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  1. Give us a frame that can take momentary first person control of NPC's and even pets. I think that would be hilarious, and a first for warframe powers. Imagine jumping into a grineer soldier, turning on his buddies, then jumping out as they all turn on each other, or sneaking around as your cat in spy missions.
  2. Not sure why we don't have this yet, but there it is. MOAR POWAA
  3. Here's why: we now have six different colored archon shards. There is a shard hex ephemera which can show off your shards visually which is fine, but I'd like a more elegant understated way to display them like: Five gems on your right hand, each one corresponding to the shards you have on, doesn't have to be flashy or showy, just an elegant way to wear your achievement, and a subtle nod to the mad titan himself. And I don't mean like a whole glove, just the gems in their spot on a warframes hand, one for each knuckle.
  4. Just that simple. An option to toggle off team buffs so it works on them, but not on you. For example: say you hate volts accelerate with a passion because it messes up your timing and navigation because you are not volt that day and don't want to run at mach 5 everywhere. Well, with a flip of a switch, you can turn off other frames buffs on you. Completely optional, your choice either way. I think this would be a great feature going forward. Volt can dash all he wants, all day if he has to, but he's not messing with your speed and timing and not ruining your gameplay. I think thats fair.
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