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  1. Billions of DMG back on the menu, bois n gurls. 😆
  2. 190 days to go. Granted, I am not a founder and only missed ~6 days of daily login during Illinois and Nevada trip back in 2018 & 2019 respectively.
  3. There is a caveat for doing "too much" damage, especially in the endless mission type like survival or defense. Your "damage dealt" will go from 90%+ to 5-10% when all you are doing in 1-2 billion damage per kill. Sometimes I just have to "pump the breaks" per se and swap to another weapon. I guess there is some kind of a soft cap for overall damage dealt. Not 100% positive but this is what I experienced during my session in a daily basis.
  4. When DE introduced "shield gating" and I thought "wow, Mag is actually can survive and no longer get one-shotted anymore. Frames like Mag, Hildryn, Harrow and even Stynax (let me know if I miss someone) can benefit with this "mechanic" implemented by DE. Also, augment mods essentially an afterthought for Mag, IMO. Imagine Mag has all those powers given to her without augment mods, and then DE decided to give her additional augment mods with even better or alternative to her kits?! She'll be beyond busted, IMO. She is fine before and even better now after Pablo decided to "buff" her (although her current passive is doo-doo, IMO). For me, it is all about proper synergy weapons/mods/arcanes/companions based on each faction. Most Mag players I encountered just go for whatever they saw on YTs or Twitch streamers (which, by all means, not bad resources) recommended the load outs for her. "Playing" Mag and "How" to Mag are not the same thing. There are many ways to play Mag and there are no wrong ways to play her either. In short, she is fine "as is". Personally, I do not want Mag to be too popular. If you know, you know. Just my 3-cents. P.S. - I am not saying the suggestions by you guys are invalid. They are sounded fantastic. Mag mains/enthusiasts are rare these days. I do not want Mag to be the best cuz DE loves to nerf for my own selfish reason. 😆
  5. And do not forget, y'all, Polarize does nothing to infested enemies (with the exception to Juggies cuz they have armor) cuz ya know, infested is Mag's weakest faction in term of element affinity. It may tickles them a bit. 😆
  6. My go-to is Mag with Magnetize and bust out my Tenet Spirex. Works 99%, mostly. Pew Pew Pew. 😁
  7. Or you can clown him back as Mag. Rad procc'd him and put him in the bubble. Then he commits seppuku from his Opticor. 😆
  8. Mag Prime is my main and it pains me when the "RNGesus" decided "Hell Nah, you ain't getting her on SP Circuit. Suck to suck". It seems DE programmed which frames are most used and determined to percentage loadouts you will get. Just a conspiracy theory, of course. To me, it seems that way. Sadge.
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