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  1. First bug post in a few years- apologies if I format poorly. Username is Kingofsunset. So I am having difficulty to describe what exactly happened. I am a vet player (MR 24, 4.5k hours) who was helping a friend with a t4 Vallis Bounty. This is partly because I am of the party of people who want to be able to access the original Vallis and Fortuna after completing New War-relevant as this is not my "native" instance of the Vallis. After the mission completed, we ended up splitting up to do conservation and grind Toroids. There were some minor latency issues at this point, but nothing bad enough to stop playing. However, when we ended up leaving the area where we were grinding (Spaceport), I attempted to mount my K-Drive and got knocked off. Afterwords, my warframe crumpled up into an unusable ball where it could not move or fire, and thusly died. After using Unairu perks to revive, the same issue with firing/moving consisted: however, my warframe now had a seemingly random color scheme (possibly my emissive colors? Possibly the color of a nearby drop {thermal sludge}) which applied to part of the frame and all the equipped weapons, with the warframe's head removed. Nothing could be done to unstick it, so I used my Operator to extract for the mission- notably, I play Excalibur Umbra- and the Ai version of the frame was able to follow me around still, though I could not return to it without the issue persisting. When we extracted the mission, I was given a "mission completed" screen: However, I only received the rewards for successfully completing the mission, not any items gathered while out on the plains- specifically missing Gorgarius Spores, 3x Sunny Pobber Tags 3x Vega Toroids ,3x Calda Toroids, and any standing gained from the mission/conservation. This is, seemingly, the "mission aborted" loot pool: completion rewards and not loot, despite the screen displaying a success and the player I was with having all of their items intact. I have no idea if this is one bug which seems to trigger unrelated effects, or me winning the bug lottery and having several happen at once- but I figured I had to post it. I do not have the ability to upload images of the bug as URL, but if contacted I can provide them
  2. Hyperspecific, have had mixed luck testing with non-exalted. However, can 100% confirm that on exalted melee weapons, life strike does not appear to heal. Weapon mods do not seem to be default, as (in testing cases) Exalted Blade deals heat/viral. Have tried this 3 times, 2x with default mods, 2x with configured.
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