an appreciable rate in the derelict, which requires keys for each entry. To get an appreciable drop rate you need to run a farming squad, with each person using boosters. Each person using boosters means you get 400 samples per person in 40 waves? Oh boy, it'll only take several hundred runs to get enough for a mountain clan, and only a few thousand for a moon clan. No, its fine we'll just basically disintegrate the clan into nothing to cheese the research cost (which in and of itself should not even be a mechanic in terms of research cost) because obviously they couldn't just have a set cost regardless of clan size.

    Your so-called solutions only serve to magnify the problem.

    This, so this. I just hate when ppl start defending obviously overpriced/half assed stuff. I'll just see what DE will do about thisResultado de imagem para samurai jack drinking tea

  4. As a big fan of DE's work i'm rather disappointed. I can freely say that this quest is the worst quest ever made by DE or anybody really. First mission is amazingly fun, with these NPCs around and having to close the infested out,i even though this quest was gonna be fun.

    But oh boi, i was wrong , five, FIVE index matches during the course of the quest. One you to win within a ''margin'' (Needless to say its a extremely bad ideia) and other one where you simply can't win and leave the player feeling completely unfulfilled. The choice thing was also awful.

    O nonononono, that doesn't end up there. Nidus, the infested warframe i was waiting so much was actually behind ANOTHER grindwall, because the quest only rewards you his blueprint, you actually have to grind a ''new gamemode'' called infested salvage, apparently it drops on Rotation C of that NEVER ENDING mission. and even then, you're not guaranteed with a Nidus part, some times what can show up is......80 endo, stretch that cool mod eh, that when you don't get another part you alredy had.

    Also the new weapon called Hema must be researched on the biolab in the dojo, what is the cost again for research? oh yeah FIVE THOUSAND mutagen samples. i barely have ten of these.

    DE i really like warframe and your work  and i don't want it to sink down, think more about these stuff

    Edit: After 20 long runs, finally got nidus, he better be worth it.

  5. 12 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    He thinks purging the Infested makes the Operator equal to the Nazi.



    Btw, close your eyes,clear your mind of in-game context and say out loud

    ''We need to purge this place, like we did in the old days''

    The first thing that came in my mind was some sort of Neo-Nazi saying they should purge some place like they did in the old days, back on the WW2


    Ofc i didn't think that killing the infested made the operator equal to the Nazi DUH.

  6. 23 hours ago, NGSBRReAPeR said:

    Makes me curious. Might just be a bunch of Razorbacks in seperate missions and there's a "Razorback Count" instead of integrity like Fomorians

    And I wonder how they're gonna destroy our Relays...

    Or maybe they rebuild them cuz Corpus repay their debts lol

    It may be just like acolytes, having a bar that depletes every time the boss is killed

  7. 47 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:


    - Benefit from the Rejuvenation Aura.

    - Can walk on zip lines, although it's janky as there is no special animation for it, so they're literally just walking. While they're on the line, they can't use Void powers.

    - Can perform ground finishers, although they do very little unarmed damage. Their Void Blast ragdolls, and thus can be used to set enemies up for those ground finishers.

    - Can perform all emotes, including Nartas and the floating meditation stance.

    - Cannot double jump, but if you time it right when jumping onto something, you can get some acceleration off of it to the far side.

    - Cannot perform other elements of Parkour 2.0.

    - Cannot use Gear.

    - Instantly refill their energy pool by picking up blue orbs.

    - Have an idle animation where they look around and kick the dirt.

    - Take falling damage, but not if they are in Void Mode when they hit the ground.

    - Can Dash high enough, going straight up, to take falling damage.

    - Have unlimited sprint stamina.

    - Cannot be viewed through remote observers, as switching to Operator mode cancels the observer.

    Gotta add that on hijack missions you can pull out the operator and capture the objective without losing anything.

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